Saturday, January 17, 2009

Two quick ones before I'm away

1. Matthew Weiner and Lionsgate closed a deal for him to remain as producer of "Mad Men" through at least the third and fourth seasons. No idea what the dollar figures are (nor do I care), but this made too much sense for all parties to have it not get done.

2. It occurs to me that, by re-posting the original "Friday Night Lights" reviews (in order to retain the comments) rather than creating new duplicate posts, the old posts aren't going to ping anyone's RSS or XML reader. So if you follow the blog via a reader and are watching the broadcast run of "FNL," you may want to get in the habit of coming directly to the blog every Friday night around 10 Eastern. The first one is here.


  1. Are the FNL comments spoiler-free for those of us watching on NBC?

  2. Yup. 100%. All comments come within days of when that episode aired.

  3. Gotta ask, if the Mad Men cast is all signed through a theoretical sixth season, why is Weiner not signed to a contract of a similar length? Is it a question of the actor contracts being sort of like place-holders, whereas if Weiner is signed for four more seasons, that means there must be four more seasons?

  4. I'm so glad to hear Weiner worked out a contract, whatever the terms are. Mad Men has quickly become a staple for me, and I can't wait for whenever season 3 will be ready!

  5. Thank (insert your diety here) that Weiner and Lionsgate have settled. I wonder if that second Globe gave him a little extra bargaining mojo.

  6. thank God that's settled. For those who might not know: MW has said in previous interviews that has a 5 year/season arc in mind for the show that would take the story to 1070. I suspect that it goes at least 5 seasons. All I care isthta he is running the show and his vision will come to pass. I bet Hamm nd Co. are breathing a major sigh of relief now.

  7. Sorry this is a random place--but did anyone else do the New York magazine crossword this week, see "Commedia dell----" as the clue, and immediately think "Finally! Watching Studio 60 pays off."?

  8. Her man's been gone, for nigh on a year. He was due home yesterday, but he ain't here...

  9. Wonderful news about Matthew!

    Sorry you didn't get more time to enjoy our So. Cal sunshine while you were here.

    Love the Who reference in the title of this one!

  10. Alan,
    I just got around to watching the DirecTV version on my DVR today, but obviously your article on the Finale has been removed. Any way to get it somewhere before it actually airs on NBC again?
