Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Leverage, "The Beantown Bailout Job": A thief, a con artist and a hacker walk into a bar...

I'm on vacation, but I did get a look at the "Leverage" season premiere before I left. The show still doesn't feel like it's living up to the potential of the premise and the cast, but I think it's found an equilibrium where I like the characters enough to enjoy it as a summer diversion, if nothing else.

That said, the new opening title sequence is very cool. What did everybody else think?


  1. I loved it. I was a tiny bit spoiled but I was just glad to see the show back..

  2. I enjoyed it. It's not the deepest show, but it doesn't take itself too seriously. It just tells a (usually entertaining) story and makes it a fun diversion. Refreshing change from the pointless reality shows and too-dark, too-serious dramas.

  3. Ehhh....not the greatest show I've ever seen....but it kills time until the next episode of Burn Notice.....

  4. What I like most about the show is the easy camaraderie between the characters. The pleasure the actors take in doing the show and working with one another really shines through. I would like to see it make that leap from fun diversion to must-see like Burn Notice made in its second season but I have a place for fun diversion in my life.

    Kudos to the production team casting Charles Martin Smith as the eeevil banker, too. Whenever I see him I think of his guest spot on The Brady Bunch and automatically expect him to be a bit hapless and helpless. Completely sold the twist for me.

  5. I interviewed creator John Rogers for The Rap Sheet:

  6. I was pleased to see that Leverage is still a good time. As usual, I had no idea where the plot was going until it got there. And while the the dynamic between the characters has evolved and changed somewhat, as you'd expect, I agree with R.A. Porter about the camaraderie. I like show where not only do the characters have a strong relationship, but it's clear that the actors are enjoying themselves too.

    Not crazy about the title sequence for this new season, but oh well.

  7. For a caper show, the capers are still by far the weakest part of the show. I like the characters, but I really hate how I can see every development coming a mile away--and then they spell it out for me afterward with a flashback like I'm a complete idiot.

  8. I like the actor's and the cast as a whole but it's not quite reaching the potential that it could have yet.

    R.A. Porter said...
    What I like most about the show is the easy camaraderie between the characters. The pleasure the actors take in doing the show and working with one another really shines through. I would like to see it make that leap from fun diversion to must-see like Burn Notice made in its second season but I have a place for fun diversion in my life.

    I completely agree. I would love to see that transition take place.

  9. Hustle did it better. I miss Hustle.

  10. Still a lot of fun. Interestingly, despite the massive promotion stuck on "Dark Blue" and minimal promotion for the return of "Leverage," "Leverage" had 3.9M viewers Wednesday to "Dark Blue"s 3.5M. Other TNT shows this summer season:

    "The Closer"--6.5M
    "Raising The Bar"--3.3M
    "Saving Grace"--3M

  11. Well, Hustle is coming back at some point (likely early 2010)

  12. I love this show!!! I laugh out loud out the subtle humor and the chemistry of the actors is awesome. How can you not love completely natural give and take between all these feels like they have been together for years...

    I hope this show stays at the level it is at so far and last at least 6 or 7 seasons.....

  13. I enjoy this show, but has potential to be so much more. I hope it gets there.

    This week's plot was very weak. Discouraging for an opening episode. For example, no bank leaves people alone in the safe deposit vault for an extended period of time, even if one of those persons is a nun.
