Friday, February 06, 2009

Your weekly Friday Night Lights reminder

Once again, it's time to remind the folks with RSS readers that I'm re-posting the original versions of my "Friday Night Lights" season three reviews, so click here for my take on "Hello, Goodbye." And if you're really seeing this episode -- one of the high points of season three, and maybe of the series -- for the first time, I envy you.


  1. I'm watching FNL right now, but I just finished up last night's episode of "The Beast." ... Did you give up on it?

    Back to FNL, you know what the crazy thing about this episode was? On the one hand, Smash was CLASSIC FNL, but Cash drove me nuts in this episode. He's one of the biggest walking stereotypes to ever enter the show.

  2. Oh, and I meant to say if you gave up on "The Beast," you did it with good reason. This one was awful, easily the worst of the run, and I'm done. My roommate and I watched it and in the final 15 minutes or so we were watching it MST3K style.

  3. That picture is bugging me--years should be shortened with apostrophes (they look like 9's), not single opening quote marks (which look like 6's). Sorry, English major here.

  4. Chris, I just haven't finished watching and/or writing about a bunch of Thursday shows.

  5. Finally saw this episode last night. Absolutely beautiful ending. Thanks so much Alan for keeping up with this show.
