Monday, September 21, 2009

Accidentally on Purpose: I watched so you don't have to

Because of both my schedule and space limitations in the paper, I've had to do some triage on the fall shows, and not every new series is going to get a full review. Today, for instance, I was much more interested in reviewing the "House" season premiere than I was in devoting a whole column to "Accidentally on Purpose" (tonight at 8:30 on CBS), which is one of the season's most grating rookies. There was a time in the early days of "Dharma & Greg" when Jenna Elfman (who plays a newspaper movie critic who gets pregnant after a one-night stand with the young guy on the left, played by Jon Foster) seemed like a loose, natural comedienne, but she's trying way too hard to sell the jokes here - possibly because she knows no one's going to buy them without a whole lot of help.

Avoid if you can.


  1. I've heard nothing but bad reviews on this one. It's a shame that they'd throw this in there with HIMYM and BBT.

  2. Of course, this will do well, because it's got a cushy timeslot, and folks who are watching CBS at 8:30 have already rejected the other options out there (House, One Tree Hill, Heroes, and Dancing With People Who Arguably Could Be Called Famous). There's not a "change the channel" option (at least for networks) at 8:30.

  3. Bless you, Alan, for taking one for the team, even though you get paid for it and the rest of us have to pay our cable companies/satellite providers for the privilege. :)

  4. Good God, isn't the collapsing economy enough? What did we do to deserve another Jenna Elfman "comedy"?

  5. Thanks for the input Alan.....the nice thing about having tivo is just recording the stuff you want to and watching it whenever. I love the other comedies around this-Mother, Big Bang and 2 & 1/2 Men........congratulations to Alan Harper for his win!

  6. Alas, the roommate is clinging onto happy memories of that lovable Dharma, so I think I'm gonna have to suffer through this one anyway.

    I need good thoughts, people.

  7. There was nothing in that pilot that could remotely be called normal human behavior.

  8. It's "Knocked Up: The TV Series" except without the jokes or charming cast.

    (And I didn't even love Knocked Up that much!)

  9. I seem to be a minority of one here, but I like this show. It made me laugh, I didn't have to watch any gore and/or dead bodies, and I could just sit back and be entertained. That's what I ask of tv, and that's what it gave me with this show. It's very sweet and funny, and it will be a shame if no one watches because of bad reviews.

  10. I didn't think it was terrible! I think it will be interesting to see how the plot unveils itself. Once the baby arrives and if the friends can keep the comdedic flavor going, I'm sure it will be a great show. I'm not giving up just yet!
