Monday, June 01, 2009

Blown up

Probably the highlight of Andy Samberg's hosting gig at last night's MTV Movie Awards: "Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions." (And note that AlexG at Throwing Things was talking about this trend more than a year ago.


  1. Thanks for the link. Do we have any doubt that the whole Bruno/Eminem thing was staged?

    The TWILIGHT squee-ing ... I'm just too old for. But not a bad way to spend two hours during rerun season.

  2. Everybody LOOK OUT! M&M is PISSED!!!

    What a joke.

  3. Is the Eminem thing online?

  4. Thanks for the linking -- haven't watched the awards in years.

    Ferrell has been reprising a lot of his impressions lately, huh? His cameo reminded me of an amusing cut SNL sketch from FunnyorDie a while back:

  5. The fact that there was a cutaway to Eminem before Bruno landed, and that Eminem was clearly mic'd during the sequence, should answer any authenticity questions.

    I thought Kiefer Sutherland's emotional outpouring to Ben Stiller was pretty outstanding.

  6. I can't believe they left out Smallville's contribution to this cliche:

  7. Sacha Cohen should apply to be the new host of Jackass if MTV is still doing that show

  8. The Eminem thing is about as real the Pam Anderson thing in Borat.. i.e. not at all.
    The best part of that skit was that it totally confused Zac Efron, although I suspect it doesn't take much for that to happen.

    I didn't actually watch the show live though, because most of those shows are full of Disney "stars" and reality nonames that really shouldn't be considered celebrities.

    I am not shocked that Twilight won everything, because teen girls are a force to be reckoned with, it's just too bad that they don't have taste. They will outgrow the series awfully quick though. I read the books because the first one was a fun trashy read. The next three got progressively worse, and by the end, I couldn't stand Bella or Edward. The movie was tolerable, but unless they spit out the next three fairly quickly, the tween attention span will have moved on to something else.

  9. Hmn... Well, the Eminem thing was obviously planned, because the camera zooms in on Eminem long before it is clear that the guy is going to fall let alone fall on him. The guys next to Eminem (particularly the guy on our left, his right) are chuckling, looking at him rather than the guy who appears to be falling on them, clearly they know what's going to happen. The fall is slow and careful, with the positioning corrected on the way down. The audio sounds pre-recorded; certainly it would be hard to talk like that while suspended upside down. And Eminem's reaction... it looks like he knows this guy is going to fall on him, but that's not entirely clear. I find it hard to believe that his foul-mouthed reaction was rehearsed.

    All that being said... um... what was the point here? To show Eminem walking out and behaving like a spoiled brat? Didn't we already know that about him?

  10. The audio sounds pre-recorded; certainly it would be hard to talk like that while suspended upside down.When Bauhaus played Coachella, Peter Murphy sang the entirety of "Bela Lugosi's Dead" while hanging completely upside down, like a bat (of course, he did practice for two weeks beforehand). Anywya, I'm sure Sacha could have gotten out a few sentences :-)

  11. @dez: I said hard, not impossible. (grin) And admittedly, the "prerecorded" sound of his shtick may have been due to the way the sound from his mike was broadcast to speakers. Clearly, his lips were moving, but the audio was so clear that it didn't seem to be coming from the middle of a room with a screaming crowd.

    But really, the thing that most strongly struck me as fake was the way he very slowly and carefully descended, with adjustments to his position and the cable's position.
