Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I don't know what "it" is, but he's got it.

Because I'm once again bogged down in "Sopranos" minutiae, because I'm too tired and too busy to say much about last night's "House" beyond my desire for them to lay off the dream sequences for a while, and because I'm so darned pleased with myself for finally figuring out how to embed YouTube clips (because, yes, I'm just that slow), I present to you this blog's favorite YouTube clip of all time.


  1. I'm getting a little annoyed at House too. First of all, I was not a fan of the dream sequence thing last year and it's not any better this year. It's a cheat and is just lazy writing in my opinion.

    Also, I do not like the direction they've taken House in this year. If you want to do a show about a mean, crippled, pill-popping doctor then fine. I was totally on board with that. But in the last year they've teased us with having House get better and beating his addiction. And for what? Wilson's and Cuddy's reactions have not made any sense to me and House has just come off looking totally despicable. It's one thing to have an anti-hero for a main character. It's another thing to turn him into someone so loathsome that I don't want him in my living room once a week.

  2. WooHoo! I totally just got away with watching that whole thing at work! Awesome. And thanks for posting it Alan.

  3. I'll never get tired of watching Turk dance.

  4. And now I've wasted an hour playing around on YouTube. Thanks a lot!

  5. I don't care what happens in house as long as Lisa Edelstein wears pink in every episode.

  6. That clip will NEVER get old. Thanks so much for putting a smile on this cold and rainy Chicago afternoon.

  7. one word about that video:


  8. The House dream sequence almost had me convinced House was going to wake from his 2/3 season long Ketamine coma and we were finally going to find out that none of this has happened.

    I've found the last few episodes of House to be quite good. On par with last season. Personally, I don't see House as despicable. He's not someone that any sane person would want to associate with. (That a lot of what makes Wilson such a great but underused character.)

    I like that House has no shame. It's refreshing to not have to watch a character that wants to be good-but fails. Forget closet kindness. Give me an unlovable bastard as a lead character and then give me a reason to want him to continue to grace my TV screen.

    House is week-to-week a good mystery. That (and the excellent acting) is why I tune in. Most of the 2004 shows have hit a slump of some sort this year. Next year should be interesting.

  9. RonK! yeah I'm laffin.
    Thats Gold! thanks.

  10. Now if only you can find a clip of drunk Earl break-dancing from a few weeks ago.
