I'm going to be tied up most of today, and this weekend, with non-blog stuff - so don't expect a "Dollhouse" post for a few days, at a minimum - which means I have to be really quick with shows I didn't much care for, like last night's
"Fringe." Aside from the usual Walter weirdness (particularly Astrid scolding him about fruit), I found "Fracture" to be very slow and dull. Since the plot in the end tied into the Pattern, or the upcoming science war, or whatever the big story arc is supposed to be, we can't dismiss it just as a lame Monster of the Week case. But the execution seemed lacking throughout, however you want to classify it.
What did everybody else think?
Well, at least even I didn't miss the Observer this time. And he got a screen credit - yay for Michael!
Well, I thought it was better than last week's, but I have to say I am quickly starting to lose interest in this show. I was thisclose to dropping it last year, but then I felt like some of the bigger storylines finally started to pay off. Right now, though, anything that doesn't have to do with the Pattern, William Bell, "over there," or Peter being switched doesn't really interest me in the slightest.
I liked this one much better than last weeks. I loved the Walter/Astrid stuff, especially her coaxing him to experience new things. I liked that the episode tied to the pattern and that we got to see Peter being a leader and being useful. Wish we would have seen Olivia and Peter confide in each other, at least a little bit.
i thought it was okay. although i did laugh at peter with the burger and the cow. (was waiting for the cow to say "eat mor chikn")
I generally agree with Alan's take, but I enjoyed a few things about the ep. Specifically, the flashes of 'other there,' and Kevin Corrigan.
I just like Kevin Corrigan.
Agreed Alan. Found myself drifting in and out of this one quite a bit. Although Walter had a few great lines - as usual.
I loved how thrilled Walter was when his hypothesis was proven correct. I liked the ep itself okay, especially finding out a little more about Peter's past.
Captcha: bunmot = words of praise rabbits bestow on each other
They sometimes get this wierd food + drink fascination on this show. the burger, the apple fritters, the watermelon, the sandwich at the end, the red russians. I think this show makes me hungrier than all of the food network.
I liked how they did the flashes of earth-2. the red + black, quick little snippets. Did I seed Spock putting a mask over his face, like he was huffing nitrous? Is that how they get down on other worlds?
hoping they have a larger-arc-heavy episode soon that has something happen. stoping people bombs is nice, but working to prevent inter-earth war is something we can all get behind. they should bring stephen mchattie back. I get the feeling from this like I did first season-- what FRinge Div doesn't know makes them a liability, since they accidentally advance the agenda of the real bad guys.
I go to pieces....
Interesting points here, and very funny. :-)
LOL David about the Chikn! Yes, that was a great moment with the mooing burger.
I really enjoy this show, and the "chasing down the paranormal" concept is a fave of mine, but often I'm not sure how I feel about the ep after I've watched it...kind of a lukewarm feeling for some reason, but I do like watching Fringe. The people-bomb thing felt rehashed to me though, they did that last season with the exploding nano-blood. But it was interesting that the people blew up the cases and not the other way around. And I agree, I really hope that Stephen McHattie returns to the show, he's a great character actor. Jones' buddy (I forget his name), the Fed who helped him get out of jail, was an interesting nemesis too and also on that side of bad-but-helping-our-side.
Ditto Tim, on the food!
I am obviously in the minority here, but I loved this episode and am loving this season as a whole so far. It just feels so much more confident in tone and direction than last year. Most of that is due to the increased use of Peter's character (and Josh Jackson's charm) and I am still loving how the overall mythology is playing out.
I am curious to see how this rogue colonel fits into the mytharc. How did he find out about "them"? Is the military involved? Hopefully TPTB can make this whole thing make more sense than Chris Carter ever did.
"Right now, though, anything that doesn't have to do with the Pattern, William Bell, "over there," or Peter being switched doesn't really interest me in the slightest."
I second this, which is why it took me days and days to get around to watching this, and did it while ah, doing something else so that I wouldn't be 100% paying attention to this show.
I actually quit watching Fringe about 3/4 of the way through the season last year, then came back after I heard how the finale went. Now I'm wanting to quit again, especially if they don't plan on revisiting the more interesting things any time before the end of the season.
That said, this wasn't nearly as bad as the frigging scorpion baby.
Really? This was the best ep of the season so far for me. I loved seeing a little of Peter's history in Iraq (altho maybe that's cause I was an Arabic major once upon a time.) And I loved the complexity the assasins added to the Pattern storyline. Are the Observers bad guys? Is the General the bad one? Are they both bad but one is slightly better? Is the General with ZFT? I'm nerding out.
Well, I am obviously late to the party, but I enjoyed this one (definitely better than the prior one). And I liked that they were able figure out the bomb without have to rely on deus ex Walter.
Remember the X Files had a lot of story's that had nothing to do with the mystery of the aliens. Fringe is following the same format.
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