Happy holidays to all, regardless of denomination. Here's a very tough question to answer at this time of year: "Lazy Sunday" or "D*ck in a Box"? Which is funnier, which is the better song, which is the better video, etc., etc.? Answer and elaborate.
That's a question that I've been rattling around my head the past week since I first heard "Dick in a Box."
And I'm just gonna say, "Dick in a Box."
The more important question is, when will The Lonely Island have gotten enough digital shorts up on SNL to have a DVD of just those released.
Also, someone mentioned a Tom Hanks digital short, but I couldn't find it anywhere online? Is this true?
Hmmm. While "Dick in a Box" gets points for inculding someone who can actually sing, and some great reaction shots from Rudolph and Wiig, I'm gonna have to go with "Lazy Sunday."
"Dick in a Box", while funny, pretty much lays out its joke in the first few minutes. "Lazy Sunday"'s lyrics get crazier and crazier as it goes along, and seeing Chris Parnell take that annoying "I'm singing but I can't" act on Weekend update and making it a swell Bustin' out crazy rhymes bit. Also, I've been a long time fan of Parnell, a solid comic actor who was just never popular enough, and it was nice that for once the spotlight shone on him, before he's consigned to an unending hell of walk-ons in Will Ferrell movies.
Easy. Lazy Sunday. While DIAB did make me laugh, it was done at least as far back as the Mickey Rourke dick in a popcorn box in Diner and also that one site abotu the pizza delivery porn, so in the end, Lazy Sunday is funnier adn smarter.
Definitely Lazy Sunday. Dick in a Box is more clever in idea than anything else really. Plus, they actually did the dick in a box bit on SNL once before during the monologue when, I think, Sarah Michelle Gellar hosted the show.
'Lazy Sunday' easily wins. It's just smarter and more clever.
Song-wise, I give it to "Dick in a Box." Because of the hook. I find myself humming "It's my dick in a box" at random moments. The "Chronic-what?-cles of Narnia" is also dated by the movie connection.
Comedy-wise, also "Dick in a Box." Because boy-band crooning is a wee bit of a fresher parody target than white-boy rapping.
I also like the weirdly inexplicable ending the more I think about it. Why are they being arrested the cops? Since when is it a crime to put your dick in a box?
"D*ck in a Box" wins because the costuming, facial hair, etc. was almost funnier than the song itself. Plus, I will also say that both my husband and I have been singing it for days now. Especially, the instructional portion: "Cut a hole in a box, put your junk in the box..."
The Tom Hanks Digital Short was a Right Said Fred send-up, also starring Andy Samberg. Basically, the song was a great parody of a cheesey 90s tune, filled with thinly veiled sexual innuendos in the verses, but would eventually lead up to a bizarre non-sequiter pleading with whoever they were singing to to not cause any damage to their testicles, which would be repeated over and over in the chorus ("Don't cut my testicles/Please don't hurt my testicles...I'm serious about my testicles"). I thought it was really funny, and Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler were great in it as well. It was on the SNL website for a while, but I couldn't find it on YouTube. Worth seeing if you can find it.
I'm late to this party, but I wanted to say that I liked "Dick in a Box" more than "Lazy Sunday". For one thing, it used the host, and I bet you can't even remember who the host was last year when "Lazy Sunday" was shown. That they conceived of this, wrote it, shot it, and edited it within a week is pretty amazing. Not to mention, the host is just as funny as the repertory player. For another thing, Maya & Kristin were both really funny, though in very subtle ways, in this video and made it hold up for repeated viewings. When Maya mouths "Thank you"? When Kristin pushes the feather out of her face? Hilarious.
It is seriously dick in a box? I really thought it was cock in a box, the rhyme is so much nicer.
I honestly can't pick which is funnier. They are both way too much for me.
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