Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Michael Buble may be my favorite human right now

"American Idol" results thoughts up at Talk about them, and The Buble Incident, here.


  1. That Buble comment at the end was awesome and Ryan's reaction to it priceless. He took an apperance on American Idol as seriously as it deserves to be as I seriously doubt his audience has much in common with that of AI's. And he actually sang live too.

    Too bad about Gina, but there is about 5 more weeks of deadweight until we get a real competition going. Maybe by then Sanjaya will be gone.

  2. I am glad that Kermit cleaned himself up enough to shoot that commercial, but he has to lay off the smack.

  3. So Alan... did your eyes water when Gina did her reprise of "Smile"? Mine did.

  4. This must be the first time in the history of American Idol that the results show was more entertaining than the actual show.

    Plus, Gina's "Smile" last night was better than any of the performances on Tuesday. Wow.

  5. UBM, I don't know if my eyes watered, but if she had sung the song that way on Tuesday night, she wouldn't have gone home. Of course, she sang the song that way because she was going home.

  6. Thanks for explaining Michael Buble. I'd never heard the guy sing before. I thought he was doing an impression of Robbie Williams doing a Dean Martin imitation. Even when I still thought that the comment was awesome. Ryan looked like he was ready to cry.

    Sad to see Gina go. That's one of the few times I've felt anything approaching bad to see someone leave. Too bad Tony didn't suggest she visualize being booted off if she didn't sing the song. We would've said goodbye to Phil instead.
