Friday, August 21, 2009

Are you ready for the summer (to be over)?

We're a couple of weeks from Labor Day, and the day after that, the fall premieres begin with the likes of "Sons of Anarchy" (which will again be a regular staple on the blog) and "Melrose Place" (which will not be). To brace myself for the deluge, I'll be taking the next two weeks off, give or take a couple of days late next week. I already have a "Mad Men" post set to go Sunday night, and a couple of "Nurse Jackie" posts for Monday, and I'm going to use some of my in-office time next week to deal with "Mad Men" episode three and the final "Wire" season two review.

Beyond that, though, expect more or less radio silence from your friendly neighborhood critic between now and September 7 or 8. Catch you when I'm all vacation'ed out.

(And for those wondering, the new blog logo theme is "straight men on classic sitcoms who had the ability to be just as funny as the lunatics around them." An underrated ability, in my book.)


  1. A ha! I was going to ask if it was "Great Straight Men (and Woman)." Get this man a no-prize!

    Does this mean you've watched those SoA screeners? I just re-watched season 1 this week, and the first few episodes are much better in retrospect, though I suppose that makes sense.

    Enjoy your vacation!

  2. I'm waiting for Fall and Winter to be over so CHUCK can come back in March...and, by some miracle, get the full 22 eps and run into next Summer.

  3. Enjoy your well-deserved break, Alan!

  4. Have a terrific and well-deserved vacation.

    But ack! What about the rest of the Wire Season 2 posts? I'm watching season 2 right now (shame on me for being so far behind) and need my blog fix when I get to the finale.

  5. Enjoy your break Alan. Love that you included Dave Foley. That man is EVIL, PURE EVIL.


  6. No Hung reviews while you are away? Bummer!

  7. JC, he said he was going to devote office time to finishing the last Season 2 recap

  8. No Hung reviews while you are away? Bummer!

    Sorry, no.

    Also, I should have mentioned that, theoretically, Linda Holmes' final "Sports Night" fill-in will run sometime in the middle of next week.

  9. Huzzah! Thanks Hatfield.

  10. @Mark-

    Onions AV Club has very extensive and good write ups of Hung every Sunday night...could be a nice fill-in in Alan's abscence.

    Enjoy your break Alan!

  11. Already counting down to September--your work is great, have fun and the fans of it will be here when what looks like a wonderfully crazy new TV season begins!

  12. Enjoy your vacation. It is well-earned.

  13. I'm flat broke so I can't afford to go on a decent vacation. The nearest beach is about 70 miles away, and the nightlife here is the same no matter the season.

    So yeah bring September on, at least they'll be something to watch on tv.

  14. I figured the other guys were straight, but had no idea that MTM worked in drag.

    Enjoy your break!

  15. Have a good vacation!!!!
    I officially go on vacation on Thursday for 25 days. I can't wait.
    Enjoy yourself!

  16. Alan, will you review the Inspector Lewis show Season 2 of which is finally coming to PBS August 30? (Season 3 is already out on DVD in the UK but you have to be ableto play region 2 DVDs.) I really enjoy the series and I speak as someone who can't stand any of the other dramas PBS airs. I still liked Morse better but this isn't a bad sequel by any stretch.

    Here's the link at PBS (warning: they very annoyingly autolaunch the video so you may wish to mute your volume before going there)

    -- anonymoose

  17. (And for those wondering, the new blog logo theme is "straight men on classic sitcoms who had the ability to be just as funny as the lunatics around them." An underrated ability, in my book.)

    ITA -- while Jim Parsons has (deservedly) been getting a lot of praise for his work on 'The Big Bang Theory', I've always thought Johnny Galecki doesn't get the respect he deserves.

  18. Not to sound ignorant, but who's the far-right guy on the blog logo? Looks familiar but I can't place him.

  19. Not to sound ignorant, but who's the far-right guy on the blog logo? Looks familiar but I can't place him.

    That would be Dave Foley, who played Dave Nelson on NewsRadio. I always dismissed NewsRadio when it aired as "just another sitcom" but after reading a number of comments by Alan about the show, I've gone back and sought it out. And it really is pretty great.

  20. Aha, I knew it! Great logo, and great theme. Enjoy your vacation, Alan, it's much deserved.

  21. I'm bummed there's not to be any HUNG talk for a bit, but glad you're getting a break. Enjoy yourself!
