Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sometimes, the good guys do win

NBC renews "30 Rock" for next season. Now if only we can get something done about "Friday Night Lights," I can put down this baseball bat...


  1. How are you feeling about FNL's chances for renewal, Alan? A couple weeks ago, some articles suggested that the show looked like it was coming back, since it's well-liked internally and could find an audience somewhere down the line. But all this silence disturbs me a little. Is it just my paranoia or does it feel like the show's chances dim with each passing day?

  2. it was announced today that fnl won a peabody award.

    you can't cancel a peabody award winning show, can you?

    especially if your new motto is "excellence first, then first" or some such...

  3. here's a link to the 2006 peabody award winners:

    "the office" won too.

  4. oh, i forgot to add

    HUZZAH 30 Rock!

    well deserved...

  5. Scott, I think the chances for FNL were a little better before Vince Manze (NBC's former head of promotions, and a bottom-line guy if ever there was one) got promoted to head of scheduling. That's probably going to be another loud voice in the room arguing against it.

    And there's a small part of me, returning again to the old Good-Looking Corpse debate, that almost doesn't want "FNL" to come back, because it's so perfect as is, and I'd hate to see the show get renewed and either not be as good because the first season wasn't duplicatable (the "veronica Mars" problem) or because NBC mandated too many changes (what some people would call the "Boomtown" problem, though I never loved "Boomtown").

  6. you can't cancel a peabody award winning show, can you?

    Not true. Case in point: Nothing Sacred. As I recall, the show was officially cancelled days after the award was announced.

    But again, at least the episodes that exist are wonderful, and it's amazing that something so thoughtful and well-made lasted as long as it did.

  7. looks like things are finally shaping up for old Liz Lemon...

  8. They were probably too afraid to cross a Sugarbaker woman.

  9. I'm definitely with Alan re: FNL. I'm really worried about what NBC will do to it to make it more "ratings friendly" in a second season. I can't remember how many of the key players are on the verge of graduation, but presumably some new personnel will be needed in a second season. Will NBC really allow the producers to select good actors who fit in with the chemistry of the show, or mandate star power to bring in the audience?

  10. I'm willing to take that risk with FNL. One season of this show isn't enough.

  11. Alan, do you know what's happening with Studio 60? Is it coming back? What happens after the Black Donnellys?

  12. Scrubs got a Peabody, too. Yay! (the brother wants to know if this is its first)
    I just wish they'd be more precise as to which ep it was (though, from the description I'd say My Way Home, which is one of my favorites)

    Saw 30 Rock was picked up, thought of you :)


  13. MA Peel -- NBC is replacing Black Donnellys with The Real Wedding Crashers.

    It seems likely Studio 60 won't be back until summer, if then at all.
