Wednesday, May 06, 2009

My Boys, "Madder of Degrees": The weather outside's delightful

Quick spoilers for last night's "My Boys" (as well as belated thoughts on last week's episode) coming up just as soon as I deal with my cat allergy...

"My Boys" is a show I watch with my wife, which means sometimes it has to wait until we both have the chance to watch it together (and after we've already watched other shows together that are higher on the blog priority list), so last night we wound up doing a double-feature with both "Madder of Degrees" and last week's "Carpe Burritoem."

I don't necessarily have a lot to say about either one, because when "My Boys" is clicking the way it has been all season, it's just... fun. I have a good time watching it, whether the behavior is on the more realistic side (PJ realizing she and Bobby are moving too fast because of the warm temperature) or sillier (last week, Kenny getting way too serious about his band, or Mike playing emotional crash test dummy). Any episode that gives Jamie Kaler a chance to do his McConnaughey is alright, alright with me, and if they can find a way to work in somebody like Felicia Day on top of that, so much the better.

I'd say "Carpe Burritoem" was probably the better of the two, as it featured that great climax with Bobby warning Mike that "it's a trap!" and Brendo describing his adventures in Tulsa, but both episodes just made me happy.

What did everybody else think?


  1. I enjoyed both greatly, and I really want that condo

  2. Mike's line "It's like a happy-go-lucky guy who cuts up squirrels" had me in stitches, but you really need the context for that one.

  3. Brendo pretending to get beer and then bolting for the door was something I had to watch a few times.

  4. I wasn't as big a fan of last night's episode as I have been in the past. The cast is clicking as always, but the more I match the more I realize the PJ is a big time weak link in that cast, not only because her romantic nonsense tends to be grating, but because she seems uncomfortable when asked to banter or be funny. All of the comedic heavy lifting is done by the guys, but when PJ has to participate, she shows herself to be far behind the curve of the other guys.

    I also wasn't a fan of the broadness of last nights premise. I know the weather in Chicago can swing pretty wildly (I grew up in MIlwaukee, where Mother Nature is a manic depressive), but having it be SO broad and going from 1 degree to 70 was just too much.

  5. It snowed on a Monday last week in Chicago and was 85 by the weekend.

    Chicago makes no sense weather-wise.

  6. I second pale writer. That is just what spring means here in Chicago. Wild swings between winter and summer that end up with summer permanent summer right around the taste of Chicago.

  7. I continue to love this show, but I wasn't as wild about last week's or this week's, although both had good moments. None of their eps is ever BAD.

    I didn't care for self-righteous PJ last week and thought they took Kenny's bit with the band just a wee too far. Loved Andy becoming a band member, though, and Kenny getting kicked out.

    Last night was a little meh, but that's because, unlike Anonymous, I think that *Bobby* is the weak link of the group. He has a personality that swings all the way from A to B. I kinda wish PJ hadn't hooked up within the group, because she needs a far more interesting boyfriend.

    Yes, our Chicago weather is unpredictable -- not quite that extreme in *one day*, but definitely unpredictable. And yes, the mood of the city swings with it.

  8. This show is my fun show. It may not be the strongest show I watch or one I even look forward to, but I always enjoy it. I smile with a big, dorky smile the entire time. Bobby is the weak link for me as well. Part of my problem is that he was a child actor and I think of him as a child all the time while the others are grown ups. Also love Bobby only naming Parsley as herbs.

  9. I thought Bobby was going to say "parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme" as his four herbs.

    I used to live in Chicago, and so the weather-dictates-mood premise of last night's episode rang very true for me. I was smiling by the end, but honestly, I was kind of bummed they didn't get that great townhouse!

  10. I realize they have budgets but the sound stage is just awful. It would have been better to borrow a LA park and film outside.

  11. I realise the excellent Felicia Day probably isn't considered to be a Big Time Famous/Awesome Actress by people outside the nerd hubs of Whedonia and The Guild/WoW, but that guest appearance was a bit of a waste, wasn't it? I mean, she did what she was hired to do okay, but when she showed up, I was expecting something a bit more than a throwaway character like that.

  12. who was the weird cat lover girlfriend? i swear she looks just like adrienne shelly but this is an 09 episode and adrienne shelly was murdered in 06. if anyone knows who that lady was, could youpost it please?
