Thursday, March 01, 2007

American Idol: No, Leslie, they just don't like Nina Simone

Double the "American Idol" pleasure over at, first with a general look at the eliminations and (though Antonella-prismed glasses) how it remains better to be bad than mediocre (I even came up with an equation of sorts), then a look at other elimination show minutiae, including one of the stranger sing-outs I can remember.


  1. You are wrong to criticize DialIdol for inaccuracy. The owners make it perfectly clear that they do not have confidence in anything other than naming someone "top three," and thereby safe. They are just being completely transparent by providing the other rankings.

    You did state this caveat, but not as strongly as the site's owners assert.

    Bad form, dude.

  2. So Sanjaya got lots of face time prior to this week? That explains that... I was guessing he benefitted from "Vote for the Worst." With his sumptuous hair (hey, I'd run my fingers through it), I can see why Sanjaya caught the fancy of the "Idol" producers. But that was a drag last night... A.J. had a little something going on, enough at least for one more week.

  3. My attitude remains the same -- as long as they're not eliminating people with a legitimate chance to win the whole thing, then I'm not going to sweat the order in which the rest go home. Otherwise, the Leslie thing would bug.

    UBM: during the prelims, much was made of the fact that Sanjaya and his sister were both competing, both made it to the end of the Hollywood round, but only he made it to the 24.

  4. Sorry to use this post for an off-topic question, but are you planning to write about Friday Night Lights this week? It just continues to wow me. I even think it might have replaced Galactica as my #1 show. Would love to hear your thoughts on this week's episode.

  5. Ed, I noted that they only listed a few people as completely safe, and suggested it would work better when there are fewer people around. Not sure what else I could do.

    Page, I've been having DVR problems this week, so I won't be getting to FNL until tonight at the earliest.

  6. Wow... figured *everybody* would be talking about the Kellie Pickler appearance! It took me about .2 seconds to say "Holy crap... she got a boob job!" I went from slightly nauseated shock to amusement at the sight of Simon trying desperately not to visibly laugh, and then nearly wet my pants laughing when Ryan asked, "so... spend your money on anything lately?" "Yeah, shoes, can you believe it?" "Only shoes?"

    It takes more than weightlifting and a push-up bra to get get disproportionately-sized, too-perfect, overstuffed globes like those... and then she shoehorns these accessories into a way too low-cut dress...

    She was such a sweet (albeit ditsy) girl with a poignant story on the show, and although I wasn't a fan then I thought her debut album was better than average and a pleasant surprise. So it's really depressing to see her pulling a move that's SO "white trash hits the lottery."

  7. I still think that VFTW is making the difference, and not the pre-Semis face time. And the AI people know it, too. See how Simon struggled not to mention the site (it would be a disaster if they ever got to mention it on air) when he was asked to explain the results. And see how the producers clearly tried to turn Sanjaya into the bad guy by putting him again next to the guy who got eliminated, and who was clearly better than him. (and they reminded us of that, too.)

    In case of Sanjaya: of course he is a walking, talking and singing disaster, but at least he is not going to be taking any spots from anyone really good, because the guys, well, they suck. But Barba? She is actually going to throw Gina or Stephanie or Sabrina out of the competition, and each of these girls is better than any guy. That's just wrong!

    @benji: LOL! I did't get that Ryan was reffering to Pickler's globes with the money question! Again, LOL!
