Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Is that a beer in your pants or are you just nervous?

Today's column: My trip to a taping of tonight's "Rock Star" and the party at the mansion afterwards.

In the comments to the last post, there are one or two nuggets from the "Veronica Mars" panel, but as I say there, I'm doing a solo interview with Rob Thomas tomorrow and didn't want to cover the same ground twice.

ABC is today. More later.


  1. Alan, I hope you ask Rob Thomas how he plans to appeal to the CW's target audience of women 18-34. What does he think women that age want to see?

  2. Do they jam at the Rockstar mansion after every show, or was this just for the press? Thanks for the insider info, as always!

  3. Oh, yeah, and thanks for the pop-up windows! It's working great so far :-)

  4. Is there any chance you'll ask him if he has a plan in case the show doesn't get picked up for the back 9 episodes? I understand it could be a very party-pooping thing to ask but if we're to be realistic, this is one thing that I'd really like to know...
