NOTE: This and all subsequent "FNL" season three reviews were written after viewing the DirecTV cut, which can be several minutes longer than the NBC version. So both my review and the early comments may refer to scenes that were not shown on NBC.
Okay, that's two duds in seven episodes overall, and two out of the last three. Still a much better batting average than season two, but other than Street and Herc's fight in the backyard, and Scott Porter's performance in general, I found almost no redeeming qualities in this one, where at least I found about half of "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" to be good.
I don't want to devote too much time to this one because it's a busy week and I'd rather focus on things I enjoyed, but among my complaints:
* The random introduction of a new Panthers player, with a problem that was easily solved in an episode with virtually no tension and no inspiration felt pointless. Even Tami giving a nice speech about how wonderful Eric is -- followed by Eric opening the car door for a very self-satisfied Tami -- wasn't enough to make it all feel worthwhile.
* Really, the problems in all the storylines were resolved far too easily: Street gets an offer on the house within days of putting it on the market at the higher price, Buddy's forgettable younger children come around through the magic of watching Panther football, Landry very quickly makes peace with having made a fool of himself with Devin the bass player, and a 30-second conversation with a sports agent gives Street an entirely new career path.
* And speaking of which, even if Lyla is convinced he'll make a "great sports agent," it's gonna take Street a long time to achieve his dream of becoming the next Jerry Maguire. Most agents have law degrees, and Street doesn't have more than a GED (if that). If his goal is to be able to immediately provide for his baby and baby mama, this seems like the wrong way to achieve it.
* The actress playing Devin is one of the weaker performers they've had on the show in a while.
* Lyla's been involved in so many other stories over the years that it's hard to keep track of her feelings towards Buddy. I mean, I think they're currently getting along well enough to justify her taking his side against the young'uns, but it's been a while since they've had any significant interaction.
* Joe McCoy has become a cartoon villain awfully fast, hasn't he? The musical score towards the end of his dinner date with Coach sounded like something out of a silent film where the heroine's getting tied to the train tracks.
Okay, now that I think of it, there were a couple of things I liked other than the Street/Herc fight and Scott Porter. I thought Billy getting misty-eyed at Tim's highlight video (particularly at Coach's words of praise) was a nice moment. I thought Kevin Rankin was his usual good self. I liked Tyra's reaction to Landry's premature girlfriend announcement. Oh, and I have a soft spot for that Flaming Lips song, which was big back in my college years.
But overall, it was completely forgettable. Let's hope next week is better.
What did everybody else think?
I didn't mind the fullback plot line, because it helps create characters for a possible 4th season.
But, the sports agent thing was so abrupt and out of nowhere. The fact that the words "sports agent" seemed to be mentioned a dozen times during street and lyla's conversation was so off-putting.
I dont get why they needed to add the sports agent sub-plot out of nowhere. If they are going to send Street back east, why do they need to add this ridiculous job option to do it?
I agree that the sports agent subplot and the ease with which things were resolved in this episode were frustrating. But wasn't the fact that there were issues being poorly masked by almost all of the characters in the episode the whole point of the episode? Now that I think more about it, the "keeping up appearances" theme was quite cleverly woven throughout the episode with:
1. JaMarcus pretending to not be a Panther to his parents (until Tami revealed his secret to his parents),
2. Buddy pretending to not be upset at his kids' rudeness (until he cracked),
3. Devin pretending to be a love interest for Landry (until she revealed her lesbian preferences),
4. Tabitha and her brother pretending to hate their Dad (until the lure of Panther football softened them),
5. Tami pretending that she wasn't going to say a word during the meeting with the parents (until she couldn't contain herself),
6. Landry pretending to be over Tyra by (prematurely) announcing to Tyra he had found a new girlfriend,
7. Coach pretending to be a friend to Joe,
8. Joe pretending to be a friend to Coach,
9. Riggins pretending to want to go to OU,
10. JD pretending to care that his father wasn't there after the game,
11. Street pretending to himself that he could become a sports agent, and
12. the Riggins'-Six-Herc homeowners pretending to be a cohesive group of professional suited-up businessmen
Have I missed any? Could it be that the episode is just trying to highlight the futility of the masks, which comes across as easy resolutions or weak subplots? Other random thoughts:
- I hadn't noticed it before but when Coach gets angry he has an angry tone that applies to Mrs T and an angry tone that applies to others. - The car door opening without Coach saying a word was terrific. As were Mrs T's two speeches (to the fullback's parents and to Landry).
- I liked the initial shot of Lyla's reaction to Street's news - it really did seem genuine. (But then I think the second closeup of her in that scene lost some of that shine.)
- I also felt Buddy's pain and it seemed like he was going to have a heart attack.
- I laughed out aloud at the Vaseline product placement (their commercial free FNL sponsorship on directv's 101 musn't be working well enough for them)
- I had to rewind Riggins's efforts to preserve the facade of professionalism of the homeowners with his hurried curtain-closing. Too funny. The fight scene in general was classic FNL.
- Street's video (and I completely agree that Scott Porter's performance generally) was brilliant and I initially wondered why the writers didn't do more with it. But as typically the case, I think they got it just about right. Billy Riggins was awesome in his awkwardness and Coach in the video was, well, just Coach. Nothing more needs to be said.
Guess nobody watched the scenes for next week, so I'll stay mute on that. But it does give you food for thought on where a plot might be heading. Fear not.
I liked it okay, but this show is never very strong when it strays from what I consider to be some of the 'core' characters - Tyra, Julie, and Matt. They were noticeably missing. Which would normally be okay, but last week Julie & Matt had a BIG relationship moment and Tyra is still dating bad rodeo dude with his 'cowboy candy' addiction. The scene with Landry in the Applebee's would've been stronger if they'd paired it with Tyra and her 'new love' to see how much she'd screwed up in choosing Mr. Rodeo.
I was really annoyed at the "I'm a Lesbian" thing. Landry never even gets the most minor of breaks, it seems. Why couldn't he have this one little thing? Even if the romance was short-lived, did they really have to do that to him?
It was good enough, though. I was entertained throughout and paid attention, so that makes for a successful ep.
I wasn't quite as down on this one, if only because I thought the Street scenes -- particularly by the pool with Lyla at the end and the fight -- were both pretty good.
I am, however, with you on what I'd more describe as confusion at Devin (played by Stephanie Hunt, if anyone cares. Couldn't find anything on her, but that's her name). Last week, I thought she was just sort of deadpan, but some of the dialog is almost like she's had a lobotomy. I don't know, it didn't bother me too much though because you're always sort of waiting for Landry to deliver a punchline.
Elliott, I'm with you in hoping they're introducing JaMarcus Hall to the cast as a person, like J.D., who we could get to know for a potential fourth season.
Bottom line: It was probably the weakest episode of the season, but it's still B-plus TV in my book for the stuff with Street. I don't find the whole agent thing all that bad (considering my bar for "bad" on this show is murder). Hell, Master P was an agent at one point, I believe.
I'm not with you, Alan. I thought this one, while not as strong, was still a solid episode. I also thought it was a B+. In particular, I thought Billy was great as usual. TheWife mocked me for getting a bit misty during the Tim highlight reel, but something about Billy really touches me.
It struck me that JaMarcus was there NOT to be setup for next season, but to stand in sharp relief to JD. His parents - father in particular - don't want him to play football, but are willing to keep an open mind and see what their son can do and what Coach can do for their son. Joe's just a tool who doesn't care about anyone or anything but his own glory as it is made manifest through JD.
As usual, it was the small, silent moments that made the episode as good as it was: Tim's indifference to college, Billy's pride in his brother, Tyra's moment of pain and doubt over Landry. But there were some silly missteps, notably Devin's confession. I'm not sure why that happened since it would be more painful to Landry had the writers just had her want to be friends.
Regarding Jason's new career path, I actually hope he's pointed at a sports management or pre-law program by the agent and then taken in by Erin's parents while he goes to school. That would be an appropriate end to his story, I think.
Here are the rest of my thoughts.
Definitely liked the episode better than you, Alan.
Having suffered through 3 unnecessary years of law school, I wholeheartedly applaud Street's attempt to completely cir-sumvent the normal system of pursuing a sports agent career.
Did think the Buddy family stuff was overall subpar, and the McCoy family what-have-you was (and has been) a little heavy-handed, but I took to all the stories tonight better than I normally may have; was ok with the Landry story, out-of-nowhere fullback storyline, and really loved all of the Street scenes; despite having watched last week's overly revealing 'next week' scenes, still was a big fan of the climactic Lyla/Street "you can do it" scene. Overall, not the best episode, but still thought it was pretty damn solid.
This is not Friday Night Lights related, but since it is Wednesday TV and NBC/Universal, I just thought I would post about how improved Law & Order has been lately. I was a big fan during the Moriarty years, but then fell out. I think this cast is as strong as they have ever had and the writing seems to have improved dramatically. Glad to have it back. Thoughts Alan? PS. This site is by FAR the best TV criticism site online. Of course, I may just be saying that because our tastes are similar....
At the halfway mark of this episode, I was convinced that it was going to be my favorite of the season.
I thought the introduction of Jamarcus and his family was more at the service of Mr. and Mrs. Coach than it was an attempt to toss off a quick sitcom-like plot into the mix. Coach T chomps at the bit to try and persuade Jamarcus' family to let him play football, but this also means that he can't hold back on his star quarterback's father for throwing off his son's game.
There was the potential here for some great Tyra/Landry stuff here, too. The one scene they had together was terrificly awkward.
The problem with this episode was that it neatly wrapped up its story lines on their most superficial levels, without doing much service to their larger implications. We got a Landry/Devin resolution when we should've gotten some Landry/Tyra development. We got Jamarcus and J.D. resolutions when that whole thing probably should've focused more on Coach T's role with regard to his players' parents.
No complaints from me about the Street stuff, though. The sports agent business was obviously just planting a seed--for me it didn't take away from all the greatness of Street's thread in this episode.
The several storylines being resolved far too easily and magically aside, I have to say I was pretty blown away by Billy, a character who I never particularly liked or was too interested in. It's really nice to see a softer side of him that wasn't totally idiotic, which was made even more heartbreaking by the fact that behind those pretty eyes of Tim, he doesn't want to go to college. (which is a nice continuation of
"Tim: College?" storyline. Am looking forward to see how that would be resolved)
I'm a little uneasy on the introduction of the full back guy character. It's almost like they felt like they needed a new African American character to 'replace' Smash's.
Oh, Landry. I did enjoy his announcing he's dating to Tyra again, perhaps expecting her to flip out like she did the last time he dated someone else.
By far the weakest show of the year. Do they really need to introduce a high school freshman lesbian? You could see that coming a mile away but the entire first half of the show I was hoping they wouldn't go down that road. Maybe I'm just cynical from listening to politicians the last 10 months but the whole show to me felt like pandering. To who I don't know but with the lesbian, the new fullback, and all the rest it was very lame television. The more I think about it I think this might be my least favorite episode ever. (Also before anybody suggests it- not homophobic, not at all, just thought it was very poor/lazy writing)
Bryan, I agree. It was lazy writing to make this new romantic possibility the token lesbian. The way it was written, cheering him up, kissing him on the cheek, asking him for a ride home....was blatant flirting of a girl with a boy she liked. Not lesbian friendship with boy.
(*However, I had to laugh when she claimed she kissed back in order to see if she maybe wasn't lesbian.*)
Oh, and Alan, I like the lesbian girl. I think they casting people were most likely looking for a musician...that girl can sing and play an instrument. I like her monotone style. Teens are usually odd in their speech. Her way of talking came across as shy, awkwardness to me.
I thought one of the best moments of the episode was after the game with Tim and Billy sitting on the back of the truck drinking beers and not a single person looked at them like there was anything wrong with that. I guess the "three time iraq war vetern" can have a beer in public after the game. Watching the riggins boys watch JD and Mrs. McCoy talk about how Joe was not there after the game was a great moment where we see these two brothers look at a "perfect, rich" family who has there issues. What is great about FNL is how much we learn from words not being spoken. A good episode, but by far not the best of the year.
@anon, that's a really nice point. While I was watching that scene, I just figured Tim was going to offer to take "One-Two" out to celebrate, and I didn't even think about how the Riggins would react to seeing another bad father.
Considering my much-proclaimed Billy-love, that's pretty sad for me to have missed.
Alan, I'm saying nothing, but doing this as a public service. I just stumbled upon a major spoiler on another site: Do your best to not visit/ignore The Big Lead today. Ugh. I am not happy.
It was kind of a "meh" episode. I'm looking forward to getting back to Matt & Julie, but one moment that no one else has highlighted that really stood out for me -- Coach pulling JD aside after his father was ripping him a new one, and trying to connect to the boy on that level, sharing that he (Coach) didn't live up to his father's expectations. Coach was trying to give JD permission to push back against his father, assert his own self -- but JD, as young as he is and such a sweetie -- could not see anything wrong in the way his father was treating him, saying, "My dad only wants me to do my best." JD can't see what his father is doing to him, and until he does, Coach isn't going to be able to help him. Coach thought he'd have an 'in' with JD over the father-attitude thing, but that way is blocked, for now. There is really great potential in this storyline.
This is by far the best television show on. Even when the episodes are bad, one can appreciate the acting.
I'm just glad to see other people are watching besides me.
My favorite thing about the episode: Landry reading High Fidelity while he talked to Tami about being a girl repellent. Come on, how pitch perfect is that? The writers might screw up everything else, but Landry will always be there to make us happy.
Jason as agent was too convenient, and they may have been better off stretching out the Scott Porter goodbye, just so we can see him come to a slow realization that he'd be a good agent. Even one more episode, especially because he won me back at the end of the last episode (singing "There's a Hole") and in the Lyla scene here.
The Riggins highlight video was great for the reactions of those watching it.
Joe McCoy is becoming a bit cartoony but it's giving Coach something to play off of, which is always perfection.
I do love Landry, but it became painfully obvious that Devin is a boring, BORING character and the actress isn't that great. Landry needs Matt by his side more often to ratchet up the comedy.
This was the season's worst episode, but I'll give it a pass because most of the rest of this season has been so exemplary.
Loved Billy's comment when he was showing the house to the couple that the tub in the master bedroom was huge-enough for three people! Kinda scared them off!
I like Devin, she's artsy, good addition to the band......but could have done without the lesbian thing.
The idea of Jason becoming a sports agent just gives him another option AND a reason to get out of Dillon. He has to pay his dues, hopefully get a degree....but his combination of sports knowledge and his way with people will get him far.
Re Tim and his brother outside the football game, I noticed the moment, but I figured they were checking out JD's mom. (Loved her in _Northern Exposure_.)
I also liked the episode--well, about half of it. I teared up at the Riggins video, and I think the friendship between Lyla and Street (and their talk at the end) is quite sweet. They made the love triangle a really believeable triangle of relationships (and as much as people don't like Lyla, she has strong chemistry with both leads, and that's not easy to do).
I liked Devin last ep, but for whatever reason, she and her annoying voice just aggravated me. But I did think she looked/acted like a regular teen. And Landry will just fine in the real world. I loved Tami's advice that he should listen to her, as she's always right, "just ask my husband."
I liked JaMarcus--I thought he was an interested character, as were his parents, and I liked his introduction. You have to introduce new characters some how, and that was as good a way as any.
As for Joe--yeah, he's a creep, but a cartoon? I'm sure we've all seen those incredibly over-invested parents of young athletes who live through them. I didn't see it as a cartoon (although i'm not sure about Janine Turner's character...is she accepting? Disgusted? Clueless?) I agree that JD defending him is an interesting plot point--it just reinforces that when it finally sinks in what a jerk his father is, he's just going to crumble like a house of cards.
And I did want to pop Buddy's kids in the mouth. However, Buddy can be a lot to deal with (as those of us who disliked him in Season 1 can attest), and all the things they said about him were true. I'm sure Mr. Vegan Kevin seems much preferable as a father figure than a big Texan blowhard like Buddy. Still--show some respect!!
Overall--not best, but I'd give it a B-.
One thing this episode did have was some nice subtle bits of humor. Herc's comment about how 2 idiots and 2 cripples succeeded improving the house "its like the special olympics" had me rolling. The downside to the episode was they tried to fit too many stories leaving them underdeveloped and coming off a lazy. They should've saved the Buddy or JaMarucs storyline for another episode. Still great episode nevertheless, it's great to see FNL back in a groove after the disappointing 2nd season
Is it just me or does nobody like Devin? I loved her on the show. Very cute with her song and all... But, yeah, coulda done with the lesbian thing. Came outta nowhere...
There was a nice bit of continuity I noticed in this episode. Back in season 1 the Riggins boys had a bit of a row and knocked their tv over. While they were watching Tim's highlight reel, I noticed that the top of the tv was held together with duck tape. I had to chuckle at that one.
Watched it two weeks late but...I liked it.
I agree that it was a meh episode, but I did like the part where Tami told Landry that unlike some of the football players, his life was barely getting started.
I needed a talk like that when I was in high school and repelling all the ladies.
I also thought Buddy was going to have a heart attack. I listened to this episode on headphones and he was really wheezing. Then again, I don't know how I'd react if my daughter started discussing her pubes in the car.
Not sure if the connection was made here or not (certainly elements laid out, but no dots connected,) but the Vaseline sponsorship factored greatly into the choice of using this particular Flaming Lips song. "She uses Vaaaaaaaaseline" More product placement magic from NBC.
While everything felt a bit forced, I appreciate what they were trying to thematically, with the four fathers (McCoy, Hall, Garrity and Sreet) all trying to reach their children in their own way. McCoy and Hall are set up to compare and contrast, and I'd argue Buddy and Jason's story as estranged father's also are a companion piece to the them. Matt and his (formerly estranged) mother might have been an interesting parallel as well, but it appears scenes between them were cut from the episode. NBC released a couple episode stills of a scene with them together at her work (his mom cutting Matt's hair,) but that scene (and either character) never made it in the episode.
And yes, having the lights of Friday night act as deus ex machina for nearly all their conflict was too convenient by far, but there's at least something interesting about the concept. Not a great episode, but I'll still take this hour most everything else on tv.
can we start a fund for season 4? so much more interesting than 3 episodes of csi plus weekly serial killers on criminal minds etc
the season just gets better and better; thanks directv!
If I was Landry, I wouldve lost all interest in Devin the lesbian immediately after her cringe-inducing song.
And if I was a writer for the show, I would stop adding poor characters and focus on the already developed characters that have made the show what it is. I understand the importance of setting the show up for future seasons, but there will be no future seasons if the show sputters.
A lot have you been too generous. This episode was half-assed and I give it a D-plus.
I agree the stories all had an LA Law feel to them, all wrapping up quickly in predictable ways.
But...but with one line Lyla/Minka made the episode.
"You're leaving."
Weak episode, straight out of season 2. I like Alan's formulation from a few episodes ago: the heart of the show is high school football, and the show is strongest when it's focused on that. This episode meandered all over the place with a token football game thrown in and focused on minor characters who are normally there for comic relief.
With that in mind, I wouldn't have minded the Jamarcus plot line if it hadn't wrapped up so easily, and it might be saved depending on how it's treated in future episodes. I'd also like the JD plot line more if it were somewhat more subtle.
I know I'm in the minority on this, but I don't think it is a coincidence that two of the weaker episodes this season have focused on Street. He's not been one of my favorite characters since sometime during season 2. He just seems to suck the oxygen out of every episode he's in. He's not in high school or involved with the team in any way, so almost by definition, focusing on him takes the show away from its strength. Yes, I know he was injured playing football, and he's trying to figure out what to do with his life since he can't play football, but these facts are almost treated as afterthoughts these days. His story lines are basically soap opera. Scott Porter is a fine actor, but it is more than time for him to prove that somewhere else.
Landry never even gets the most minor of breaks, it seems. Why couldn't he have this one little thing?
@Kristin - It's called karma! How quickly we forget. Landry had a nice girl that really liked him but he chose to dump her for Tyra. Yes, I know he followed his heart so I don't feel bad for Landry because Tyra and now Devin are following theirs. I love Landry, but I didn't have much sympathy for him in this case.
And I'm glad that it turned out she was gay. Everyone automatically thought it was a new love interest for Landry as soon as she was on the scene but I like the storyline better this way. She was a voice of reason last ep with her telling Landry he had to get over Tyra and seems excited about making the band better. I'm glad we're past the "will they or won't they get together" part of their relationship nice and quick.
I also liked that they are introducing new characters. I thought maybe they were going to set up Lyla's little sister and brother to come back to Dillon so they could be FNL:The Next Generation along with Smash's little sister, but I guess that's not happening.
Just to be sure, everyone does understand that the Vaseline song was a cover of a Flaming Lips song and not a Devin original, right?
Has it ever occurred to anyone else that Buddy Garrity, He Who Worships Football, and happens to have a son (who I forgot existed, mind you), should really be the Poor Man's Joe McCoy? Shouldn't that guy have had a football in Buddy Jr.'s crib from minute one and be dragging the kid into playing the second he could walk? Shouldn't Buddy be throwing total shit fits at the idea of soccer? Really, if you think about it, I just cannot conceive of this guy being so mellow about a boychild. Joe McCoy has made me realize that Buddy would really be more obsessive about having a kid live through him than we've seen on the show.
Other than that, other than things wrapping up too fast and easy for Street (no surprise right now given the time crunch), and Devin's singing was making my ears bleed, I still think this isn't as bad as Rose and Thorn.
The Jamarcus storyline made me think, "Hey, remember in the first season when FNL would make up some player or other and he'd get an episode and then we'd never hear from him again? I'm surprised they had the time to do that again in this season." I wouldn't mind if they brought the kid back, but this felt like it'd be dropped ASAP.
Though really, what did the parents think he was doing all the time? Even if they have six kids and can't keep track of the one out of the house all the time, I hear from my friend with a football-playing kid that at the very least, his laundry REEKS. How did they not notice this?
Joe McCoy has made me realize that Buddy would really be more obsessive about having a kid live through him than we've seen on the show.
Er...that should be, "Buddy would really be more obsessive about living through his kid than..."
Setting a girl's hair on fire for the second time doesn't get you suspended? I wish there'd been some other reason for Tami to talk to Jamarcus in her office--something that doesn't make it seem like he's got serious issues in the head.
Maybe Devin is just saying she's a lesbian so that Landry doesn't take it personally and tell her she's out of the band. Freshmen think like that. Devin probably would prefer being known as a lesbian than be tossed out of a band. She also swore Landry to secrecy. I think Landry has more heart aches when Devin starts to date guys.
I liked this episode although I do think that we're all feel good suckers and hate to see our peeps in trouble.
Is there any way to to push for Kyle and Connie to get Emmy noms. These two are the most amazing actors on TV.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe Devin is a lesbian. And it's Texas; I can see why she'd want to keep it private.
I actually enjoy Devin and I think the actress playing Devin is doing a phenomenal job. She is just like a typical freshman girl: shy, awkward, confused, and not confrontational.
It is funny how Buddy loves panther football so much that he can be sweet talked by Jason Street into selling him his house, but he also turns his nose up at his daughter dating Tim Riggins. He should be in awe that the great Riggins is in his home nightly. He strikes me more of a superfan, and less of a visionary like JD's dad.
did anyone else notice the scene where one of Herc's legs was resting on his other leg?
this bothered the hell out of me.
how did it get like that? did riggins put it there? why would he sit like that when he has no feeling in his legs?
and flaming lips cover or not, it was still an extremely awkward scene.
I was pretty bored through most of the episode when it became clear that almost all of the storylines were going to wrap up by the end. I wish they would've devoted three episodes to Street pursuing the sports agent (or coach, or whatever) route, but I guess that would leave less room for Herc.
I'm also annoyed with the overuse of background music as a dramatic crutch. A lot of these conversations would stand on their own because of the performers, and perhaps be even more powerful without the superfluous score.
And I didn't realize how much Saracen brings to the show until he wasn't on it. If this isn't the last season, I hope there's room for a strong Saracen storyline next year.
What was the punk rock song playing when coach taylor put new qb in second half and told him to ignore his father in stands?
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