Thursday, July 23, 2009

Comic-Con/Press tour preview - Sepinwall on TV

Today's column previews my travels to California for Comic-Con and the TV critics press tour, and goes into more detail about how I'll be covering both events.

I don't expect to do more than cameo at Comic-Con today, if that, but I'll be parked at the convention center for the next three days and will report what I can, when I can. As for press tour, keep in mind that all the actual press tour blog posts will be, just like my newspaper columns, though I'll be linking to them here.

Still not sure how much review blogging I'll be able to do when I'm out there. I have posts set to go for the final two chapters of "Torchwood," and will hopefully have stuff on the next episode of "Hung" and Sunday night's "Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead," but beyond that, there may be a whole lot of "What did you guys think of this thing I watched but don't have time to write about?" posts.

Starting to get anxious about the "Chuck" panel, since it'll have more panelists and more audience members than the New York event. I remain open to suggestions. How do you think the crowd will respond to some puns? People like puns, right?


  1. Have fun at the Chuck panel and tell Yvonne I said hi...

    I'm kidding. I'm sure the bear was more than enough of me for a lifetime.

    Wish I could be there.

    -Josh aka Lykaon

  2. Puns can be a dangerous beast! One hour for a highlight reel plus the number of panelists involved seems awfully short.

    The main thing to remember is that the fans are dying for info about the third season ie is Chuck going to continue to be an asset or will he be a spy being the number one question.

    Lou Sytsma
    I'm sure you will do a bang up job! Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.

    Have fun!

  3. Lou, knowing Schwartz and Fedak's spoiler paranoia the way I do, I'm not confident of getting anything out of them about season three, save that it exists -- and I can even see Josh hedging on that one.

  4. It's quite difficult isn't it? They haven't started filming yet which probably means the actors haven't even seen the scripts. I trust you'll do great like you did with the NY convention.

    I wonder what footage will be in the "highlight reel". I hope it's not just footage that aired from previous season. I'm hoping for a Season 2 gag reel!

    Interesting information may be extracted by asking about the Season 2 DVD....maybe?

    Good luck Alan. You'll do great and have fun.

  5. I'm just hoping that there won't be too much creepy "Yvonne-questions". ;)
    I've been looking forward to this.. German TV is so incredible boring, I'm happy about every glimpse of information about Chuck. Have fun, sure it will be great.

  6. I hear you Alan re spoilers.

    Do the best you can do! ;)


  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Alan, I think you know how we all feel about puns.

    And Mizenkay - I didn't want to know any of that!! Is that the point? I'm hoping Alan will see it soon and do whatever he thinks best.

  9. Good thing I was able to check my e-mail one more time before my flight left. Definitely over the No Spoilers line, Mizenkay.

  10. Be yourself and you'll be fine. Just remember people are there to see the stars of the show, not you (well, I'll be there to see you, but that doesn't count, hee hee--assuming I can even get into the panel, yikes) :-)

    If you can, please ask them how they plan to keep the tension over the relationship between Chuck and Sarah now that he's all Matrixy. Er, but you know, phrase it better!

  11. To answer Roane from your NJ board: I think the majority of Con goers has shifted from comics nerds to starstruck folk who clog up my Con and get in my way when I'm trying to fill in the gaps in my comics collection or make my way to a panel that's about comics or meet one of my favorite artists. Then there are the Hollywood suits who block off access to rooms, etc., while they shuttle their stars around (stars flanked by bodyguards, of course). I hate you friggin' people.

    Yes, I am a little bitter :-D

    Seriously, the current average Con-goer does seem more interested in which big-name movie star they could meet or see vs. learning more about comics or comic book-related topics. The year they had the "Van Helsing" panel, the line for people to get Hugh Jackman's autograph appeared longer than the line to get in to the panel. Those people waited hours to meet him for a minute vs. the rest of us who got to see him talking and answering questions for nearly a half hour at the panel. I really don't get that at all.

  12. I sincerely apologize. Didn't think I was spilling any beans that hadn't already been spilled. But you have refreshed my memory about your no spoiler rule, so again, very sorry.

    That said, is it okay to ask you to ask them where Chuck will be working in Season three?

  13. I am sure you are overwhelmed butI noticed you didn't review the last two Better off Ted's which were among the best, I thought. Do you plan to when things calm down?

  14. Puns are an awesome way to unite an audience by creating a villain. A better way to be loved would be to dress as an intergalactic slave girl.

  15. Ask them how much Jeffster! we the loving fans can expect, given their shorter schedule this year. Two more performances? Three-- is three asking too much? Please say we can hear three. I'm waiting for them to cover Dead or Alive.

  16. I don't see how you're going to see the lost panel when the chuck panel is from sat 10:00am to 11:00am and lost panel is from 11:00am to 12:00am.

  17. I know Alan's not a fan of True Blood, but if anyone here is, and they are going to #SDCC, I IMPLORE you to post/tweet/blog as much as possible about Alex Skarsgard (pix appreciated). He has quickly turned this 40-something adult woman into a squealing 13-year-old "Twilightesque" fangirl. To be fair, he and Nelsan Ellis are the two best things about #trueblood.

  18. I hope you got to see the Middleman performance. I think the entire cast and everyone who watched the show was there.

  19. Not everyone.

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  21. You've probably been flooded with possible questions but:

    Do Chuck's writers plan to deal with the "Casey had a kill order on Chuck and was seconds away from offing him" issue?

    We'll probably see YouTube footage of your panel before you can post about it.

    Best of Luck!

  22. Although a bit late, a good question might be to ask the cast what situation they would like to see their character deal with that they have not yet done, or done much of. Presumably they have a good handle on their own characters and may have ideas of how they would like their characters to develop.

  23. Sorry, was posting from work, didn't mean to post that last question completely anonymously, only partly anonymously.
