Monday, January 28, 2008

While you were out

Busier weekend than usual here at the blog, with 10 different posts from Friday night through Monday morning. Since not everybody seems to be scrolling all the way down (someone in the Wire On Demand thread asked me if I had heard of something I blogged about on Sunday afternoon), I'm going to take a page from Peter Abraham, busiest Yankee beat-blogger on the planet, who on his more prolific days will always do a table of contents style post linking to everything he just wrote. If you were away from your computer all weekend, here's what you missed:


  1. So, thoughts on the SAG Awards? Daniel-Day Lewis is the most awesome human being in the history of ever.

    Also, "Sopranos", still cleaning up at awards shows. Whee!

  2. Also his brother, Daniel Day-Lewis.

  3. So, thoughts on the SAG Awards? Daniel-Day Lewis is the most awesome human being in the history of ever.

    I skimmed through the awards via DVR after they were over, so I only caught certain speeches, notably Julie Christie looking amazing for any age, Day-Lewis' Ledger tribute, and Josh Brolin enjoying "my moment" a little too much. Also paused for a moment to watch the "My name is so-and-so, and I am an actor" intro, just to analyze the thinking behind each choice. Sally Field, I get. Sandra Oh, I get. Most of the others, I get. But Doug Savant?

    Day-Lewis' Ledger tribute could have been awkward, what with them never having worked together -- or even met -- but that actually enhanced the point he was trying to make. That he could be so moved by the work of a man he didn't know is a mark of what great acting's supposed to be all about.

  4. Any plans to do an Eli Stone column?

    I was really looking forward to the show when it was first announced (back last May) but between the promos and all of the horrendous reviews calling it 'Darren Star-esqu' and 'a male ally mcbeal' I'm worried.

    Both Berlanti and Guggenhiem are great writers in my book, but is the show just flawed from the start due to a bad concept?

  5. yea, I totally meant to say David E Kelley (though I think that goes without saying)

  6. >Also paused for a moment to watch the "My name is so-and-so, and I am an actor" intro, just to analyze the thinking behind each choice. Sally Field, I get. Sandra Oh, I get. Most of the others, I get. But Doug Savant?

    thank you for noting this. I skimmed the SAG awards as well (and then noticed we didn't get the end, thanked someone that it was on... whatever network that was, and set it to rerecord with extra time)
    If not for your note, I might just as likely have tossed the thing but now I might expend the energy to edit.
    I always thought that the ability to FF thru an awards show would be nice, but now I'm finding that the ability to locate actors from my favorite show when their faces show up on screen and ditch the rest would be better.
    Not spoiled much, am I?
    (I have no idea what I did this weekend, but Sunday I slept from 5am to 5pm or so. thanks for the recap. I lie, I spent Saturday trying to tame the DVR (back down to 3GB free, again))

  7. House was on tonight. I'd forgotten how much I like Wilson. he gets the best lines....

  8. YANKEES SUCK! Wait, what were we talking about?
