Haven't written about
"Chuck" in the newspaper in a while, so I devoted
today's column to previewing tonight's episode, in which Chuck and Sarah are finally together, and all remains awesome with the world.
Back tonight with a spoiler-y review covering some specifics of this one.
Oh bliss! After reading that column, I don't know how I'll wait for tonight...
As much as I love this show, and I really, really do, I'm not holding my breath regarding Chuck and Sarah being together, especially if we're granted a fourth season. It just seems like the sort of thing where someone, possibly from upstairs, will say, 'Okay - we've had them together a while - now we need them apart again!'
I just don't feel I can relax about it until I've seen a few episodes.
I'm not a flash mobber and I frankly prefer another brand of sub sandwiches so I am not the world's best "Chuck" promoter. But I posted your column today as a way to get others to join my loyalty to this wonderful series. From your lips to NBC's ears, Alan.
Alan (or anyone else here who is knowledgeable in all ratings matters)- I have a question re: Chuck's ratings. For non-Nielsen viewers, it doesn't make a difference if we watch live or on a DVR delay, correct? If I'm not being counted as a live viewer, is there a way that I can watch the show that will be factored into the show's ratings or at least figures in the network's accounting?
It seems silly to be exhorted every week to watch a show if it really doesn't matter in terms of numbers.
Excellent! Sounds good.
And if they are moving in the direction Ausiellos preview clip suggested, then everything is fine in the world - at least for a short while.
Okay, this sentence has me laughing already...
"Adam Baldwin's grouchy killer John Casey, who reaches new levels of hilarious contempt as he has to work with a bearded clown on one side and two disgusting lovebirds on the other."
I can imagine poor Casey, he must be fit to be tied.
Can't wait for tonight.
Glad I stopped by and saw this post, because I thought it was next week the new eps started.
I's like to know the answer to Jen's question too, please.
Someone suggested sharing the column - great idea. I'll do that on Facebook. Since absolutely everything is too spoilerish for me, I'll read later. (best friend was so frustrated that I would not watch the promo thing for next week's ep)
would have commented on nj.com but had to agree to *new* TOS and add more personal info. Not worth it for a last comment.
Best wishes in your new venue. Hopefully the RSS splitting issues will be solved and you'll have less worries of being laid off.
Apparently, I already have an account there.
I'm trying to imagine having a job for 14 years anywhere. My first was 6 and my last was 4 and a half - I still miss *those* people. One of them made me name my duck...
Congrats on the new gig. You're going to a great site!
While I'm happy that they are together, I am trying to think of any recent shows that were successful/good after two characters got together. It seems that for whatever reason the writers are unable to make up for the sexual tension that was part of the successful formula.
That being said, if anyone can make this work I think it's this writing team. Plus a spy show has additional layers of tension that other genres don't so I don't see the show losing anything. I just hope they don't substitute Chuck and Sarah's on/off with ruining Amazing/Chuck's sister (whose name escapes me) marriage.
Jen & Pamela Jaye - I would think watching the episodes on nbc.com would have some impact (they have ads during the videos so they must be factored in some way financially). You have to be in the U.S. to use their video player, though.
Alan, my only argument would be that Chuck is THE most fun show in tv, not one of the...
Good luck with new gig. :)
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