NOTE: This and all subsequent "FNL" season three reviews were written after viewing the DirecTV cut, which can be several minutes longer than the NBC version. So both my review and the early comments may refer to scenes that were not shown on NBC.
"Right here, right now, God has placed you to do what you do best. Go all the way." -Eric TaylorChills. Massive, massive chills.
"Hello, Goodbye" was easily the most spine-tingling episode of the season so far -- I enjoyed the previous three, but this was the first that felt on the same level as the best of season one -- and nowhere was it more chill-tastic than the moment where Coach charged across the A&M practice field to ensure that Smash got a fair shot at a walk-on job.
We've known for a long time that Eric is an all-around swell guy -- as Tami puts it, "You are a teacher first, and you are a molder of men" -- and his behavior throughout this Smash storyline, and through the quarterback controversy threatening to engulf the Panthers reminded us just how swell he is. Coach isn't some two-dimensional saint. He has flaws, and he doesn't always make the right decision, but the extent to which he puts himself on the line for these kids is one of the main reasons "Friday Night Lights" is so compelling. Eric risks embarrassment (and burning a professional contact) to make sure that Smash gets his tryout, and he agonizes more than your average coach would over a potential quarterback switch, less for football reasons than because Saracen's become like a son to him. Kyle Chandler was superb throughout this episode -- but then, isn't he always?
Just as good, for that matter, was Gaius Charles in what looks to be his final appearance on the series. The look on Smash's face when he got the call from A&M -- surprised, grateful, overwhelmed -- was just about perfect, as was that final shot of Smash at Herrmann Field, glorying in his element and hollering "Where you at, baby? Where you at?" I understand why Smash has to be written out, but I'm going to miss the cocky SOB.
Really, every element of the show was firing on all cylinders tonight. I could very easily have started out talking about how great Jesse Plemons and Adrianne Palicki were in Landry and Tyra's screaming match in the hallway, or how I like how gingerly both Matt and the writers are approaching this possible reconciliation with his mom, or the two wonderful Taylor marital moments (first at the bar where she supports him about the QB controversy, then in bed where he supports her about the Jumbotron). This was the "Friday Night Lights" I fell in love with, and I hope the show can stay at the level for most of the remaining nine episodes.
Where previously Matt has had one problem piled on top of another, I'm intrigued by the way that one potential bit of good news (his mom coming back to help out with Grandma) comes at the same time as some bad news (Eric's no doubt doomed attempt to split the QB job, King Solomon-style). I can see a circumstance where JD winds up as the full-time starter, only Matt will be less crushed than expected because other parts of his life are finally working out okay for once. Whatever happens, Zach Gilford, Kim Dickens and Louanne Stephens did a great job of letting their respective guards drop only slightly. Matt, Shelby and Grandma are all very much aware that this situation could blow up at any minute, and none of them wants to be hurt when that happens, but they can see the potential benefits if it does work.
Unsurprisingly, I'm less interested in Tyra's relationship with Cowboy Cash (whose need to pop some occasional "cowboy candy" painkillers was like a flashing neon "Danger!" sign) than I am in what it means for her friendship with Landry. That situation -- Tyra not feeling romantic towards Landry anymore but not wanting to give up the other aspects of their relationship, and Landry finally standing up for himself and explaining to her that it's all-or-nothing -- felt very real to me. And as powerful as it was to see them screaming their lungs out at each other, it was just as brutal to hear Landry's voice drop to barely above a whisper in the later scene where he asked Tyra to leave his garage.
The episode's only real misstep, I think, is that we didn't get to see the school board meeting where Tami tried to shame the boosters over the Jumbotron decision. Tami sticking Buddy with the charity auction was actually very funny (particularly for the half-smirk on Eric's face when she pulled that stunt), but they had prepared us for a very different kind of scene, and they either should have changed Tami and Eric's bedroom talk accordingly or else inserted some brief later scene where Tami realizes that revenge is a dish best served with a silent auction.
Still, that's a very minor complaint about a terrific, terrific episode.
Some other thoughts on "Hello, Goodbye":
* Okay, put this hour in the "misunderstood" column (instead of "villain" column) for JD. It's clear from his getting-to-know-ya conversation with Eric that his father has never allowed him to have much of a life outside of football. I'm thinking he's as much a victim of all of this as Matt, and that we may be in for some kind of "Bad News Bears" moment later this season where JD deliberately tanks a game to spite his old man.
* I'm also wondering what column Katie McCoy belongs in. Her advice to Tami was spot-on, as proven by the superintendent assuming Tami was getting angry with him when she had barely raised her voice at all. But is she just doing all of this so that her husband can get to Eric through Tami?
* I thought it was a nice touch that Mac wouldn't let the other assistant coaches question Eric's QB choice, but once it was just the two of them, he made the push for JD. That kind of nuance about the politics of the coaching staff is always welcome.
* Anybody know whose cover of "Dream Lover" was playing when Cash and Tyra kissed?
What did everybody else think?
Mo Ryan said a few weeks back that she judges an FNL episode by how many times she cries. A five-time cry tonight, no? Was for me. Absolutely riveting.
The look on Matt's face when the dual-qb scheme was announced said more about Coach letting Matt down than it did about Matt being disappointed about not being the exclusive QB1 going forward. This was clear from the Internet search that Matt was doing for Smash and Matt says something like: you KNOW you can trust Coach. Matt has had so many letdowns in his life that for Coach to also lose faith is almost soul-destroying.
Loved every scene but my favorite five moments:
1. JD's job interview and the subtle uncertainties in his responses
2. Smash faking out Mama Smash (PLEASE don't let Mama be gone too).
3. How Coach reminded Smash of what he needs to do just seconds after sneaking a wry smile at Smash's good news (and did Coach actually shed a quiet tear as he hugged Smash?)
4. Principal T's (formerly known as Mrs Coach) power walk.
5. Landry's laughing-gas one-liners.
Sheez, there were so many more. An awe-inspiring review, too, Alan. And you are right about Kyle Chandler. He is too good for words. In just about every scene he plays, he makes Jon Hamm's subtle eye-opening to portray Dick Whitman look amateurish.
Alan --
I'm 100 percent with you. As I described it in my writeup, it was a little dusty in my apartment when I watched this one. Yeah, dusty. No tears in this Panther's eyes. I wish I had an image of Smash's big smile at the end of the show. That would've been my lead image. How could you not smile with him?
Tyra/Landry were great. In the first few minutes of the episode, I wondered if we'd ever deal with any leftover feelings, and the way Landry acted so oblivious at first, I didn't think they would, but the screaming scenes were great. (And you know why they were great? Because unlike last season, we weren't just going from one scene where someone was screaming to another. It's all about moderation on the angst.)
I didn't think missing the school board meeting was a huge deal. It was clear Tami either A) knew she couldn't win or B) was going to try and save face and give in. Either way, we knew what the outcome was going to be. Could've been good theater, but I can live without it.
We're also in sync on the whole J.D. McCoy persona. I don't think it's a mistake that we only see this kid in football situations, and when we don't, he seems extremely awkward.
Why is Katie McCoy there? She wears, uhm, interesting (?) tops. That's all I've got so far.
Also, did you have the same realization I did: Almost no Tim/Lyla this week, still no Street, and not to speak ill of their characters, but did you feel like you missed a thing? Doubt it.
Expanded thoughts, as always, over on FirstCuts.
You're all a bunch of *sniff* crybabies over here. I mean, *snuffle* sure there were some emotional moments tonight, but *snorfff* it wasn't like anyone's dreams came *snf* true or anyone's *ssssnnnarrf* heart was broken. Bunch of crybabies.
In my review over at DreamLoom, I focused mostly on Landry/Tyra. Just like the horrific missteps with those two last year were the most obvious sign the writers had gone off the rails, the real emotion and believable storyline this year tell me they're back on track.
As for the rest, I don't think things with Matt's mom are going to go well. Remember last week? Matt poured his heart and soul into the game, did everything humanly possible to win, left everything on the field, and still lost? And now, despite the fact that it's Dillon's crappy *defense* who let them down, not Matt Saracen, he's getting pushed aside for JD. Well, as much as Matt Saracen can carry on his broad shoulders on the field, the writers want to give him even more off. Unless they're planning on some sort of happy ending for Matt this year, I can't see how they don't keep it up and let Matt's mom be a colossal letdown for him as well.
Honestly, I just assumed Tami went into that school board meeting as sweet as honey and rolled right over. She knew she'd lost and knew she wasn't even playing the same game as Buddy; there was little point in prolonging the fight. I think she just gave in after quickly and calmly stating her case so she could try to work on establishing a new reputation as a team player.
I absolutely loved the scene between Matt and his mom, specifically for the detail that she won't say anything bad about his dad. Anyone who comes from a family of divorce knows the awkward dance the parents have to do, and it showed that his mom isn't a monster, and knows the responsibility not to badmouth his dad. They may have an ugly history, but he's still Matt's dad, and she can't bring herself to badmouth him. Even the light passive-aggressive insult she throws (how he'd get angry and throw things) seems not like an insult, but a fact they both acknowledge, and not like her spewing venom.
I just loved that detail, but the whole episode was pretty brilliant, and the Smash part at the end had me tearing up a bit.
The stuff we learned about JD McCoy reminds me of Kerry Collins. When he was having his redemptive period with the Giants, I remember hearing how he was groomed to be a star quarterback his whole life by an overbearing father. By the time he got to college and especially the NFL, he was exhibiting all manor of self-destructive behavior as a way to rebel. I suspect Coach Taylor will end up making JD a better person, not at all what his father intends.
That was the real Kyle Field at Texas A&M that they shot those scenes at, by the way (you could see the "Spirit of Aggieland" signs in the stands).
I was a little confused over how Smash got on the team - the Panthers are already a few games into the season, and Smash is trying to make the football team at A&M as a walk-on and he's not even enrolled yet?
And I wonder why they were allowed to use Texas A&M, when during the first season it appeared that they were going to have Eric be a coach at The University of Texas in Austin, but that got changed to "TMU" (Texas Methodist University?)
If this comes back another season, we will lose just about every character except for Julie due to graduation.
I am really impressed with this whole season and obviously this episode was one of the best of the series entire run. I kind of wished that the show was cancelled when I found out that Riggins/Tyra/Lyla were still seniors, but the show has earned my forgiveness.
Sad to see Smash go, it was a good finish though.
Michael: You make a good point about losing the entire cast it would seem. I mean, what would we have left? The Taylor family, the McCoys, Buddy Garrity? Then again, if they can continue to write like this, it might not matter. Like great football programs, they'd reload rather than rebuilding.
I haven't seen Episode 4 yet, but 1-3 have been close enough to season 1 that I think they have their mojo back.
It looks to me that with Mr. McCoy, we're headed for a rich guy version of Tim McGraw's character in the movie. They're setting him up as a Marv Marinovich type...it will be revealed that he slaps J.D. around or is at least verbally abusive, and that J.D. is a robo-QB who would just like to be a regular kid.
The writing is excellent again, and Connie Britton and Jeanine Turner are so easy on the eyes...
None of my friends have DirecTV, so I just have to share that I was in this episode! Ok, now that's out. I was an extra in the scene where Principal T confronts the Supernintendo at the diner. They shot the scene many ways, for like 2 hours. At first, Tami was supposed to chase him out of the diner and continue trying to win him over to her point of view. It was very interesting to see how the scene changed during the shoot. Connie Britton discussed it with the director several times, and convinced him that Tami wouldn't do that at this point. That even "stalking" him at his favorite diner was pushing a little for her. I was glad to see they ultimately went with Tami recognizing that this is the end of the road for her Jumbotron fight. As far as Mrs. McCoy and Tami, it seems like an understandable friendship to me. Tami doesn't seem to have any girlfriends, and the McCoys are new in town. They're about the same age, have a common interest in the football team, their kids are about the same age, why wouldn't they be friends? And please God yes don't let Mama Smash be off the show, too!
I had tears in my eys too throughout most of it... yeah, they're BACK!!! FNL, Mad Men and Chuck are my TV pleasures right now. Tho it never would've occurred to me to compare Kyle Chandler & Jon Hamm's performances like someone did upthread, and now that I think about it, whoa! Maybe Jon Hamm can get the Best Actor in a Period Drama Emmy and Kyle Chandler can get Best Actor in a Parental/Teacher Role Emmy? so they both win? LOL, a girl can dream.
No one's mentioned this so I will: do you remember last season when Matt had his massive breakdown asking what was wrong with him, why does everyone leave? (his mom, dad, Julie, the nurse's aide/GF) That scene tore me to bits. So last night, when his mom is saying she doesn't want to try to earn his forgiveness, she just wants to be around and help him, I bawled because I was thinking "finally, someone is coming BACK to him instead of leaving!" Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I'm a sap.
The scene between Coach & Mrs. Coach at the bar was suitable for framing. Especially when he gets all passionate and she starts smiling and giggling a little. I bopped my hubby and said "See, she does it too!" I love how well they portray that marriage, that frienship/partnership relationship that they both depend upon so much. (another favorite scene from a past season: when Coach goes in Tami's office and says he needs to talk to the school counselor and ask her advice about whether to fire Mac, then he asks for his best friend, then his wife... she's still not telling him what he hoped to hear and he finally asks "Is there anyone else here I can talk to?" Heh! That's brilliant writing)
On the Mrs. McCoy & Tami friendship, I too think that for an educated, opinionated, modern woman married to the HS Fooball Coach in a small town there wouldn't be many people for her to choose from to be friends with. Same for the super-rich woman new in town. So I'm hoping this will turn out to be an opportunity for the them to write a healthy, functional female frienship between two women who quite possibly are just friends by default in a small town... Tho it did bug me to see Katie cheering for the stupid Jumbo-tron, which she probably had to do to keep her husband happy.
The writing is definitely a lot better than the first ep of the season, and I hope the trend continues. I missed Tim Riggins this ep but not Lyla. They need to decide what they're going to do with her character because right now she's just a foil for Riggins or a foil for Buddy, she doesn't seem to be her own person like she was before. I want more Julie too, and definitely more Tyra and Garrity. The last scene with The Smash and the boys on the field, very sweet. Tho it did scare me a little to confirm how much weight the actor seems to have lost, his face is almost gaunt! (or am I imagining this?)
On a last note, we howled when JD McCoy said his dad doesn't let him eat fried foods... hubby said "in TEXAS?" and I replied, "he may as well tell him he can't eat BEEF either!" That'll be an open door for Eric to stick it to the McCoy dad...
According to Shazam the song playing when Cash kissed Tyra was "Tell Her" by James Hunter. I didn't recognize it. Reading your recap is almost like watching the entire episode over again- thank you so much for doing these.
I'm a fan of the direction of season 3 but my concern is Matt. It never dawned on me that Matt may not end up going to college. But with all this talk about a new QB, I realized Matt is just a good QB; not an amazing one that will necessarily get a scholarship. Of all the characters on the show, I always wanted him to leave on a hopeful note (presumably he will leave next year but we'll see). Regardless I'm glad his mom is around to help at least for a little while.
Speaking of leaving on a hopeful note, I'm happy about the Smash situation. Gaius Charles really, really improved over the two years on the show.
What more is left to say about this episode. I am a 28 yo grown man and in the final scene between Smash and Coach Taylor I didnt even realise there were tears streaming down my face.
I could truly feel the pain in Landry as he rejects Tyra's pleas for friendship. Jesse Plemons and Adrianne Palicki are playing off each other superbly.
I could go on and on about this episode but this is what all television shows should aspire too. Simply perfect.
Is Landry no longer on the football team? Or are they pretending that never happened?
This was a very moving episode.... loved the Smash/Coach scenes and the scene in the Williams house when they all hugged each other. But does Smash have a scholarship to go to college or is he just given the chance to play on the team and pay for it himself? I know Mama Smash was considering a second job to get him through school.....
The scene with Coach & Tammi in the bar was awesome.......they are the best couple on TV. LOVE Coach Taylor!
I hope Matt's mom sticks around, he needs something good in his life. That scene of him breaking down in the bathtub last year was so heartbreaking. That was so cute when his mom brought the old baby pictures.
I like Tammi & Mrs. McCoy being friends, she needs a buddy and their lives seem to revolve around football they have a lot in common.
That was funny when Mindi told Billy she wants to go to Hawaii on her honeymoon.........does she think she is marrying a rich guy? Get a clue, she has been to his house.......where does she think the money is coming from?
I would just like to point out that I did NOT write about it in my blog.
In the meantime, I think that I'm going to love every single scene between Zach Gilford and Kim Dickens, who brings the same wounded but dignified quality to this role that she did to Joanie Stubbs.
No need to prolong the love here, but that was by far the best episode since Season 1. In fact they should have ended S1 with the Smash story. I haven't felt this way about a TV show since the best episodes of the West Wing or Season 1 of Friday Night Lights. I actually got teary-eyed on multiple occasions, It's back, gentlemen. Thank God.
tomok97: I think we actually did see Landry on the football field already this year. Not 100 percent sure, but I think we did.
Episode 4 is the best televison I have seen this year and Season 3 is starting to rival Season 1. Smash's farewell scene at Coach Taylor's front door had tears welling up in my eyes. The writing is excellent once more and FNL is winning me over again. I have lived in Texas, and I love everything about this show.
i cried like a little girl towards the end when the good news finally, finally... came around. I live through these characters, I'm happy for Smash and Coach and that moment they shared.
I can't believe that this is the last time we're gonna see Smash. Like you say, Alan, that last shot of him on HIS field was just perfect. And it was also good to see all the guys together one last time. I just wish that Street could have been there as well (by the way, it wasn't until that last scene that I realized that Tim and Lyla were almost non-existent in this episode).
Jesse Plemons did a fantastic job (although the NBC broadcast did not include the scene in the garage that you mention). I think every guy who has ever realized that she just wants to be friends knew EXACTLY how Landry felt.
Tyra hooking up with the cowboy doesn't mean anything to me yet. For some reason, it reminds me of the time she hooked up with that oil salesman (or whatever he was) in Season One. Does anyone else feel a little bit sick with the realization that that happened when she was a sophomore in high school?
Oh, yeah: props to the writing team for having Matt's mom mention HEB. That's what's up here in central Texas.
This episode finally made me remember why I loved the show during season 1. I mean, I have Directv, but I hated season 2 so much that I skipped FNL during its Directv run. I'm glad I picked it back up.
After tonight's episode, I think it's pretty clear that JD is supposed to be Todd Marinovich. Marinovich was engineered by his obsessive father to be the Greatest Quarterback of All Time and was famously not allowed to eat fried foods. He had what could be characterized as a nervous breakdown while he was at USC and got into drug, legal, and paternity trouble. If JD is following this arc, we can expect some sort of meltdown later in the season.
I don't get where we're going with Tyra. Isn't she on a "get into college at all costs" track now? How does she have time to be dating the rodeo guy? Landry could do much, much better than her anyway.
The Smash finale was just terrific. Some of the best moments in the entire series. I'll leave it at that.
I've never cried at a movie, but will admit doing so from TV shows a few times in my life.
(That itself might warrant further study).
That great ending tonight had me tearing up.
I love this show.
An interesting choice by the producers to drop the tyra-landry garage scene, where as Alan points out the volume of dialogue was quite the contrast to their street-shouting match. I thought the garage scene was another important "Goodbye" in the "Hello, Goodbye" episode. The last we saw of Tyra and Landry in the NBC episode was at 9:36pm after Landry banged his hand on the awning outside of the establishment next door to Fran's Restaurant.
For more than half of his scenes here Kyle Chandler wears dark sunglasses. Yet, the viewer is never short-changed. Even in the pivotal scene of the episode out on Kyle Field, Kyle Chandler's eyes didn't need to say a thing. Right here, right now, I'm calling for any of those folks who nominate Emmy Awards to give the new sixth nominee slot for Best Actor in a Drama Series to K Chandler (he never seems to get in the first five nominees). Go all the way. And, for the record, if Chandler had played that silly role on 30 Rock last night instead of Jon Hamm, he would again have made Jon Hamm look amateurish!
Can anyone summarize the Tyra-Landry garage scene for those of us unlucky enough to have seen this episode only on NBC?
And what the heck else was cut? I was expecting a big tearjerker of a goodbye scene between Smash and his mama.
any idea on how FNL is doing in the ratings for DirectTV + NBC? Is the experiment working? Do we know when NBC will decide if the show is coming back?
No crying here during the Smash/coach scene at the end.
But a funny thing-after the show when I was walking my dog in the park across the street and there was no one around, well... tears freezing on my face.
This show is the best thing ever on TV, and my mom and dad bought our first TV so I could watch the first episode of I Love Lucy in 1952. So I should know.
Well, damn. This garage scene is not up on NBC.com as of yet, though 2 other "bonus" scenes from this episode already are.
Here's the gist of what happens in the garage:
Landry's playing his guitar when Tyra comes in to apologize.
"I've never been closer to any guy than I have been to you -- ever. And what we had really was special. But I stopped feeling that way for you. You're my best friend. Landry, Landry, I won't give up your friendship -- not without a fight."
Landry, very, very quietly, asks her to please leave, and she goes, mortified.
I had a really long and exhausting week at work, so last night, when I sat there in front of my TV bawling, I thought I was just emotionally drained. But now I don't feel so alone, knowing that those last scenes brought others to tears, too!
I thought I had heard earlier that the versions on Hulu would be the DirectTV version. But I combed throught it this morning, and I did not find the garage scene.
Was NBC scared that ppl would just watch it on Hulu rather than on TV?
Tami's revenge was pretty mild, I thought. I would've liked to see her stick Buddy with big donation or something.
Anybody have any idea how much money we're talking about for a Jumbo Tron (two words)?
And how do women feel about Katie McCoy, anti-feminist ("Where your hair down... men don't like an angry woman...")?
I see in the previews that Julie's going to rebel. Again.
Jim, I think I recall the Jumbotron cost being mentioned in a previous episode as $200,000.
And I am aggrieved to see Julie rebelling in the previews. I thought I read an interview with the actress in which she said that Julie had gotten past her rebellious phase this season.
What an unbelievable episode... what an unbelievable show.
The acting performed by these kids is something to marvel... and of course a lot of credit to the writers for understanding their actors so perfectly.
Here's what I love about the show. Take Saracen, one of the lead characters on the show. How ofter do high school dramas feature leads who are not the ultra cool, have it all figured out types? Saracen is a bumbling, socially awkward teenager with a serious need for a confidence boost, and his shortcomings are not used for cheap comedy but for actual conflict and drama.
How does this show not get any love from the award shows? I wish I were an multi-billionaire so that I could pay NBC to ensure that the show stays on the air.
You know, I only watched this show because we recently became a Nielsen home, and I wanted to give this show, that so many people love, some ratings help. Imagine my surprise when the first episode I watched brought me to tears! (this is now my third episode, and it's the same story... tears!) Anyhow, how is it possible that I came to love these guys so quickly?
Off to start watching Season 1 on Hulu.
(Because I'm paranoid, I've posted this from a friend's house, and anonymously... the last thing I want is to have the nielsen box taken away because I admitted my love for FTL... that'd suck)
Anon, you are right to be cautious. I'm pretty sure that watching FNL is grounds for Neilson disqualification! I'm glad you're watching, and especially enjoying.
I'm really disappointed in NBC's "bonus" scenes on their website. Instead of a key scene that Alan describes, we get the Collette sisters on the phone talking about crawfish. (Which is still a fun character beat on this show, but hardly necessary.) I don't see why they won't/can't post all the scenes they had to cut for length.
Anonymous: thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
"And as powerful as it was to see them screaming their lungs out at each other, it was just as brutal to hear Landry's voice drop to barely above a whisper in the later scene where he asked Tyra to leave his garage."
Alan, I am sorry if this has been covered, but is NBC cutting parts of episodes? This is the second time something has been described that I did not see.
Sorry, my again. I googled it and have my answer:
Looks like scenes are being cut. DAMMIT! This happened a few weeks ago when they showed a scene between Tim and Lyla from the "previouslys" that definitely did not air.
Sigh, wish I could have seen the full episodes on DirectTV, but it is still a great season so far.
Gah, I am so sorry I did not read through all of the comments! My questions were already completely covered. So sorry, Alan, but when I read your review about some "garage scene" I went right to commenting. Very lame, I know.
Sorry again!
"Landry could do much, much better than her anyway."
No, Landry is the geeky, nice guy -in HS and is not at all "easy on the eyes". Most girls in HS wouldn't be caught dead being seen with him.
Teenagers don't have the self esteem or self knowledge to consider him as an interest. I bet even his rally girl thinks she "got stuck with him".
Only years later do you realize whom you might have overlooked. Now if his garage band gets some gigs...well someone might consider him as "cool".
Wow, do I love this show. Do the serials on cable (the closer, secret life of teenagers, monk, etc) cost that much less to produce than FNL? If NBC/Direct TV can't do this again, couldn't it go directly to a cable network? It must get better ratings that those noted above.
Point of confusion that I'd appreciate if anyone could clear up... did Smash get a scholarship as part of the A&M offer or is he (or rather Mama Smash) paying his way?
I see that this was asked above, but didn't see an answer.
And of course, no idea if anyone will read this since it aired months ago and I'm just catching up on DVD.
Amazing episode though... I was in tears for a solid 5 minutes at the end.
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