Monday, July 17, 2006

TCA Smackdown!

In which I get into a microphone war with another writer at the start of the "Gilmore Girls" panel.


  1. Hilarious. Love your column, and just found out that you had a blog. And, um, as for the CW, their marketing strategy could have been created by monkeys. Gilmore Girls- "free to be girly?" Puh-lease. Here's one for ya: OTH-"free to make you hurl."

  2. Geez, nobody's blogging the Veronica Mars session, I guess nothing interesting was said.

    Alan, I'm starting to get the feeling that if you wanted you could get a cheap reality show out of press tour. At the very least, one of NBC's SNL shows should do an episode set there. Feel free to suggest that if you need a question.

  3. Actually, the Veronica session was a lot more informative than the Gilmore one. But since I'm doing a solo interview with Rob Thomas in a couple of days, I didn't want to devote too much time or energy to writing up the initial thing.

    A lot of it was stuff we already knew, like Rob's decision to do three shorter cases instead of one or two season-long arcs. One new nugget I can put here: In addition to Veronica, Wallace and Mac, both Logan and Dick will be enrolled at Hearst in the fall. Sayeth Rob, "Believe me we'll do some explaining in the episode to
    tell you how (Dick) got into Hearst College."

  4. Alan, I have the suspicion that the other guy was actually Michael Ausiello. The story in its own is funny enough, but reading the same thing from two different perspectives was like the TCA Tour done the way of 'The End of the Affair'. LOL!

  5. I have a policy of only mentioning the other critics by name if they've done something obviously cool (Heldenfels making Shannen Doherty stop crying). Otherwise, there's too much potential for besmirched reputations over things that can sound awful out of context. For instance, I hear I've been catching some flak in the outside world for asking Katie Couric what she's going to wear as the CBS evening news anchor. Attach my name to that out of context and I could sound like a raging sexist. People who were in the room know that A)I'm only a mild sexist; and B)I framed the question in such a way (starting off with a flashback to Dan Rather's controversial sweaters) that it wasn't a gender-specific thing.

    So I will neither confirm nor deny the identity of the guy I outlasted. But the concurrent questioning went on for a very long time before he yielded. Really, I'm not even sure I'm human anymore.

  6. Wait, Dick AND Logan are going to Hearst? Forget about how Dick got in, Logan actually going to college is less plausible in my book! I'm guessing that Veronica's trusty exposition will tell us how it all went down.

    I'm wondering if you asked Rob about where the season will pick up, and if we're going to see any of the fallout from the Woody scandal, and the death of Cassidy.

  7. The dueling michrophone story might be the highlight of my day. Cracks me up everytime I think about it.

  8. In deference to your gallantry, I'll neither deny or confirm the identity of the other writer either, although I will note that the other writer writes up his side of the Epic War of the Mic on his site - he seems to be upset that you ruined, to be precise, "pissed on," his "beautiful moment" with the lovely Ms. Graham. Such a pity. ;)

  9. "Pissed on"? Geez, you'd think Alan ripped one of the other critic's stuffed Smurf toys to shreds or something ;-)
