Saturday, August 01, 2009

TCA: My brush with true celebrity

Over at, a brief account of this morning's "Sesame Street" 40th anniversary panel, which led to me breaking my usual stance of not having my picture taken with the stars.

I love interacting with the Muppeteers, who are very good at improv. I asked Eric Jacobson, as Grover, whether Super Grover might make an appearance this morning, and he went on a riff about how the rise of cell phones at the expense of phone booths have made it hard to transform. "It is very hard to fit into a cell phone."


  1. Love the picture - Jacob will too!


  2. Ah, but one of my favorite Sesame Street oldies features X! Patti LaBelle singing "How I Miss My X."

  3. Awww, Alan, the picture is cute!!!!
    I used to love Grover when I was a child. I had a stuffed blue Grover that never left my sight even after I stopped watching SS around the age of 5. I haven't watched Sesame Street in about 32 yrs. I feel bad about that! You are correct, the folks behind the the loveable characters are a credit to their profession.

  4. Grover was my favorite too. My brother and I both dressed as Super Grover one year for Halloween.

    Alan, out of curiosity, was Carroll Spinney in attendance at the panel? I met him briefly at a book signing a few years back, and he is every bit the gentleman you would expect.

    (also, love your back-and-forth w/Poniewozik, re: vocabulary)

  5. I love Grover. Very funny.

  6. I loved Super Grover so that joke cracks me up! Thanks, Alan. Ah, Grover. There is a Super Grover book I'm trying to hunt down from my more youthful days, but it's not printed anymore. :(

  7. What a cutie pink princess whoever she is :)

  8. is it horrible if I say Oscar was by far my favorite

    SS is just one of those programs you hope never ever dies (kinda like the anti Law and Order)

  9. Awww! If your daughter loves Abby Cadabby as much as my little niece loves Elmo, that picture will make her extremely happy.

  10. Know I know what happened to my iphone--Grover's inside.

  11. Who's the Muppet next to Abby? :-D I keed! I keed because I love! And because I'm insanely jealous that you got your pic taken with a real Muppet. Too bad it wasn't Super Grover, though. He rules!

  12. It's not horrible to love Oscar. He is awesome. I also loved Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show. I had an Oscar doll as a kid and I bought a replacement off ebay a few years ago for my son.
