Sunday, January 18, 2009

Big Love: season three premiere open thread

Fire away with any thoughts you have on the return of "Big Love."


  1. Gilly.....



  2. I love this show.

    This is looking like it might be the best season yet.

    I am looking forward to the Greene's returning, and to see Albie in charge of Juniper Creek.

    I am also quite intrigued by the plots of Nicki's infiltration into the prosecution and Barb's cancer return. I always figured the Barb cancer return would be an inevitable plot.

    I am also looking forward to see where Sarah's storyline goes. Bill will no doubt resist but I have a feeling Barb will let her go to live her own life.

    I wonder how many seasons this show has got though. Surely not more than 4 or 5. As Bill gets more and more involved in ethically dubious and even criminal behavior, I do not know if the family will indeed be able to stick together! I also have to wonder if at some point Barb will realize she has no true desire for polygamy, and how Margene will really feel about the arrangement once she matures a little. As for Anna, I love her character, but I don't think it's really in her to believe in polygamy.

    Really, of all the wives, it's only Nicki who I think truly believes in it. Barb just agreed to it because she doesn't want to lose Bill, Margene just loves Bill and just went along for the ride, and Anna apparently also just wants Bill badly enough that she might be willing to put up with this crazy situation. Surely such a complex series of relationships will not be able to permanently sustain itself with so few of the participants actually being devout to the religious intent?

    I am excited to view the remainder of the season.

  3. That was the only good part of SNL, Mr. SNL. It was boring and weird apart from Gilly.

  4. Seems like Big Love is off to a good start! I hope there is more of Albie's "other side". Lots of the wives, and even the work part included a wife. Good stuff. I look forward to more.

  5. The block party was a nail-biter.

    I didn't get why, when the neighbor asked why he rents his house to Nikki, he didn't say something like "it's not her fault she's Grant's daughter. She got out. Show some compassion." I mean, it's not like he has to admit to being a polygamist to defend the right of a person to live in a house.

    It's become a broken record at this point, but yeah, the women of this show are something else. Barb accepting Ana out of fear of a relapse just opens up so many possibilities, character-wise for all five women (the three wives, Ana and Sarah).

    And I love when Nikki goes balls out to defend the family. It makes her weird undermining that much more fascinating.

  6. (Also is it a secret that Bill was cast out of Juniper Creek as a boy? Couldn't he have said, we knew each other as kids, she wanted to get out too, I helped her? Wouldn't that be...a good thing?)

  7. @christy, I don't think it's a secret that Bill was cast out. Back when he and Barb were still LDS, he did speaking engagements about his life on the compound and how he was kicked off of it. Now, I don't think the average neighbour is going to know that, because some of them obviously didn't realize that the Henricksons weren't still active LDS.

    Adaleen is so fabulous. Her dictating her biography, her innuendoed description of Albie's "proclivities."

  8. Good start to the season, Looks like the show might hit another level.

  9. I never thought Adaleen could be better than when she made this quote, but I was wrong:

    We all spend like there's no tomorrow, which we were told there wouldn't be on three occasions!. But your father's revelations have been a little! off the mark lately.
