Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Better late than never review: Tosh.0

I didn't get a chance to watch Comedy Central's "Tosh.0" in time for its premiere last week, but a bout of insomnia(*) had me watching the rerun last night and laughing so much that I immediately set up a DVR season pass. More after the jump...

(*) It's the TV critic's best friend! It also brought me the delightful Obama/Zack Morris one-two punch.

The idea is simple: comedian Daniel Tosh shows clips of viral videos, and either snarks on them, or seeks out the person involved to find out what the hell they were thinking. Poniewozik suggests, quite astutely, that it's basically FAIL Blog: The Show.

The execution is uneven, but there were two great segments: Tosh giving the Afro Ninja a second chance to execute a backflip, and then Tosh trying to pull off four separate web challenges at once in under a minute. (The bit with the coconuts is a callback to a clip from earlier in the show.)

Between this and "Important Things with Demetri Martin" (which got a second season order last week), Comedy Central has come up with some interesting twists on familiar concepts (the sketch comedy show, and snarky clip shows, respectively). I am pleased.

"Tosh.0" airs Thursdays at 10.


  1. I watched the similar Web Soup last night (on DVR.) Not nearly as good as The Soup, but about 10,000 times better than Sports soup. I'll keep watching. My one concern is that much of the stuff they showed wasn't recent. Will they run out of material?

  2. Hey, what about "The Closer"? Did I miss your review?


  3. I caught some of this over the weekend and would consider watching just because days later, I'm still laughing at whoreo. I had trouble watching the coconut guy in slow motion - ouch.

    I caught Important Things last night and laughed again at Hoodwinked. I think the Coolness episode was one of the better ones. Cute show. The husband went so far as to say he could use a company like that to tell him when to look up at me and nod.

  4. I almost started thinking to myself 'Hmmm... I might watch this Tosh.0..." until you cited the God-Awful Demetri Martin show. I loved Martin when he did stand-up and on The Daily Show...I find him unwatchable for a half hour. I'm ambidextrous too. It's not a comedic skill.

    The Tosh.0 stuff seems mildly amusing but I'm not sure it's sustainable or won't eventually deteriorate into making fun of the poor people who do end up in viral videos.

  5. That was outstanding. Afro Ninja has always been one of my favorite web clips, it's great to see that the guy is doing OK.

    I think if the Mythbusters can sustain their show for 100+ eps (and they're now taking on viral videos), and as long as their are teenagers with video cameras, there should be plenty of material for Tosh.

  6. Haven't heard of this, but will definitely check it out. Thanks for the lead!

  7. Tosh.0 is hilarious. The 4 challenges thing had me laughing all day when I first saw it. Lots of good extra clips on the show's website too, which makes sense.

    Grunt, I can't stand Demetri either, he's awful. Don't let that stop you from checking out Tosh. The two shows are nothing alike.

  8. I didn't know what ANY of the four challenges were referring to; apparently I'm culturally illiterate when it comes to the latest fields of human endeavor... And I'm OK with that.

  9. The problem I had with Martin's show was that he was always smiling during the standup segments. What makes his comedy work is the super-deadpan way he delivers them. Smiling just ruins it.

  10. Daniel Tosh rocks my world. We always tape his specials; my husband and I just love his stuff, esp. the politically incorrect stuff. So we were on this show like (fill in your own phrase). Loved it! Can't wait for this week's ep.

    As much as I love The Soup and Joel McHale, I can't watch Web Soup. Love Daniel too much.

  11. I'm with the other poster above. I was thinking of watching this until the Demetri Martin mention. I gave that awful, awful show three episodes of my life (based on your recommendation Alan!) and it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Not even remotely funny. I cannot beleive they renewed it.

    Maybe I'll give Tosh a look though, since you also put me on the path to Party Down - which turned out to be the funniest thing I've watched in a long time.

  12. I also wish you'd watch and review The Closer.

  13. Well that didn't take long, I'm hooked. My wife and I were literally crying last night, we laughed so hard.
