Thursday, April 02, 2009

American Idol, Top 9 results

Because of my focus on "Lost," I recruited Star-Ledger colleague Vicki Hyman to briefly recap the "American Idol" results show each week for Hop on over there if you don't already know who got the boot, and feel free to talk about anything from the episode in the comments.


  1. Megan's little "flight" over to the bottom three (and the other contestants' cracking up at it) was the highlight of my evening. Quirky does not begin to describe her. Also, for the group number, someone needs to be more careful about where they position Scott's mic.

    Is next week really "Songs from the Year You Were Born"? In other words, "80s Night except for Allison"?

  2. I know I'm in the minority but i really liked Megan. First, she's hot as hell. Second she's quirky and original in a good way. There's a reason people like Amy Winehous, and Adell and some others are successful. Theyre different. Who wants another Kelly Clarkson, they all play the same crap.

  3. I also liked Megan, she was indeed hot as hell. But she definitely didn't deserve to win, and she made it onto the tour, so I'm not *too* bummed.

  4. I'm not bummed she got voted out because she wasn't going to win this thing, but I do think she was a victim of the "advice" given by the judges. Their contradictory critiques made my head spin, so I can only imagine what it would do to a contestant. Still, I love Megan. She was quirky and weird and beautiful and she has a nice voice that, with some coaching from someone who actually has an interest in her rather than four people who see her as an obstacle in the way of Adam, Danny and Lil, she could become a great artist at some point.

    The group sing was the least offensive of the season. Were they actually singing for the first time? Or singing live over a track? It looked and sounded better than those awful messes from previous weeks.

  5. though megan is "original" like amy winehouse and adele, she is no amy winehouse or adele. those women have pipes and megan has serious pitch problems.

  6. Okay, so Megan's not the greatest singer. However, I can't think of *anyone* who sounds like her.

    Additionally how many babes can you think of who are hot, quirky, and wholesome all at the same time?

    I believe that she's now going to get some real guidance, someone who's going to choose songs that are right for her, and she's gonna end up selling more records than any of the remaining finalists who, although some are very good singers, are pretty forgettable when you match them up to real professionals.

  7. Here's a newsflash: SHE CAN'T SING. Period. Those of you who think she can sing want to believe it because she's a beautiful and quirky girl. But DAMN she cannot sing a lick. Want proof? Listen to her croak her way through her final song on Wednesday night, but do it without looking at the screen. It is AWFUL.

  8. Does anyone know at what point the judges MUST use their save? Before the top 5? Top 3?

    I highly doubt they'll be able to use it once we are down to 3 - as that would mean the finals would be a 3-way with 2 going home and one winning it all.

  9. I love being told how I really feel and how wrong I am for thinking otherwise. Thanks, Chris. With or without the picture, Megan has a nice, unique voice and all she needs is some formal training.

    If I recall correctly, when it was explained on the show they said that they had until the top five to use the pass.

  10. Megan was beyond bizarre. I liked her at the beginning. I thought her audition singing was really good. But she gradually went downhill for a varieyt of reasons.

    However, when she sang that song the final time, knowing she was going home...did anyone else think "Elaine" when watching her dance? If this is what she's been reining in every week in order to appear less weird...well, I'm glad she did so.

    She never would've won. Period.

  11. Listen to her croak her way through her final song on Wednesday night, but do it without looking at the screen. It is AWFUL.

    @Chris - I listen to everyone that way for at least half their song. It's amazing what your hear when your eyes aren't engaged. And I agree with you about Megan.
