Thursday, April 05, 2007

Buble ROOLZ!!!!

Watch Michael Buble totally punk "American Idol" before someone at NewsCorpo has the clip taken down. The end is, of course, the best part.

Also, when did he turn into a Michael DeLuise lookalike? I kept expecting him to start running around the stage screaming, "I'm in ESK-UH-ROW!"


  1. I was wondering what the hell was going on throughout his entire performance. Was he drunk or did he just smoke a little too much of Emily's Blunt (okay that was bad, but still a little funny).

  2. I think something was cracking him up--no surprise given where he was.I'd laugh, too! Alan, I have always felt he was 'The Lost De Luise.' I'd say he was good for a last minute fill-in (for Tony Bennett.)

  3. Yeah, he's always looked like a DeLuise. Michael specifically. But maybe that's just because he's the only one we've seen lately.

  4. Having just crawled out of my cave, I had only heard of this guy yesterday. A girlfriend of mine was playing his self titled CD with the Johnny Mercer cover in it while we played pool.

    Still the look of uncomfortable consternation on Seacrest's face was fabulous and adequate payback for the gushy drek interviews American Idol forces their contestants to participate in.

  5. aww.damn it, they took it off T T does anyone have it again??
