Monday, January 28, 2008

In Treatment, week one: Laura

Talk about the the first episode of "In Treatment" here. Because I'm three weeks in, all I'll say for now is that, while Laura's problems make her arguably the series' most important patient, the writing makes her one of the less interesting patients.


  1. Alan, is each episode JUST the therapy session? It felt like a lot to care about, knowing nothing about the person coming in. I can't say I'm into the format of two people talking at each other.

    I might give it another night or two, but that felt like a waste of time.

  2. Alan, is each episode JUST the therapy session?

    Mostly. There are episodes where the session starts very late, or ends very early, and then we get a look at the therapist's family, or the patient(s) killing time outside his office, or whatever.

    Also, Laura is a situation where we're joining the therapeutic relationship after she's been seeing Paul for a while. The next two episodes feature Paul meeting new patients for the first time, so you don't have to do as much puzzle solving.

  3. I'm assuming that Gabriel Byrne gets more lines as the series progresses, but watching tonight's episode, it was easy to see how his having to do every episode instead of presumably 1/5 of them would be made easier by his having fewer lines.

    As far as Laura goes, I was disappointed when I realized that it was going towards "she's in love with the therapist." At least it didn't end with them acting on it (yet), but it's going to have to do a lot to convince me that this storyline is interesting. Also, I'm hoping that some of the other characters are more likable or that these characters will develop likable traits. I still need a reason to care about them, but I am very much looking forward to seeing Josh Charles on Thursday, since I haven't seen him since he was Abby's patient.

  4. I enjoyed it enough to keep watching, it has good potential.

  5. Not without its flaws, but I liked Rodrigo Garcia's movie Nine Lives a lot, and this show would seem to play to his strengths as a writer and director. I just wish it wasn't quite such a huge commitment.

  6. I'm not sure I care so much about Transference Girl (and I sure as hell hope he doesn't act on it--in fact, he should probably refer her to a colleague), but I'm interested in enough to at least try this week's full slate of eps.

  7. I kept trying to focus on the effect Laura's session was having on Paul, since that's a lot of what this is about, right?

    The word 'sad' came up enough times for me to look for it -- and find it -- in his eyes. Or was it only the dour Scot I was seeing?

    Anyway, it's good to have a thirty-minute pocket of something new to look forward to each weeknight.

  8. I thought it was interesting. The show kept my attention for the whole 30 minutes, something I wasn't sure the concept would be able to do. I don't know if it will hold my interest for 30 minutes five nights a week for nine weeks, but I will stay around for a while. I'm interested to see how well they are able keep things interesting while keeping the people real.

  9. Wow, I didn't want it to end. Unless they bring Jeph Loeb on board to write the rest of the season, I'm in it till the end.

  10. It was interesting. I like how they put up 2 weeks worth of episodes on-demand. I'll keep watchin for now

  11. I just watched the first week of episodes on demand last night, and I agree that Laura is definitely the most boring patient. But Melissa George does a great job with her, she's fantastic to watch, which makes up for it somewhat. Maybe she'll become more interesting when we find out why she started seeing Paul to begin with? We'll see. I really can't put my finger one why she isn't quite as interesting as everyone else. Her character is rich with contradictions, after all.

  12. This should be clear to everybody by now, but just in case: for the benefit of people who don't have the time or access to watch all the On Demand episode, please keep the discussion to this episode and only this episode.

  13. I'm a psychologist, so you would think I'd have some empathy for the characters, but last night's episode bored me to tears. (Maybe it's time for a career change...) Nonetheless, I'll give it a week.

  14. I didn't think i'd really enjoy this show, but I must say I really did. Maybe it's because i've always had a thing for crazy girls.

  15. Does anyone know where the show takes place?

    I initially thought New York (as all new yorkers automatically assume everything is set there unless otherwise noted) bu as soon as Laura mentioned her car I began to think Chicago.

  16. I think it might be in suburban Detroit. They showed a hockey figurine in a perfect Red Wings uniform, and in the first Sophie episode they show a baseball player wearing what looks to be an 80s-era Tigers uniform.
