Talk me through the narrative and thematic style of ("Caprica"). You like to compare "Galactica" to war movies and political films from the '70s. What's something that looks like what "Caprica" is going to be?
It's hard to say. The comparison I used to keep making was "It's a sci-fi version of 'Dallas.' But the deeper we get into it, it's not. It's so different in tone and style to what we did on "Battlestar." If you just watched and didn't know the other program or didn't know what the connective tissue was, it wouldn't feel like they're part of the same family. They're very different stylistically. This is really a character piece and a drama that's very political. It has a lot of religious issues too. There are terrorists and terrorists bombings, religious strife... In "Galactica," we talked about monotheism versus polytheism; in "Caprica," those ideas are just starting to percolate.
Prequels can be very tricky to deal with, especially when one of the characters is from the other show, and a lot of what we know about him has to go a certain way. What made you want to tell a story in the past of this universe?
I knew the series of "Battlestar Galactica" was going to end with a period at the end of the sentence. Because of the way we're ending "Battlestar," I didn't see other stories beyond it that I felt were interesting or had any real relevance to what the show is about. But we had a very rich backstory to deal with. I mean, we could have done another Battlestar, or the first Cylon war, but those would have been repeating things we had done. Remi Aubuchon had come to the studio with an idea to do something unrelated to "Battlestar" about robots and artificial intelligence and the creation of life, and when we started talking together, I got interested in the idea of doing a sci-fi show that was set on a planet, did not have an action adventure component to it, is even more of a character piece than "Battlestar," where it really has to live and die on its characters and its story without the Cylons attacking every week. Could you sustain a science fiction show in that kind of context? That's what got me excited.
To play devil's advocate, the battles in space are some of the tropes the sci-fi fans have gotten accustomed to, at least since the first "Star Wars." Is this something you think they're going to want to watch?
I don't know. Science fiction in general is very heady intellectual stuff. The novels are a broad range of material -- there's some action adventure, and then there's very talky, sophisticated stuff. If you're a fan of the genre in general, I think you'll like this flavor of it... Surprisingly, this could be the one that sparks to a female viewership. There's always been a much higher male demo on "Galactica," because of the action adventure, the hardware component, and we think the character material might bring in more women.
You'll be filling in some gaps in Adama's biography --
Not much more. We play William Adama as a young boy. He's not central to the story in any way. It's really about his father. It's not like Willy -- Willy! -- is going to be saving the day in any way. It doesn't make sense that William Adama, the man of "Battlestar," was there at the moment the Cylons were born
Ever since you did the reveal of the Final Four, people have been really fascinated by the origins of the skinjobs and how they came to be. How much of that's going to be revealed in this final batch of "Galactica"s and how much will have to be in the new show?
It's mostly revealed in "Galactica." I don't think there are many pieces of the puzzle that are set up in "Galactica" that we held out for "Caprica." Most of the questions raised in "Galactica" are answered in "Galactica." We just said, "The Cylons were created by man and turned against their masters." And now we're telling that story.
The "Star Wars" prequels had lots and lots of problems, but one of the big ones was that we knew they were going to a fixed point, where Annakin is going to turn evil, the Republic's going to collapse, etc. How do you tell the story of the creation of the Cylons when we know what's eventually going to happen to them? Will there be a lot of scenes where one guy says, "Are you sure this is such a good idea?" and his buddy insists, "Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?"
I think that's a good tricky point. I think there's some important differences. We're not tracking a given set of characters through this. Willy will be the only person from the other show who even figures into it, and he's a kid. Internally, it's like doing a period piece. If you do a WWII piece, you know the Nazis are going to lose, that the North is going to win the Civil War, but you can still tell good stories about those periods. The fact that you do know where it's all going to end adds a certain layer of dread. Events have a certain import, because Caprica is doomed. The opening line that we show on Caprica, right now is "Caprica, 51 years before the fall." Right from the get-go we're telling you these people are all doomed. In some ways, we're taking the fact that you know where it's all going work for us.
In terms of "Galactica," how long have you known how you were going to end it?
In general terms, over the last year and a half, somewhere in the middle of season three I started asking, 'What's the shape of the ending? What's going to happen at the end of the show and what's going to be the case when they meet up with whoever they meet up with?' As we got into season three, I started thinking of it more seriously, and last summer, almost a year ago, we had a writer's summit up in Lake Tahoe and said, "It's going to end here." But a lot of the pieces didn't fall into place until I was sitting at the computer writing the teleplay that I realized exactly how the cards were going to fall for different characters.
One of the things I find interesting is, on "Lost," Cuse and Lindelof have always claimed they have a master plan and know where it's all going, and fandom has been skeptical at times and said, "Yeah, right." Whereas you've been pretty candid about the fact that you'll throw stuff out there and figure it out later, and yet people assume there's some cohesive plan to "Galactica." How do you pull that off to make it seem like there's a plan?
To me, that's the job. The job is to figure a way along in a story but make it all feel like it's seamless, to make it all make sense. Hopefully, if I've done my job right, when all is said and done and the story's been put to bed and you've got the entire set of DVDs before you and you watch them, that it feels like a cohesive narrative -- that stuff we just threw up and decided to take a flier on without ultimately knowing where it would pay off, when you look at in hindsight, that it all tracks. You're painting this large painting on this big canvas, and you may not know what it's going to look like at the end, but when you're done, you want it to feel like it's a cohesive vision and makes perfect sense.
So, for instance, when you decided who four of the Final Five would be, how much thought did you have to put into it before revealing it in "Crossroads," and how much was, "Oh, we'll say this and figure it out over the hiatus"?
The impulse to do it was literally an impulse. We were in the writers room on the finale of that season, always knew we would end season 3 on trial of Baltar and his acquittal, the writers had worked out a story and a plot, they were pitching it to me in the room. And I had a nagging sense that it wasn't big enough, on the level of jumping ahead a year or shooting Adama. And I literally made it up in the room, I said, "What if four of our characters walk from different parts of the ship, end up in a room and say, 'Oh my God, we're Cylons'? And we leave one for next season." And everyone said "Oh my God," and they were scared, and because they were scared, I knew I was right. And then we sat and spent a couple of hours talking about who those four would be. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to lock in who made the most sense and who would make the most story going forward.
One of the things I've thought about since you revealed them is the amazing chain of luck that had to happen for these four to survive everything that's gone down. They survived the genocide, Anders survives his time on Caprica, they all survive being the resistance leadership on New Caprica. Is this a coincidence?
This very topic is wrestled with at the end of the new season. Within the show overall, there's been a constant discussion of, "Is all this a coincidence or is there some meaning to it?" It's a glass half-full or half-empty question. Adama took a hard-line secular view on things a lot of other characters took a miraculous view on, and we the audience have seen a lot of things that can't be explained by rational means. How did these four survive through all of this -- how did all these people survive? -- and ultimately the show does have an answer to it.
Have you been watching endings to other series to glean anything?
I didn't go back and rewatch anything. There are certain endings that were powerful and I remembered. The "M*A*S*H" ending, I remembered. The "Seinfeld" finale was one I remembered a lot. "The Sopranos" ending was recent and shocking and everyone was talking about it, and I was jealous that I hadn't thought of it.
Then people could have hated you instead of David Chase.
Exactly. I would have enjoyed that. He's a genius. Probably the best finale I saw, the one that did inform me, even though I didn't go back and watch it, was the end of "The Larry Sanders Show." It was very satisfying as a fan of the series that the end of the show was also the end of the show-within-the-show. The character was leaving, the characters were aware of the ending being upon them, and there was a lot of heart to it, and it felt right, and they were talking about all the things they should have been. It was really a reward for your dedicated viewership. That spirit is something I definitely approached it with.
Some of your actors said when the strike hit they thought that "Revelations" would be the last one they ever did. And in watching it, there are certain ways where it could be that "Sopranos" kind of ending.
We talked about that at the time. I never really believed that it was going to be the end. No matter how long the strike lasted, there was too much invested for Universal to never go back and finish it, but if it was, I thought that would be an amazing place to finish the series. "Well, we got to Earth, and it sucked!"
Some of the writers who have talked to people since the finale have been very evasive about what Earth is and what happened to it. I'm not going to ask you to give it away, but my first reaction to it, and a lot of people's, was, "Holy (bleep), it's the Brooklyn Bridge." And whether it's supposed to be that or not, given that the show deals so much with 9/11, were you deliberately trying to evoke that shape with that shot?
It wasn't exactly my idea. It was something that the visual effects artists came up with. I dialed it back from being further in that direction. I wanted to evoke that feeling of familiarity, and I wanted to end with a big question mark. I didn't want them to know exactly what they were looking at, but you could pull that out of it.
One of the things I thought was great about the episode was, the whole thing is just the meat of the story -- all the emotional high points and nothing else. But the one cost of that is we had to skip over seeing everybody but Adama -- and I guess Kara -- find out that these are the Cylons. I would have loved, for instance, to see Gaeta find out that the guys who tried to airlock him were Cylons. Is there any way, with the movie or anything else, that you can go back and show that, or has the moment passed?
We haven't talked about that. We did talk about it internally, as we were structuring the last few episodes before the cliffhanger, about who would find out and what the reactions were, and the truth was, there was just no end to it. Everyone would have a reaction, and it would be 30 minues of This guy! And Gaeta's reaction! And Dualla's reaction! So we just skipped over it and said, "They all had a dramatic reaction." It's one of those things that the audience already knows, and you can't top Adama. Adama finding out that Tigh is a Cylon felt like it was the biggest emotional punch, and it became like, "Now let's just move on."
One of the things I've always liked about your storytelling style is that you let a lot of things just be assumed: "Oh, the fans are going to understand this, we don't need the technobabble or whatever. I just want to hit the parts of the story that are interesting to me, even if we don't explain everything."
I like doing it that way. On some level, I write the show for me and what I like, and I flavor everything in that light. "This is how I would like to tell a story." And I just assume that the audience is as smart as me, easily and they've seen a lot of TV and seen a lot of stories, and they can fill in the blanks and make the leaps with me on certain things.
A lot of times in the podcast, you'll say things like, "I know people are interested in this, but that's really not where the story's going." You didn't really deal with the toasters becoming sentient again, that sort of thing. After I watched "Revelations," I thought it was a great ending, but I jotted down a list of things that still had to be dealt with. I'm wondering, without you giving it away, whether these things are going to be addressed or whether these are things that we're thinking a lot more about than you were.
Do you have a list?
Obviously, the identity of the final Cylon, we will find this out?
The origin and nature of the Final Four and how they're different from the rest of them?
The origin of the rest of the skinjobs?
What happened to Earth and what happened to the 13th Colony?
Who, if anyone, is orchestrating all of this?
Basically, yeah. I don't know if it's going to be wrapped up in a neat bow. The show has an answer for it, whether it's a satisfying answer, I don't know.
Will "All this has happened before and it will happen again" be explained in some way?
The opera house?
What happened to Kara when she went through the Malestrom?
Pretty much.
Identity and nature of the "head" characters?
Tigh and Six's baby, and whether that means Cylons can breed?
Yes. That's not a "yes" to whether they can breed -- the question will be answered.
The fate of Boomer and whether there are other 1's, 4's and 5's floating out there?
Roslin's health?
Okay, that's a "yes" on all of them.
See? We knew what all the questions were! I'm kind of proud of myself. "Yes"es to all of them. I thought you were going to throw a curve at me, like, "Oh, (bleep)."
No, I just remember in one of the early episodes this season, when Head Six picks Baltar up off the floor, and I'm watching that and going, "Oh my God, she just lifted him up and carried him around," and a few weeks later on the podcast, you say, "I didn't really want it to look that dramatic."
"Yeah, didn't mean to go that far."
You said there's a part of you that wished you had done what David Chase did with "The Sopranos." How do you want, or how do you expect, people to react when we get to the end of this?
I hope it's satisfying. Ultimately, I hope it's satisfying. This one is a closed-end story to an extent, setting aside "Caprica" for the moment. It's a beginning, middle and end, "Battlestar Galactica." This big story, how it all began, the apocalypse of the 12 Colonies, then the journey, and then they get here. This is the end of all these characters that you have come to know and love. I really wanted it to be satisfying and answer questions that the audience has asked for a long time. I wanted them to like the answers, or at least appreciate the answers, that thought was given to them. At the end, you can say goodbye to the characters as you're saying goodbye to the show, and there's not a dry eye in the house.
The Emmy nominations came out last week. Michael Angeli got a writing nomination, which is more than I was expecting, but no Mary McDonnell, no Edward James Olmos, no Michael Hogan or anybody else. What, if anything, is it ever going to take for a sci-fi show, even one with performances as genius as you have, to break out of the ghetto and get people to pay attention?
I'd say it was good news, bad news on the Emmy front. It was really surprising that we broke into Cinematography, that surprised me, that we broke into Editing was huge, and that we got Writing two years in a row. Both those trends feel positive, that we've been accepted by the Academy, the Academy tends to go back to shows that they like, so it feels like we're making inroads there and we're making momentum.
The actor thing is criminal. I'll say that flat out. It is just wrong. God love all the actors and actresses who got nominations, but I refuse to believe that Eddie and Mary did not do work on a par with people who were nominated in those categories. And at this point in the run of the series, they absolutely should have at least one nomination apiece.
And the thing is, the way the nominations process was set up this year, people actually had to sit in a room and watch Mary in "Faith."
I don't know what that's about, I don't know what personal preferences they're indulging. It's just stupid.
I know you've said the title can be a barrier sometimes, but I wonder how much the genre itself is.
I think it is. The title of the show, the title of the network is two strikes against us right there. There's a hard-core group of people who are resistant to this genre. One of things I used to slough it off as was that Sci Fi's reach isn't that big, but AMC? AMC's entire viewership is probably in this hotel. It's very small, their critical acclaim for "Breaking Bad" and "Mad Men" is on par to what we've gotten, and those are tremendous shows. But we're a tremendous show, and the Emmys back up the truck over there and don't do it over here.
And a lot of what you're saying about how "Caprica" is going to be different sounds really interesting, but I wonder if those outsiders who don't want to watch sci-fi, but might be interested in the political themes, are going to come and watch it.
I don't know. That'll be the challenge for marketing the show. You have to go out and convince people, "You may not like sci-fi, but you'll like this one." That's the angle they tried with "Battlestar," but there's still a spaceship going by and people may have turned it on, seen that and gone, "No" and turned it off. People shooting at robots, "No." In "Caprica," if we can at least get you to watch, you'll see people talking, and people in dramatic situations, and not stuff blowing up all the time, and hopefully we can get that slice of the audience.
Other than the toasters getting free will this year, what are some other stories you had to drop that, all things being equal, you wish you could have done something with?
The big one that we had to make a shift on in the first season is we never got out into the civilian fleet and showed those other ships. I always felt like different cultures would be on different ships, and as time went on, would develop into their own little mini-societies depending on their circumstances. Over here, you have one captain and 50 people, and here you have four captains and 500 people, those are very different worlds that they're trapped in. For production reason, we were never able to leave Galactica for any length of time. That's a big open chapter that I never got to write.
Things I would have done differently was the Lee and Dualla romance. It sounded better in theory than the way it worked out, and I would've laid more pipe to get there in the beginning if I had known. As it was, it felt a little too thrown together and punched in too quickly.
"Black Market" dealt with the fleet and I know you didn't like that one, but "Dirty Hands" did a nice job of showing what life would be like if you're stuck on one of the crappy ships.
"Dirty Hands" I thought was nice. It did raise your eyebrows, "Wow, what is happening on all those ships I see floating around all the time?"
The movie, what can you tell me?
Not much. It's being written right now, Jane Espenson is writing it.
Is it set during the life of the series?
Can you tell me when?
It's before this current season. It's sort of ala "Razor," we couldn't come back in where the story is right now, so we're going back a little bit.
But season four picks up right after "Crossroads," so is it during season three?
Yeah, it's back a ways.
What is the story you're trying to tell with this, thematically?
It's looking at the earlier history of the show through different eyes, a different perspective.
As much as I love this show, it really is frustrating to hear how RM just decides on a whim such major plot points as "let's make 4 main characters find out they are cylons". It really does call into question some of the earlier narrative and choices made by the writers and actors.
As a writer myself, I can actually completely understand this. Sometimes the creative process is bizarre and strange....sometimes you find 'clues' within your own writing that you didn't even realize were there. Hard to explain. But, if you are a good writer and can set up red herrings....several, let's say...then wouldn't it be conceivable that any one of those red herrings could become the answer? If you did a good job of setting up your story and creating the characters, you should be able to find numerous way to make the story work. So I get it. And I am not disappointed by his answer.
This was a GREAT interview, Alan! I love that he answers all the questions you (and the rest of us) have had without giving anything away. I CANNOT wait for the final season to begin. Thank goodness we don't have to wait too long.
MPH, I understand what you're saying, but I'd say it's rare in the TV business, or really any form of writing, for everything to be planned out so meticulously. Shows like "The Wire" or "Babylon 5," where the creators basically knew the full outline when they started, are the exception rather than the rule, and even there, they had to change certain things on the fly as the series went along.
The important thing is, as Moore says, to make sure it all makes sense even if it wasn't all planned out in advance. And, for me, "Galactica" usually passes that test. Based on the comments about season 4.0 in the previous post, it doesn't pass for everybody.
Who's the babe on the right in that picture?
Who's the babe on the right in that picture?
Ronald D. Moore, of course.
Him, or Tricia Helfer.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
The actor thing is criminal. I'll say that flat out. It is just wrong.
I don't know what the Emmys really stand for anymore. It certainly isn't for acting merit:
BSG- no nominations ever.
Deadwood- three nominations, no wins ever.
Friday Night Lights- no nominations ever.
The Wire- no nominations ever.
I can't even remember the last time I watched the Emmys.
My initial reaction to the revelation that they came up with the four hidden cylons on a whim was also a little bit of dread. This was something that would have had to have been planned years, or in at least one case, decades in advance.
After thinking about it for a while, though, and re-reading Moore's answer to the question, I realized that the idea that there were five unknown cyclons, who may have been people in the fleet, was set up long before the reveal at the end of season 3. The only things that were done on impulse were the reveal itself, and the actual identities of the four.
This was even easier to swallow once I considered the Boomer precedent, which pretty much dictates that hidden-cylons retain their personality, and honestly don't know they're cylons. This avoids the 24ish rediculousness of having to say "everything this character said or did the entire season was a lie, and there were never any hints."
And thinking about it even further now, I may have just completed my 180. The idea that the cylons threw four or five operatives out into the twelve colonies years ago with no real way of knowing who they'd be or where they'd end up is intriguing me.
Now, if only I could figure out why I can't watch the webisodes on my Mac...
Great interview...and any time during the nine(!!!) months between 4.0 and 4.5 is a good time to post it. Thanks!
I think Moore's answer about the Final Five exaggerates how impulsive the decision was. When you look back at season 3 (and I'm re-watching now with family to get them caught up), they laid a lot of pipe with D'Anna and Baltar on the baseship and the Eye of Jupiter. They revealed the existence and basic facts about the Final Five and how they're different from the other Cylons, not allowed to talk about them, connected to the 13th colony, etc.
At that point I think the writers knew the five would end up being critical to the show's third act and they would be revealed at some point. I bet Moore and the writers also knew they would be characters we had already met, as that would be much more interesting than new characters. So they didn't have a specific plan, but when Moore decided to have them wake up in the season 3 finale, it wasn't as big a leap to do it. And as Moore says in the interview, they figured out fairly easily who it should be...so it wasn't a coin flip or random decision.
That's one way of agreeing that there's improvisation but the writers do a great job of fitting it into the show and having it make sense with everything that's come before.
I didn't pay a lot of attention as Caprica went through the creation process, but now I'm very excited to see it. Is Moore going to be the showrunner? Do we know which other creative people are involved?
Get your facts right, Allen. Head Six picks up Baltar from the floor in "Escape Velocity."
"MPH, I understand what you're saying, but I'd say it's rare in the TV business, or really any form of writing, for everything to be planned out so meticulously."
I don't know what other form of writing you're thinking of, but in anything non-serialised, you can go back and rewrite the beginning so that it fits whatever whim you indulged in later-on. Television's publish-as-you-make-it approach makes that pretty much impossible. That's also one of my major problems with the "Final Five": at every story beat you can see how they had an idea mid-series -- they want to do a Cylon occupation but not give up the remaining five models -- and then retroactively constructed these convoluted explanations to make it fit into the established continuity. The whole thing has a first draft feel to it; if it were a movie, you'd bet there'd be a note to go back and rework the thing from the beginning.
And those were fairly general questions. I'm sure if you'd read Chris Carter the equivalent list in early 2002, he would have said yes to every single point.
Great interview; thanks so much for posting it. I have to say that the last half-season was less enjoyable for me; I haven't quite identified why, and I plan on rewatching before the episodes start up again.
To weigh in on the capricious selection of the four cylons: it seems to me that this is a character-driven series more than an event-driven series. So things like exceptional acting that teases out a particular facet of a character can drive a character and then the series in a new direction. That being said, of course there's major events that have to take place, but there's an infinite way of getting there, as long as you've set up compelling characters that progress and interact. Thank god the show was not a long series of epic space battles leading to a confrontation, blah, blah, blah. There may be people watching for that, and for the comely actresses, but I think most of the fans are there for the characters and the consistently excellent writing.
Off topic but still Sci-Fi news: apparently BBC is announcing who the 11th Doctor will be at about 5:30 UK time. (12:30 Eastern)
(I think it's going to be Paterson Joseph.)
They are broadcasting this on large outdoor screens as well... wouldn't it be nice if sci-fi shows over here were treated with that much enthusiasm?
Yeah, I'll never quite understand how come a sci-fi show is so ridiculously mainstream in England.
(And I hope it's not Paterson Joseph.)
"this is a test. for the next 60 seconds, this computer will conduct a test of the paste-my-e's broadcast system."
I figured that a keyboard without an e was bttr than a kyboard without an equals, plus, right shift, delete, 4, apostrophe, quote, lft and right arrow keys - so my brothr rplacd th old kyboard. hopfully th one i just bought on ebay will actually work as wll as this one, except *with* an e.
"I don't know what other form of writing you're thinking of, but in anything non-serialised, you can go back and rewrite the beginning so that it fits whatever whim you indulged in later-on "
Norgard, I am a writer, and I don't write serialized tv shows. However, I can personally attest to the fact that you can write without a complete outline for your book and not need to go back and tweak a ton of things to make a plot work from beginning to end. Since a tv show or a movie doesn't get inside each character's head, like a novel, that actually leaves MORE leeway to manipulate the plot to fit new ideas.
"However, I can personally attest to the fact that you can write without a complete outline for your book and not need to go back and tweak a ton of things to make a plot work from beginning to end."
That's a good reply to something I never wrote. If you only need to tweak one minor item to make the plot work, the serialised approach falls flat on its face because you simply can't do that. We'll see how well BSG fares with that come series finale.
Of course, with a mystery the real question isn't just whether there is an answer at the end -- that's not exactly difficult as long as you handwave enough -- but whether the answer is any good. Is the solution surprising yet feels inevitable in retrospect? Gee, I wonder how a show that could never lay any specific pipe will fare in that regard.
As much as I love this show, it really is frustrating to hear how RM just decides on a whim such major plot points as "let's make 4 main characters find out they are cylons".
Meh... Then you have 'Lost' -- where the grand master plan didn't stop season three from being a dull, incoherent suck-apalooza.
Meh... Then you have 'Lost' -- where the grand master plan didn't stop season three from being a dull, incoherent suck-apalooza
That's not true at all. The first third of season 3 is pretty bad, but then they struck that deal with ABC to end the show and the back half of the season gave some of the best episodes in the entire series (Greatest Hits, Through the Looking Glass, The Man Behind the Curtain, etc.)
That's not true at all. The first third of season 3 is pretty bad, but then they struck that deal with ABC to end the show and the back half of the season gave some of the best episodes in the entire series.
Anonymous: I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree here. Granted, there were excellent individual episodes but, as a whole, I stand by my assertion that season three was a mess.
And where BSG is concerned, well it was also a "whim" that Helo survived the mini-series. I think that worked out fairly well. :)
I am curious as to how many of the people debating the coherence (or lack thereof) of BSG have had a chance to rewatch the episodes in close order?
Love the show, never bought the dvds (will probably wait for series set if/when it appears), but took advantage of the marathon SciFi did prior to the start of 4.0 last spring. I should also disclose that I found 4.0 to be on par with S1 and S2. Even though I have found the show to be incoherent from week to week, it holds up much better in bursts than one might think for a show which was clearly not planned in advance. Even S3, which I found as frustrating for the most part as some of you when first aired, looks much better in this light. There are still some frustrating individual episodes, but when this show is on, it is superior to Lost. However, it is more likely than Lost (the Jack gets some of his tats ep notwithstanding) of laying a turd.
This is an utterly fantastic interview. You asked all the right questions, and it seems like you really had a rapport with Mr. Moore. Thank you for sharing this!
my boyfriend loves your blog. I think I do too.
Your ardent respect for BSG broke down his "Eff sci-fi" mentality. Thank you.
My next step is to get him to watch an episode of Buffy besides "Once More with Feeling."
Interesting - thanks for the interview. I was just thinking today that it is odd that somehow all of these final five cylons ended up surviving and together - the odds against have got to be astonomical. I don't know if they have discussed this on the series, but as an indication that something "miraculous" or "planned" with a puppeteer pulling the strings is pretty compelling.
I can understand the frustration, but at the same time, we knew 4 (or 5) of the characters were Cylons. Fans were wondering who they were and trying to piece it together for some time, and I have to assume the writers were doing the same. When the Final Four were revealed, I wasn't surprised by any of them. Tyrol and Tory and Anders all made perfect sense, and Tigh, from a story telling point of view, was just so delicious how could you not make him a Cylon?
Sorry, I should have stated outright thanks for this interview. One of the better ones I've read, and "The List" is exactly what we've all wanted to know.
To toss in more cents on the "planning" thing, sometimes it works out, sometimes its a trap, and its rarely as detailed as people think.
The Wire was essentially worked out thematically - they knew that the third season would deal with politics, fourth education, fifth media/news, but its not something that had detailed arcs for all the characters.
Babylon 5 was more fluid than people realize, even though JMS had it broken down nearly episode by episode. Sinclair was never supposed to be replaced by Sheriden, for example. That was a decision made late in season 1 (due, I think, to the actor playing Sinclair not quite being a compelling lead). And I think B5 got hurt at times because it knew where it was going, and through visions and time travel, started to show too much to the audience, taking some bite out of the final events and some spontaneity from the series itself.
With Lost, Season 3 was hurt because of the plan - they knew where they were going, but not how long they had to get their. The show was a big enough hit they knew they were going to be on air for several more seasons, and ABC, not the creators, had the say when it would end. That resulted in some foot dragging because they couldn't plan out how to pace the unfolding of the story.
In the end their are strengths and weaknesses to each format, and we could comb through countless examples of brilliant storytelling that has used either format to support one side or the other. In the end every artist is different, and every story is different, and you have let them play out their own way. Judge the result, not the methodology.
Misterd - I'm shocked to hear that Sinclair was not supposed to be replaced with Sheriden (or Tron as he will always be to me!). It just seems so... essential. It's been a while since I've seen any of it, but thinking back it's hard for me to imagine how they could have planned out the entire 5 years of the show and that NOT been planned. Wow. Well, good job to them, then!
I loved this interview, too! Thanks, Alan. So, I watched Seasons 1-3 over the summer, in pretty quick succession, and I watched 4.0 last week. (Like, I literally went to the video store as soon as it opened on the day the DVDs were released.) And up until I read this interview, I had never once suspected that the writers didn't have at least a big picture idea of the beginning, middle and end of this story from the very beginning. That it wasn't all going somewhere planned, that any of the big stuff was written as they go. So I have to disagree with those who think they haven't done a good job of letting the story naturally unfold based on a sturdy groundwork that they've laid as they've gone. I mean, I've suspected Tyrol of Cylonhood since he beat up Callie. If he hadn't turned out to be a Cylon, at the end of the series I most definitely would have been asking wtf that was all about. So maybe that was just a red herring at the time, but it certainly played out. (Although given that he's still the same good guy he's always been and doesn't seem to have any eeeeeeeevil tendencies, I'm still not sure wtf that was all about.)
To be honest, at this point I'm way less interested in the Earth storyline that the answers to all of the questions you posed, Alan. I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes, but I think they've done such a good job with the characters and their stories and the big metaphysical questions that there is where my interest really lies.
I just finished reading a great book about serialized fiction writing, and was surprised by this quote from Jack London, "The only moments of true suspense arise when the reader and the writer don't know how things can possibly turn out."
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