Wednesday, March 28, 2007

American Idol: Top 10 (aka Pop go the Idols)

Top 10 thoughts over at, and then you can comment here.


  1. Looks like the link done broke. Since I hope everyone on the East Coast is asleep, here's the real thing.

  2. Gwen wasn't a great coach. Nope.

    Sligh's so done.

    If Jordin lands in the bottom three it might be good for her. She's awesome, but dialidol insists that she's never on the top half of the votes. Maybe if some people realize she's not that safe, they abandon whoever they're voting for, and support her. At least I hope so. :)

  3. Thanks, Todd. Every now and then, for reasons passing my understanding, Blogger will randomly insert some HTML code when I'm doing a link -- and not always at the place of the link.

  4. What was interesting about Gwen, Dark Tyler, is that she was the first coach of the season who seemed to save all her tough comments for the interview after the kids left. Reminded me of whenever they did Billy Joel Night (season two, I think), and he essentially called one of the contestants (Gracin, I think) an idiot for what they were doing to one of his songs, only it wasn't to their face so it wasn't fixable.

  5. Actually, Alan, there's a couple of errors on the link -- there's a broken bold tag in the Melinda section, and then it looks like some edited-out pieces of your text are still hanging out at the bottom of the page...

  6. I feel like I should like Melinda more, but she just simply doesn't do anything for me. I can't be wowed by her like the judges are, although I acknowledge that she is very good.

    She just doesn't perform in the way or choose the songs like someone whose records I would buy. There are lots of older singers out there who I acknowledge are very, very talented, but that doesn't mean I enjoy their performances or would buy their records. Melinda will fall into this category for me.

    Sanjaya is trying to determine how far he can push the envelope and remain on the show which is, in and of itself, now entertaining. He is being a bit more self referential with the mohawk, the Nixonian waving of two fingers of each hand over his head during the post-song Seacrest interview, the talking back to Simon, et cetera. I bet he stay at least another week.

  7. This is what happens when you try blogging at 2 in the morning. Friends, don't let it happen to you.

    Thanks, Kristen. Everything should be fixed now, I think.

  8. Alan, I thought your column was far more entertaining this week than the actual Idol show. Particularly loved the lines about the Swedish yodeler and the chemical melisma dependency.

    Melinda and Lakisha have great voices, but I'm starting to wonder if they have the star power. On the other hand, I'm more and more impressed each week with Jordin -- great voice, and real charisma (plus, when she stands next to Ryan, she looks like she could crush him).

    Beyond those three, though, I have to say that this is the most uninspired, mediocre group of contestants that AI has ever put together. I Tivo'd last night's show and fast-forwarded through at least half the performances.

  9. Alan,

    Can you answer for me why the results show is at 8pm central time AFTER Bones? Shouldn't it start at 7p as it does on Tuesday?

    Once it goes back to the one-hour format, that means it'll be past the bedtime of my 6-year old.

    She loves the show, and to me it would make more sense for Fox to run it at 7p and give that nice big lead-in to Bones. But, that's just me lol.

  10. I actually find myself rooting for Sligh and, especially, Blake just because they have the most potential to do something a little different and unique. Sligh should be lucky to make it another round after last night's disaster, but Blake is probably a shoe-in for the Final Four, at worst.

    The question I find myself asking is how can three judges who claim to be representative of the music industry praise Blake for last night's performance saying "I love what you've done to the song" when it was a NOTE-FOR-NOTE-COVER of 311's version of the song. Granted 311 is not the radio mega-hit band the Idols are used to singing, but their version of the Cure's "Love Song" made the radio rounds and music video circuit for a while, and is at least recognizable to any college-age music fans. And on a night when No Doubt songs are in the majority, nobody recognizes 311?

    The judges may be more representative of the general public than I want to give them credit for, at least in their taste in music, but sometimes they just seem too far removed from ANYTHING beyond the adult-contemporary they are often so critical of.

    I would be least upset to see Lakiesha or Chris R. take the axe (since Sanjaya will unfortunately make the cut for at least another week after sounding like he had at least HEARD the song he sang this week before... has there ever been a less talented gimmick?) since Lakiesha is Melinda's copycat and no one wants an Aretha Franklin sing-off for the finale, and Chris R. has stolen the worst elements of both Blake and Phil.

  11. Mac, just be glad they played a song by The Cure.

  12. Instead of looking at Sanjaya as a lousy singer, I now think he's a comic genius. Was it just me, or wasn't he a dead ringer for My Pretty Pony last night?
