Monday, June 08, 2009

Pushing Daisies, "Water & Power": Lucky Penny

Just got through Saturday's penultimate "Pushing Daisies," which was a fine spotlight on Emerson Cod, PI. Not sure whether to be gratified or increasingly confused that they cast Gina Torres as the femme fatale in an episode that also featured Christine Adams as Simone the dog obedience lady, since I spent the first five minutes of Adams' initial appearance on the show wondering if it was Gina Torres with an accent.

What did everybody else think? And can you handle watching the last episode, knowing that it's not going to give closure on much of anything?


  1. So much of my love of Pushing Daisies is wrapped up in the style and wordplay and sheer delight brought by everyone involved, that I can't get too upset about the possible lack of closure.

    And I'm glad I waited for the broadcast instead of downloading .avis, because this show is just so beautiful in hi-def.

  2. Bryan Fuller wanted to do a film noir episode with African American characters set in Chinatown. I thought he pulled it off quite well. Chi McBride is my favorite word spinner on the show, and I am glad this episode highlighted him. Sigh. Sob. Only one more episode to go then I have to get my Pushing Daisies thrills through the upcoming DC Comic books.

  3. I too was confused by Simone as a Gina Torres doppelganger in that initial appearance, so seeing them here together was doubly confusing, but also interesting since it looks like Emerson's got a type!

    Loved the wordplay in this episode (Dam ruby lol), and the noir style of the story down to Laila Robinson's awesome hats.

    I don't know how satisfying next week can possibly be even with the reconfigured ending. I love this show too much to see it go with dry eyes. Even David Arquette who I've never particularly cared for has won me over in his stint as Randy Mann.

  4. I actually loved that they looked so much alike. Shows that Emerson Cod has a type, although I was a little pissed that the whole thing ended with Penny being taken away.

    I really am crushed that this show is ending. Not surprised, just crushed.

  5. Oh, my God! I thought the same thing! I spent maybe a quarter of the episode confusing both actresses!

  6. I loved the small details, like Emerson's pop up book name title - The Gum Shoe or that he did cute things as a kid to get the principal's attentions.

  7. I really despise these opening insights into their childhood lives, like in this episode, unless it had something to do with the plot, like in the last episode. That was a real weakness of Dead Like Me, those boring flashbacks into George's childhood trying to convince us that her parents were happy once.

  8. ...I spent the first five minutes of Adams' initial appearance on the show wondering if it was Gina Torres with an accent."

    All due respect, but insert wince here. Shouldn't it be difficult for a TV critic to mistake anyone else for a ubiquitous (as well as very distinctive) character actor like Gina Torres on the basis of tall, black and female? Especially, as in this case, a recurring character!

    Perhaps more casual viewers can be excused, but, Alan, no.

  9. Hm, I had no problems distinguishing the two actresses. I don't really think they look that much alike. But then again, I remember Gina Torres very well from her stint on "Alias," so maybe that's it?

    I love this show so much, I am loving that we get to see these last 3 episodes, but so very very sad the show is gone for good.

    I wish I was a multi-millionaire b/c I'd start my own tv network and give all these cancelled shows I love a new home...I'd have "Pushing Daisies," "Journeyman," and "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" among others on my network. If a show got cancelled on some primetime network, I'd be the person to go to see if I'd save the show!

    What I find interesting about the last 2 episodes is that I found myself enjoying Emerson and Olive more than Ned and Chuck. They'd be so great in their own little PI show. If only....

  10. Shouldn't it be difficult for a TV critic to mistake anyone else for a ubiquitous (as well as very distinctive) character actor like Gina Torres on the basis of tall, black and female? Especially, as in this case, a recurring character!

    She wasn't a recurring character in her first appearance, which is the one and only time I thought, "Hey, that isn't Gina Torres with an accent, is it?"

    It isn't just their height, gender and ethnicity, but also the shape of their faces. When you put them together in the same episode, the differences become more glaring than the similarities, but I'm not going to feel sheepish for at least asking the question a few months ago.

  11. I've seen the final episode. I don't believe this will spoil anything, but there is a little closure offered in the last five minutes.

    While the body of the episode is just one of their usual adventures, at the end, the narrator describes what will happen to happen to several of the characters. It's brief. But at least, it's something.

  12. Sorry, I missed the note of initial appearance, thought you meant in this ep. I withdraw the "especially when it's a recurring character" snark without qualification.

    But I still think it should be hard for any TV afficionado to mistake this actor for the ubiquitous Gina Torres for more than a quick double-take.

  13. As long as they didn't shoot an insert, post-cancellation, of Ned and Chuck accidentally brushing hands, I'm good.

  14. ALAN! "Cool Lester Smooth" was on this weeks episode of In Plain Sight! Did you see it?

  15. It does kind of kill me that this is the end of Emerson's story, especially given what happened with Penny. "Lil Gumshoe" coming out is the happiest ending he's gonna get on this. Sigh.

    I second the "well, we know what type of woman Emerson goes for" remark on the lookalike-ness. I did like the two women in it together opposite each other, especially the one that stuck with Emerson.

  16. I know one day, Emerson will find Penny, so I'm okay with the end of the last ep; I just wish I would get to see it play out on screen, siiiigh.

    I know Gina Torres from "Firefly" and "Cleopatra 2525" (or whatever that silly show was called), so I never confused her with Adams. As noted, Emerson definitely has a type!

    When are the DC Comics coming out?

  17. They had the Chinatown setting in place already, of course, and the line came up about whoever has the water has the power. But I was waiting for some variation on "My Sister! My Daughter!" to come up eventually. Oh well. It's probably too well-known a quote and it would be nearly impossible to come up with some kind of variation without summoning the original reference. And who would really want that?

    I also got the feeling that Penny is probably following in her mother's footsteps as a con artist and isn't the normal little girl suggested by Lila. But then, of course, she lies....

  18. I don't know how you could mistake Christine Adams for Gina Torres. When I see Gina Torres, I can't help but notice her huge eyes, practically bulging out of her head like that woman on Stupid Human Tricks a decade ago. No one has eyes like that.
