Thursday, April 05, 2007

Embedded no more

A few friends complained that the embedded YouTube clips were preventing them from accessing the site through their work computer's firewall, so for the time being, I'm going back to old-fashioned linking (which I've retroactively done with all the Funny Dance Marathon clips and even the "Simpsons" evolution couch gag).


  1. Would this still happen if the embedded videos were after the jump, therefore not in the main page?

  2. I don't know, as I don't have this firewall problem at my own office. All I know is my hits have gone down significantly in the last week and I have to assume that some of it comes from this problem. (Some of it also comes from how many shows are in reruns, of course.)

  3. That was kind of you.
    I'm still waiting for you to get to Scrubs (as it's all I watched tonight. I was out.)


  4. Thank you thank you thank you! :-)

    Not only was it difficult to get your blog to load, but on the rare occasions it finally did, it was impossible to read the full articles or comments because those pages wouldn't come up. Very weird, and I assumed it was the firewall because I didn't have those problems at home.

  5. Honoring the non-imbededness of this blog, but returning to the dancin' vids, have y'all seen the Alanis spoof of My Humps on Youtube? Priceless.

  6. Yep, Alanis has a really good sense of humor. I wonder if Fergie does, too? :-D
