The sun will set for the last time on THE O.C. when the series ends its four-season run Thursday, Feb. 22 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. The countdown has begun, with all-original episodes airing from Thursday, Jan. 4 through the last episode on Feb. 22.Not a shock, and if I'm doing the math right, all 16 episodes will have aired by Feb. 22. Josh was always a "Seinfeld" fan, so I suppose there's some (very) small satisfaction in knowing he's going out on a high note.
"THE O.C. Season Four finale will also be the series finale. This feels like the best time to bring the show to its close,” said Josh Schwartz, creator and executive producer of THE O.C. “Thanks to the hard work of our cast, crew and writers, we have enjoyed our best season yet, and what better time to go out than creatively on top. It has been an amazing experience and a great run. For a certain audience, at a certain time, THE O.C. has meant something. For that we are grateful."
UPDATE: Just heard from Josh, who wanted to add this:
Part of my quote from the press release that didn't make the cut was "There has been some speculation about a Season 5 on another network but this feels like the best time to bring the story to an end". I felt better to go out now with the run we're having then try and move the show, etc etc. and maybe not be able to deliver the same level of quality. Teen dramas have a shelf life. We've had a lot of parties on the show, and so I've learned, best not to stay too late.The ending will be fun and bring real closure to the series.
Definitely not a shock, but kind of an interesting case study considering all the buzz and hype when the show started. Even more so when you realize 90210 ran for a decade and The O.C. won't even make it to 100 episodes. A book could probably be written detailing everything (poor scheduling, drop in quality, ambivalent network) that contributed to such a fast fizzle.
The writing has obviously been on the wall for a while. Do you know if Schwartz already planned to wrap up the series at episode 16? Or will we be stuck with a completely unsatisfying finish?
Josh has the series finale planned out. He said it would be satisfying.
The O.C. is one of the shows that was really good once, I kept watching out of loyalty/nostalgia, but reached a point where I was embarrassed to admit it. Compared to season one where it was all anyone talked about.
It is better this year, but I am still glad it is ending this way.
OMG i cant belive that they are ending the show...it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
omg.. i cant believe that your ending the oc! i dont believe it should this season
your making a huge mistake!
uggh the O.C has been one of my favorite show i going to miss it but if they went on any farther it will go way down hill.
THE O.C is a great show, but everyone stopped watching and so i really thinkl it is a good idea to end the show! i love it but this is the right choice. so josh make it the best freaking finale ever!THE O.C ROCKS!
I think that TV bosses are making lame excuses to get rid of popular show like The O.C., UK viewers get to watch the new series this Tuesday, I think the UK fans are going to be upset.
Alan, what's with all the prepubscent teenagers whining on here?
omg i cant blive use are caciling the show because marissa/mishca died soo dousent mean u quit the show u might have low views at the moment but u dont quit it u put somthing more exsiting on it more dramas big dramas and get every one watching it.Theoc is my favourite show i havent missed 1 ep and i have 2 say all the eps use have had are good dont just quit the show because marissa has died tv wont be good with out the oc:(:(:(
It's hard to believe that the show will be coming to an end, although I can understand the creativity that has to go into something like this, and the reasons that the shows writers feel it is a good time to do what they have to do...at the beginning, when I was a late-20-something getting into The OC, it gave me some stability, something to look forward to every week, an escape from reality, the stress of beginning graduate school in a new city. Over the first couple of seasons, I grew with the show, discovering music artists that I wouldn't have otherwise (a definite perk for the show and a great way for artists to get discovered), and the show grew on me. At the beginning of this season, I think that I started out feeling quite skeptical, seeing the aftermath of last season, and I was worried that I had outgrown the show. Here I was, again, in a new city once again; but having started a new chapter in my life, I figured that it would made sense that perhaps I was losing the ability to identify with the characters. But when the Taylor/Ryan relationship started, especially the episode where they were in comas, I realized that sometimes you have to take a closer look at some things (suddenly Taylor wasn't so 'nails grating on chalkboard' aggravating, but there was a reason for her personality). The OC taught me a bit about myself, even at 30...the relationship that I want with a significant other (Sandy/Kiersten), the relationship that I will want with my kids (Sandy/Seth), and that my taste in music will never get boring. When I look back on the three years that were graduate school for me, I will always remember The OC as being an integral part of my 'education'.
It's hard to believe that the show will be coming to an end, although I can understand the creativity that has to go into something like this, and why this was a good time to do what the writers felt they had to do...at the beginning, when I was a late-20-something getting into The OC, it gave me some stability, something to look forward to every week, an escape from reality, the stress of beginning graduate school in a new city. Over the first couple of seasons, I grew with the show, discovering music artists that I wouldn't have otherwise (a definite perk for the show and a great way for artists to get discovered), and the show grew on me. At the beginning of this season, I think that I started out feeling quite skeptical, seeing the aftermath of last season, and I was worried that I had outgrown the show. Here I was, again, in a new city once again; but having started a new chapter in my life, I figured that it would made sense that perhaps I was losing the ability to identify with the characters. But when the Taylor/Ryan relationship started, especially the episode where they were in comas, I realized that sometimes you have to take a closer look at some things (suddenly Taylor wasn't so 'nails grating on chalkboard' aggravating, but there was a reason for her personality). The OC taught me a bit about myself, even at 30...the relationship that I want with a significant other (Sandy/Kiersten), the relationship that I will want with my kids (Sandy/Seth), and that my taste in music will never get boring. When I look back on the three years that were graduate for me, I will always remember The OC as being an integral part of my 'education'.
THIS SUCKS. ITS HORRIBLE i am devastated, its like the only thing that makes me happy. The best show ever.
this really sucks!!! josh i think u should try to put into the serie something really exsiting but u reallyyyy shouldnt quit! i dont think u r endeing the show cause u want it to end in a good posision, if the show was doing good as en the past seasons obviously u woudnt quit something most be wrong but give it a try maybe the show could recover! damn it! it sucksss! i looooove the oc! its such a good show!!
i can't believ that its caneled for bad ratings THE OC should be moved to canal 5 like said earlier before it was said it was canceled
Oh my god I can't believe it what am going to do without my THE O.C. I am sooooo sad
Dude you are stupid the only reason why the show went down in ratings is because your stupid enough to change it from 8 to 9pm and if you were smart you would keep the show running for another season or two you will have great sucess
dont cancel the OC for good!!!
can't believe you're ending the oc. It's an amazing show, loved in the Uk (where i'm from) aswell as america. it's introduced me to new bands, inspired me with my own acting and entertained me hour upon hour. I've never missed an episode. I'll miss it so much-please just switch channels and do season 5.
i cant believe the show is coming to an end everybody loves that show, we need a season 5 and a 6, maybe a 7.
This show has ended since they decided to kill Marissa Cooper. Sincerely this 4th season is ridiculous. The “mini-coma” and the “parallel universe” they created are exterminating the real identity of the show. Ryan turned into a complete asshole. Totally reality-free… a Mexican drama if you will.
Actually I might add that the show started to drop by the beginning of season 3. Season 1 was awesome… no questions asked… and season 2 held up nicely. It felt like by the season 3 they had no subject to clinch… looked very unrealistic and phony. Josh’s comments about teen shows having limited life are an attempt to cover for show’s fails… Beverly Hills 90210 is there to prove him wrong.
I'm sooo sad the oc has come to an end :(
It's also the only thing that makes me happy in these days.
I just wish the oc could go on for a little longer!
I'm gonna miss it so damn hard.
Josh, you made an incredible show,I've learned so much thanks to you, and hopefully there will be a comeback!
I am so upset that you are closing the show for good! It is an amazing script with amazing footage! This seasons script was fantastic, the narrative and characterizations for some of the characters especially Taylor really brought the show to life! I havent and cryed at the same time before and this season was definately the best. Maybe in a few years or hopefully sooner the show will have a comeback! im more upset about this show finishing more than i was with friends!
The O.c.is the one shows that is really good and this season is the best, please don´t finish.
The O.c is a wonderfull shouw.
With the series coming to an end, only two episodes left, I feel like a part of my life is coming to an end as well. Season's one and two were amazing, however, season three just took marissa's character too far (way too much happened to her). I think that by ending her character the show has improved much. To me, season four has been the best yet. I think the key was to eliminate so much unrealistic drama and tone things down. If the show was givin a second chance and able to continue for a fith season Im sure it would be able to produce even more amazing episodes than any previous ones. It just doesn't seem fair to end such a great show so early. I'm still hoping for a spin off.
i think you people need to get a life. its just a show. i enjoyed it.. but afer awhile its just the same thing over and over again. anyways, the network doesn't care about you few individual people who love it. it all comes down to profit. if they aren't making the green.. then off it goes.
i dnt think dey shud cancel the oc just caz dere r sum bad ratings caz at the end of the day its dere fault if it aint as good as the last seasons and if they can make season 1 so good why cant they do it agen oc is the best show eva dont end it!!
go to http://www.fox.com/oc/savetheoc/
and sign it!!
Please save the oc. i know its possible!!!!!!! It's an awesome show!
The o.c is amazing
I hated the series at first and i didnt even watch it
call me sad but ive cried so much at this, you will not believe.
Ive only watched little teasers, 5 minute clips and it had me i ntears.
The fourth season finale THE LAST EVER EPISODE.
Could of brought it to 100 episodes but fair enough it is a nice way to end it i think.
The O.C is a really good show my family watches it all people in my town watches it josh before u ending the O.C think how other people would feel im really sad with u josh please do 1 more season at least to tell the lifes of ryan, seth, taylor all those please do it for all the O.C lovers im so sad the O.C is going to end ;'( :(:(
OF: Nazaré, Portugal
you can't cancel the oc, it's my fav show ever. i just got done watching the whole entire 4th season in 2 days. that's how addicted i'am.. think about the people like me.. we need the oc. surely with all the money that everybody has making this, you can find someone with new amazing, fresh ideas for the fifth season.. come on.. keep with it.. make a season 5.
marissa died.
ther was nothing interesting in it anymore.
the end.
the O.C is clearly the best show EVER, no question.
i can't believe it ended.
its beeen months already, and i still can't accept the fact that what i look forward to every thursday is no longer happening for me anymore.
the O.C needs to come back, it needs to make more seasons, it needs to make me happy again.
i need the Oc back in my life.
JOSH. PLEASE if you read this; make your fans happy, think about making another season.
thank youuuuuuu!!
i never watched the OC when it first aired on tv.i thought not another crappy tv show. then my boyfriend of 2 yrs said 2 me just watch one episode ever since i have been hooked, i watch 1 or 2 episodes every night after work and then on sunday afternoons i watch about 5 lol. pleaseeee bring back the oc season 5 would rule im so devestated its ended. pleaseeeeeeee xx
well reading every annoying comment left on here i don't agree with a 5th season...
Because the characters have gone through so much and for more stuff to come. Every veiwer would be like oh its just another issue there going through or veiwers would get bored of it.
A better idea for this is started completely new.
like new characters and not in newport... a new storyline a new family... make the star character a female instead of male(Ryan).
The oc still has alot of veiwers because of the reruns on the soap channel i still watch it and i'm a huge fan but its true that they'll get boring if they continue with the same characters. the creator(Josh) just needs a fresh idea.
Josh i'm realy counting on you to come out with something great.
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