Thursday, March 01, 2007

More Wire-related teasing

David Mills has some hints about the final season of "The Wire" -- including the awesome news that Clark Johnson will be doing his first significant acting work in a while.


  1. This is completely unrelated, but - did I miss the HIMYM post this weel

  2. Alan, please use your influence in the industry to have the next season of the Wire produced and aired as rapidly as possible. Thanks.

  3. Mills says in the comments section that Clark Johnson is also signed to direct the finale. Coolness all around. Although I'm a little disappointed with just ten episodes, it's better than none, which the show was very close to at the end of season 3.

  4. Anybody know when the Season 4 DVDs will be out? I just finished Season 3.

  5. Clark Johnson acting again just might be enough to finally get me to watch The Wire.

  6. Only 10 episodes? Man that sucks! Maybe we get a two hour finale or something. Hopefully HBO talks them intoa sixth season.

  7. I suspect Season 4 DVD's will be out around the time that season 5 starts up, just like the last time around. Gives HBO a double punch to promote.

    I'm filling the gap by watching the Corner. I've always been reluctant to watch it (and unable to finish the book) as it's depressing to see what has become of neighborhoods not that far from where I grew up. However, it's as excellant as the reviews claim.
