As this is an extremely slow stretch on TV, it's gonna be a slow stretch on the blog. Most of my time is occupied with working on my two best-of columns (coming Friday and then Monday), plus diving deep into my pile of review screeners for shows premiering in January and/or being paneled at press tour. Most of last night was devoted to the start of "Damages" season two, which so far I'm enjoying a lot more than what I watched of season one.
So, today's open question for those of you whose TV addiction is strong enough that you'd frequent a blog like this: what do you watch during this barren period before the first week of January? Or do you simply (gasp!) not watch that much TV?
I am going to catch up on all the movies that they release this time of year, oh. and visit family too.
Rewatching Chuck starting back with the pilot.
Getting ready for Lost: Season 5 by watching my recently picked up Season 4 BluRay. Wow! Awesome picture quality. Great extras too.
Watching shows like Big Bang etc that I missed during their initial run.
I always up my Netflix subscription to two at a time and catch up on a couple shows on DVD. (I'm working on Extras and Brotherhood right now.)
But like Nicole, I'll be spending a lot of time at the movies seeing all the great movies released this time of year.
I've become so dependent on my DVR that I generally don't watch a lot of TV when I'm away from home like I am for the holidays. Instead I'll probably catch up with all the movies I missed this year (including Dark Knight, Iron Man and others that people think it's crazy that I haven't seen).
I wish I knew how to quit this blog (over the holidays).
This TV lull will be filled with half watching the final season of "Boston Legal" and catching up on all the eps of "Gossip Girl" I've banked. I'll probably start with the latter.
With two elementary age kids at home for two weeks I'll be watching lots of Nickelodeon and Disney Channels. In fact, right now My LIfe as a Teenage Robot is on.
Catching up. I'm a few episodes behind on several shows, and I've got the final season of The Wire.
I've been watching the second season of The West Wing lately. I might start Sports Night after that, what with just getting the new set and all, assuming I'm not burnt out on Aaron Sorkin. Also, I recently watched The O.C.'s "The Rainy Day Women" episode becaus I got the urge, which has put me in an Orange County mood, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up watching the 1st, 2nd, and 4th seasons in the next month or so. I've been meaning to watch the second season of The X-Files, so I might just finally do that. Any of these are options for when I finish TWW. Also, I've been rewatching all the episodes of Chuck from this season on Hulu so I can bear the hiatus, so that'll definitely continue. Not to mention all the episodes of Gossip Girl I'm behind on since my DVR favors HIMYM and Chuck on Mondays. Basically, I'll either be having a very Aaron Sorkin holiday season, a very Josh Schwartz one, or a little bit of both.
I haven't been able to watch TV (at least, my own TV) for 13 days, so unless by some miracle I actually get power back sometime this DECADE, it won't be much of a stretch for me.
I've never watched Alias before, so I'll be doing that. Also, season 4 of Doctor Who, plus a re-watch of season two of The Wire.
I'll be getting The West Wing box set for Xmas - all 7 seasons for like $115 at Best Buy I think online. Unreal deal. I've only seen season 1, so needless to say I'm pretty excited about my late December/early January "TV" watching.
I also have to catch up on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - just got season 3 on DVD.
Alan - will you be reviewing "24" this season?
Well, I've been having fun devising a solution to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special while I'm away from home.
I've also got The IT Crowd Season 3 queued up, and maybe I'll finally catch up on Mad Men season 2.
We have begun rewatching BSG from the beginning, so as to be completely ready for its return in mid-January.
Lots of sports, some first season Ramsay's "F Word" episodes to watch with the missus, couple of movies, etc. Oh--and one of the stations here runs "Adam-12" every day so those are in the queue.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alan for a consistently entertaining take on programs I enjoy (and some I do not) and hosting all of us on the site--and wishing everyone here a happy 2009!
During slow stretches, we subscribe to HBO or Showtime. Their excellent On Demand habits make it easy to catch up on entire seasons of shows; that keeps us entertained for a while. And this way we don't have to pay $20 a month for ongoing service; we'll just cancel it when we're done.
Unless we get snowed in like we did last weekend. Then we end up blasting through entire seasons of True Blood and Entourage in about four days.
Oh, and also - 50 Cent's "The Power and the Money." What? We enjoy debating whether 50 can eat solid food or if he's physically incapable of opening his mouth more than half an inch.
I returned home to the Gilmore Girls set I refused to take to school for fear of using it as a procrastination tool, and a bulging DVR filled with episodes my parents fell behind on. The result is that I've got three episodes of Terminator and a bunch of CBS procedurals that the family might sit down for.
First and foremost, I plan on rewatching season 4 of Lost and all of the DVD special features before season 5 starts in January.
I also have a lot of classic movies from TCM on the DVR that are begging to be watched, as well as all of the Bond movies in the boxed sets that my husband has gotten for his birthday and Christmas in recent years.
Finally, I can always try to make a dent in the books that I want to read, which I never seem to have time for when all of my usual shows are back on the air.
rePlenty of movies stocked up on the DVR to help get me through the lean times, but I plan on breaking that up with catching up on BSG Season 4 and maybe re-watch Season 2 of the Wire. I also just got HIMYM Season 3 as a gift, so even though I have seen them, it is never the wrong time of year for Slapsgiving (whoa-oh-oh).
Not sure what the situation is like in the US exactly, but here in the UK the Christmas period is arguably a highlight of the year. Nearly every show has a Christmas special, there are festive treats, movies getting their non-satellite debut, special one-offs, etc.
It sounds like TV has a break over the Xmas period in the US, whereas in the UK the channels make more of an effort because they KNOW there are more people watching than usual. Not sure why it doesn't work that way in the US!
Because my insanity has been upped by getting a DVR back in October, I've been using the past few days to catch up on all The Simpsons eps I have recorded (yes, I record every showing on FOX 5). There were a batch of episodes from about 3 seasons ago that I missed, so it's been like having new shows to watch. And I've begun to appreciate the shows from 01-02 a lot more than than initially did when they were broadcast.
I also have some HBO Sports docs and Costas Now episodes to watch. And hopefully I can dive into that Twin Peaks box that's been gathering dust next to my remotes.
Finishing my 4th rewatch of The Wire...which I do regardless of season.
@Dan: There is plenty of Christmas programming leading up to the 25th, but most of the regular television series have already had their Christmas themed episodes by now. The last of them were this past week and now it's just specials and movies and repeats. Which, of course, plenty of people watch, but a lot of folks use that time to catch up on the things they've fallen behind on.
I'm watching DVDs of shows I haven't seen before. Just started on Gavin & Stacey, which I'm enjoying far more than I thought I would. I also have Season 2 of Babylon 5 to work through.
I just moved into a new house, so the past two months or so have been light on the TV watching. Consequently, I have 6 or 7 episodes each of Chuck and Pushing Daisies to catch up on -- thankfully, that leaves me a couple dozen of your reviews to catch up on as well. It's all about conservation...I may be able to last until TV starts back up again!
I generally watch less scripted television, and more NBA games. I also try to catch a lot of the great movies out this time of the year (saw Slumdog Millionaire, Frost/Nixon, the Wrestler & Let the Right One In over the last few days - all are highly recommended, esp. Frost/Nixon).
I saved "Generation Kill" for exactly this reason.
I generally use this time to catch up on movies, especially since they cram in a lot of the better ones at the end of the year. This way I can get my year end best of list in order.
As for TV, I'll at least get one box set watched, if not more. Right now, HBO Canada has been rerunning Oz an episode a day, so I have half of season four to catch on my DVR. Otherwise, I'll be catching up on season two of Burn Notice and The Shield starting with season three. In many ways, I prefer the lull periods of TV so I can watch box sets that are probably better than a lot of the broadcast shows I try to stay on top of.
I started re-watching The Shield from the beginning. It seems odd considering how important the Shane/Vic relationship is, but Shane is completely absent from several episodes in the first season. Despite that, it holds up very well... almost everything that plays out over the 7 seasons is pretty much there on-screen from the pilot or one of the first several episodes.
Now's the time to watch tv on DVD! I never watched the OC, and I love Chuck so much that I'm thinking it's time to check out that, as well as Gossip Girl...
possible things:-
- watch movies/DVDs I've missed
- continue to watch the BSG webisodes. Though, that'll take about 4 mins.
- watch the 'second tier' shows that I've not caught up and might want to pop in and see how it's doing
- Maybe try watching the rest of Heroes that I've missed because I've given up when I'm on the treadmill. I think I could get a much better workout being that aggravated and annoyed.
DVR man! We've still got the last hour of Chuck, pretty much the whole season of Heroes, final Boston Legal episode, and much more.
I am trying to watch all episodes of NCIS. I love this show!!
I'm finding these comments simply fascinating, and I kinda wish that network programming executives could see them, too. So, people are watching Netflix films, DVD box sets of missed series, and time-shifted TV shows on their DVRs. Or, in other words, they are STILL going to be sitting in front of their televisions, holidays or no.
So, then, why is it that nothing new is ever scheduled for the holidays? Even if we were actually going to spend two weeks frolicking in the company of family, we would still leave our DVRs running in the background. So why is it that the networks don't run anything original? What crazy throwback to an obsolete model of television viewing does this represent?
But, to answer your question, I'll be working my way diligently through my 497-film Netflix queue. Fun fact: Netflix does not allow more than 500 films in a queue.
(By the way, my verification word is rawbris which just sounds painful--and I'm a girl.)
Whatever is left on the DVR, sports (Blazer basketball is worth watching again!), Top Gear and Gordon Ramsey on BBC-America, all the movies from 2008 that I hadn't had the chance to watch yet.
Throw in the guilty pleasures my wife (Days of Our Lives) and myself (WWE) catch from time to time and there is plenty to get us through until January.
I'm planning on watching the first 3 episodes of Chuck from this season that I missed, catching up on Big Bang Theory and finally getting around to seeing all 3 Back to the Future movies and A Christmas Story (I have no idea why I haven't seen them before).
I will indulge in my dark secret love, daytime soap operas. So please my fiance, we will be watching lots of NCIS and CSI reruns, as it appears that we've already seen every Law & Order episode ever made. Also, I think we will end up starting to get into boxed sets of something, which I love doing. Maybe Lost or 24, shows I've wanted to watch but didn't want to jump into.
We don't have one of them there new-fangled DVRs, so I'm always caught up on the shows I watch. I picked up a couple movies at Big Lots ($3 each!) recently, so I'll be watching those. And we're planning to rewatch Deadwood.
I also want to catch any Bones repeats, as I lost track of it earlier in the season. And we have a bunch of other random stuff we just haven't gotten around to watching.
I get a little cranky if I don't see at least one episode of Law & Order every day. That never changes.
I'm catching up on the Shield season 7 (...holy crap, and Alan, I can't watch an episode without immediately reading your recaps and all the comments--they're so fantastic. Thank You.) And I'm introducing my parents to the wonders of Friday Night Lights Season 1. And I'm watching it right along with them...and let me tell you, even though I know what's going to happen to the characters, I'm crying during these episodes AGAIN. Good thing is, they love it, and we burned through the first four eps in a row last night. Success!! My record for recommending excellent tv shows they haven't seen remains unblemished (the first was Everwood). Merry Christmas to you all!
To the person who mentioned NCIS: Yes! I used to mock this show because it looked silly, but ever since USA started running it practically non-stop I've become hopelessly addicted. The best part is, I don't ever have to rent it or anything because eventually USA will show them all. God bless syndication.
As much as I would like to catch up on shows like Life and Chuck, I think all I'm gonna have time for is renting Generation Kill. And maybe introducing a new friend of mine to the genius that is The Wire--there's no gospel I'd happier spread.
I made a deal with my husband: He'd watch Lost if I watched The Shield, so I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain. So far so good. And Supernatural!!! Speaking of which, I think I need a bigger Netflix subscription...or I'm going to have to resort to iTunes. ;)
I forgot to mention that I will also watch the Doctor Who Christmas special. I caught the Children in Need preview and it was spectacular. I also think that despite the title being "The Next Doctor", that David Morrissey won't actually be Number 11. I think RTD is letting Steven Moffat determine the casting on that one.
I do wish that North American television would air their Christmas episodes on Christmas and not weeks before. There really isn't anything on when I would have more time to watch it. At least the movie people understand that.
I am, like Alan, diving in to DVDs of shows that air in the new year (so far I'm liking Damages a lot too). Watching movies too (I'm the loser who just saw The Dark Knight last week.) Also enjoying my son kicking my butt in various Wii games.
Other than that, I'm still working my way through my BSG watch-the-whole-series again quest. I'm about to start Season 3. I made a pact that I would not rewatch S3 until I'd finished my writeup of S2, which is about halfway done.
Thought I should mention, for Wire fans, or would-be Wire fans -- the entire series boxed set is on sale at Amazon for the low, low price of $89.99. This is much less than the usual list price of $249.99. You might be thinking of waiting for it to come out on Blu Ray (Damn it all to hell, but S1 of Mad Men just came out on Blu Ray!! Gnash gnash gnash! I already own the regular version.)
But if you don't care about getting the Wire in Blu Ray and you were thinking about picking up the Wire complete-series set, now's yr chance. It's not in stock but it will ship when it is.
I, too, am re-watching the end of season two/start of season three of The West Wing, thanks to Bravo and my TiVo. Damn, Oliver Platt was good.
I get a little cranky if I don't see at least one episode of Law & Order every day. That never changes.
I'm the same way, except my panacea is The Simpsons. All work and no Simpsons makes Désirée something something.
I will be catching up with shows I skipped because they conflicted with the other two shows I watch in the same time slot, watching my soaps, catching some movies, and burning the programs I archive from the DVD recorder to disc. And cleaning. Lots and lots of cleaning. Okay, not that last part--I'm too lazy and there's so much TV to catch up on (especially as the family was out visiting last week and I spent all my free time with them) :-)
If the point is to get obscure 80's athletes, how do you name one after a HOFer like Guy Lafleur? Have I completely overestimated the average American's knowledge of hockey
Winter always feels like a reminder that I should either spend more free hours with my nose in a book or stay warm by jumping around at more concerts. TV=Off.
Totally in agreement with CanuckLou, except I got both Season 3 and 4 of Lost in BlueRay.
I'll start post-cages and work my way to Jan 21.
Also lots of sports and finish season 2 of The Wire, so I can treat myself to Season 3. I started watching Season 4, so I'll have experienced all of the excellence that was The Wire.
Likely re-watching select episodes of Buffy Season Two and My So-Called Life on DVD. Got Joan of Arcadia on DVD for my birthday, and I want to finish that up as well. Plus, I've really been wanting to watch Serenity again, which will likely lead to watching the Firefly eps again.
Hmm. Might be better if I am snowed in. Otherwise my watching plans exceed my days off! :)
Picking up on what Mo Ryan said: I bought The Wire boxed set along with the latest Deadwood boxed set, plus they threw in The Dark Knight--all for something like $250 as part of an Amazon deal. Anyway, that goes a long way towards answering what I will be doing other than watching TV over the next several days.
Lots of sports, this is usually the time of year I start paying attention to the NBA, and there is usually a bowl game on every day not to mention NFL on the weekend.
I also picked up DVD box sets of tv shows I've been wanting to watch. I burned through Mad Men Season 1 in about 3 days. I got the first season of HIMYM. I've never seen Deadwood Season 3 (I was in Iraq when it had it's initial run) and Best Buy had it half off the other day so I got that. The best part of Black Friday this year was the bargain bin of TV on DVD at Circuit City this year; you could grab entire seasons of shows like HIMYM, It's Always Sunny, Chuck, FNL, Supernatural, and others for 10-20 dollars.
And there's always Youtube!
Alan, firstly, thank you for your always insightful columns, and especially your Friday Night Lights recaps.
Over the winter tv doldrums I was hoping to finally try out Farscape, but I can't find the DVDs anywhere. :(
Oh - thanks for the tip on The Wire sale at amazon!
Hey, Anon, Farscape is available on iTunes. Not sure if that works for you but thought I'd mention it...
Also Hulu.com has a lot of shows available. Free of charge and completely legal because the site is partnered with many of the networks. You just have to watch 3 or 4 15-30 second commercials during whatever show you are watching.
With a foot and a half of snow out there,the kids home from school for a couple weeks and nothing on tv for me, I've cranked up the Netflix to 6 (!).
My queue is always full of Brit everything - movies, tv series, miniseries, etc. I'm also planning over the break to watch a bunch of the concert vids/music docs I have on there.
And Karen, I agree with your observation - we're all going to be planting our behinds on the couch in front of the tube anyway, so why isn't there anything on? It seems to me that the British tv model is to create special and /or highly anticipated programs especially for the xmas season. (I understand that the for past few years a Doctor Who xmas special has repeatedly stopped the country in it's tracks.)
TCM -- two favorite Christmas movies: Meet Me in St. Louis and The Shop Around the Corner; plus, on Christmas Day, Casablanca and The African Queen
I'm not much into television anymore, but I love reading about television (go figure), and I especially love this blog.
Mainly, I read. Next on my list: Stewart O'Nan's Songs for the Missing
And I'll be reading your Sports Night recaps. Right, Alan?
Sigh... One day. I don't know when that day will be, but as Mo Ryan can attest to, the sheer volume of stuff I need to watch to prepare for winter press tour and all the mid-season premieres is taking precedence over the Sports Night project.
Maybe this summer? In tandem with The Wire season 2? Maybe? Again, sigh...
I'll be watching Flight of the Conchords, re-watching Firefly, re-watching the first season of 30 Rock, and watching whatever shows I get for Christmas.
I love to go back and watch great shows I couldn't watch while they were on the air. I just got my hands on The West Wing Season 1, Alias Season 1, The Shield Season 1, and I'm considering finding Twin Peaks. The new age of DVDs and streaming video is how I've been able to watch all of The Wire, Undeclared, Lost, Buffy, and Freaks and Geeks (and tons of other shows) without ever seeing a single episode on TV.
But yeah, I really can't stand TV this time of year, and other than Lost and Must-See Thursdays (after 9pm), it's gonna be slim pickens on the network till Chuck comes back. Plus, Friday Night Lights is ending. I'm gonna have to bust out a lot of old shows. Or read. *shudder*
To Anonymous, you're after my own heart. I love Meet Me in St. Louis and Shop Around the Corner, I also watch them every Christmas.
There are so many shows I've never seen that I badly want to. I've got Freaks and Geeks, Alias, and Battlestar Galactica all ready to watch.
I'll also definitely be going back and watching all of Lost before the new season starts...my winter break ritual.
Yeah, this year, January is pretty much insane -- there is so much TV to watch/review. Not that my company would have paid for me to go to TCA regardless, but I feel sorry for Alan and others -- there's no way I could get through all the reviews I want to do in Jan. plus attend the tour. It's gonna be nutty for everyone there. But I give thanks that none of the DVDs in the massive pile before me are from NBC (though when Chuck shows up I'll be thrilled).
Anyhoo, good point about Hulu. Last week during a day of advanced brain failure, I just couldn't get work done. Went on Hulu and watched a few NewsRadios. Man, I forgot how much I loved that show. Hulu -- where workplace productivity goes to die ;)
My Christmas gift to myself was the boxed set of Sex and the City, and I'm halfway through Season 2. It's hard for me to make the time to re-watch hour-long shows (well, 42 minutes worth), and I own a few DVD series, Veronica Mars season 1 being one of them, but SATC is like a tasty dessert, and I can zip through them as if I were eating one too many Christmas cookies--I know I could be doing something better with my time, but they're so tasty!
Netflix. Just finished Torchwood 2, now on to Saving Grace.
Though for most of the season, I'll be at my mom's house and thus not in charge of the television (she does NOT like sci-fi anything), so mostly I just watch whatever is mom-approved. Or whatever DVD's I might get as a gift.
We've got a DVD rotation that we weave in and out of our normal TV watching. Currently, it's Sports Night (Season 1), Saturday Night Live (Season 2), Doctor Who (Season 2), Cheers (Season 1) and "Angel (Season 1.)
Also rewatching the Battlestar season 4 HD rebroadcasts we Tivoed from Universal HD.
I'll be rewatching season 4 of Supernatural with my roommate's boyfriend, who is home from National Guard combat training for a week and a half before he ships out to Iraq. And I will be enjoying just about every minute of it (...just don't get me started on episode 6).
Mo - Thank you for the tip on The Wire set on Amazon.
It's the best gift I ever bought for myself. :)
I've got all of season 3 of Brotherhood saved on my computer, so I'm probably going to watch that.
Regarding that Wire box set, I spent more than $89.99 just buying the first two seasons. I already own all five seasons individually, so I'll just wait for a possible Blu Ray release. Considering the substandard compression HBO gave the video transfers on the season 4 & 5 releases, a Blu-Ray box set can't come soon enough.
I'll watch things I normally wouldn't, just because they're new to me. Mostly crime procedurals.
@Amanda: I might not watch ep6 again, but I could watch Jensen lipsync "Eye of the Tiger" on a loop for days without tiring of it. Shallow? Me? Yes, I am.
The tv and tivo are vacationing in the attic.
Canceled cable. Can't see reupping hbo or showtime ever. I admit to cheating on the tv fast by finishing Deadwood (my first time) from Itunes. Only the finale to go. The Wire, Deadwood, and the Sopranos have ruined network tv for me. Things like Life and Burn Notice can be diverting but still so predictable. Didn't see the last of the Dexter Season and don't care.
Am going to miss Rescue Me unless it's on line like 30Rock.
@Karen. That's kind of what I was getting at. In the UK, all the channels know they'll have a captive audience (particularly the BBC), so all manner of specials and TV treats arrive from 20 Dec - 4 Jan. It's the biggest and most expensive time of the year for the channels. Seems US TV just goes into hibernation and "Xmas Specials" are just Xmas-themed eps of regular programmes just before Xmas? Strange.
I picked up The West Wing Complete Series for $115 over on amazon last week. As I've never seen the show, that should take up my entire winter break.
I tried searching for any of your pre-blog articles on The West Wing and was disappointed to find them all archived. I was going to pay to read your end of the series recap with the top ten episodes, but the archive system wasn't responding properly.
Ah well. I just watched Celestial Navigation and that alone was worth the price of the entire series.
Besides making time for a few more movies than usual, I usually talk my wife into starting some BBC series that had folks frothing at the mouth at one time or another. This time it was Paul Abbot's amazing State of Play. But unfortunately, we couldn't make it last... we've already devoured all six hours. Since that one scored with my wife (thank you James McAvoy for opening the door,) I'm hoping she'll now finally bite on Spaced.... otherwise, we may have be forced to go back and finish the second half of Damages first season.
I have a few things I always rewatch at this time of year: "In Exelcis Deo" and "Noel" from The West Wing, "An Echolls Family Christmas" from Veronica Mars, It's a Wonderful Life and, of course, the Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol. I've also been watching Love Actually with the commentary on, and it's hilarious to listen to Hugh Grant make bitchy comments about Colin Firth the whole way through.
I'm hoping to catch up on a lot of movies I didn't see over the summer, and take in a few of the Oscar-bait ones that are out now, but this is the time of year when I watch the least amount of television: too much eating, drinking and being merry to do.
I tryout shows I don't normally watch, usually they are at least 2 season old, but this year I am making t a minimum of three seasons old (I don't want to get into a new show and then have it cancelled) This time I am starting with Supernatural, if I like it it will take up any free time I have, If I don't then I need to find another show...
1. when is the press tour?
2. try to play catch-up on things that fell behind during November sweeps (except this year, when I am watching fewer shows)
3. Clean the crap out of the DVR
4. Catch up on past blog posts here
5. Watch HIMYM from the beginning and read the posts here, which you now have tagged by season :-)
6. I have 5 library books on my bed (ignoring the pile on the floor) 4 of which are about interns, residents, hospitals, and one about doctors in general, which might be boring.
7. Have company. The roomie tells me we will be having at least a couple people fleeing Christmas with the Family (that thing on The Big Bank Theory, about Saturnalia? that's us.) I just skipped a Christmas Bible Study/Party on the excuse that I was in Boston.
Despite that, we might go see some lights somewhere. Lights are pretty. I've barely heard a Christmas song (I own some, including the last volume of my brother's mix - Holy bleep, it's Christmas. There's one song on there I love - I have to figure out what it is and rip it) and I've missed most of the crowded stores - if any of them are actually crowded. (despite the fact that I really ought to buy some knee socks at Target before they are all gone, like they were last year. oh well.)
If all else fails, there's always something interesting on the internet.
and yes, I want to watch Chuck from the Pilot as well. Maybe Big Bang too - I see they are playing reruns. I'd love to do season 1 of Mad Men again. I just found a copy of the pilot for friends in Mass - and they both liked it (yes, I forgot to bring my own DVDs and had to resort to other means, as only season 2 is online, and they don't have on demand either.)
Hopefully I have now hooked them.
TV is like drugs - once you get hooked, you have to be a pusher to your friends...
and if all that is done, I get to watch Kate belittling Jon while sitting right beside him.
I'm pretty much out of shows to watch until the insane burst of newbies and returns next month. Isn't it great how, the moment uni goes on break, so does ALL OF TV? *grumbles*
I've been watching The Shield with my sister for the past few weeks, as I've never seen it. We're just into S2. CCH Pounder is fantastic. Any chance you'll go back and review S1+? Also, getting my hands on The Corner (from the creator of The Wire!), Friends S1 (As I was too young first time round) and Deadwood. Might keep me occupied for December.
Also, started The Wire 2x01, but realised how much I used your blog posts to follow the story (sadly), so I'll probably rewatch S1 (with aforementioined sister, who hasn't seen it before) to get reacquainted, then watch S2 when you've started your posts again. It's so much more enjoyable with your input, I find. When I was watching 2x01 and realised there was a major S1 character whose name I still didn't know, I knew I needed to rewatch S1 and pay more attention.
and if all that is done, I get to watch Kate belittling Jon while sitting right beside him.
Ha! It's a good thing they both have a sense of humor, or they would have killed each other long ago. :)
It occurred to me that we have both seasons of Rome on DVD, and we haven't cracked them open yet. It's time for a rewatch.
@amysusanne: my roommate wants to put that video on the PSP that her boyfriend's taking to Iraq. The jury's still out on whether or not that's too gay for his unit.
I'm rewatching Grey's Anatomy for the umpteenth time..also the new Gundam series (animated mecha show).
I am getting close to the Denny part of season 2 though...might skip through parts of the upcoming episodes UGH. The Denny-ghost thing has thoroughly poisoned all of the previous incarnations of Grey's Denny (including but certainly not limited to harmless flirt Denny we meet in episode 2/14) And anyway, what kind of a name is Denny? Not a name that takes itself seriously.
I've been watching DVDs a lot lately. I'm heading into Season 2 of Deadwood now. And various Futurama episodes. Also wanting to get back to watching The X-Files, I left off at the Area 51 two-parter.
Watched Letterman's annual Jay Thomas story/meatball tree episode last night ... now it's xmas.
Lots of relatives in town this time of year, so my TV watching hours are seriously reduced. But I'll watch reruns of things I like (BBT and HIMYM were both awesome this week) and watch HGTV. I can always find cheese holiday movies on the tube, too. Just saw Elf, for example. I'll also pop in some favorite "holiday" DVDs like Mixed Nuts and The Ref.
Scrubs is back on Jan 5th, and Friday Night Lights shortly thereafter. I also like the highly cheesy show "Secret Life of an American Teen" which is also back Jan 5th. It is so bad, it is good.
I just watched an ep of Private Practice that was mildly interesting. Co-worker (of the same age and status for a change) had sexual tension that didn't make me want to run screaming for the nearest remote control. I actually might have cared and wanted them to be together. This may be a good thing - if ABC doesn't cancel the show. If not, there's still Grey's (till Shonda kills it herself)
Told ya I still had stuff to watch. (one ep of brothers & sisters, and 4 or 5 eps of Boston Legal, too. And a few movies, some of which have been sitting a long time)
oh dear, they are starting with the metaphors.
it's okay. that was one of the things I liked about Grey's. Anvils R Us.
I just had my first baby, and we were in hospital for five days (everything's fine now, he's doing lovely). It coincided perfectly with the end of new decent television. So this year the answer is: no tv!
Although, for the record, I have on the go: Season 1 of It's always sunny in Philadelphia
Considering downloading S1 of Big Bang Theory (as Season 2, despite all rational thinking on my part, has proved entertaining)
Slowly getting through "Earth 2", a "I remember seeing part of that show, I should watch it to decide if it was any good" ~ so far, so good, in an "old tv" kinda way
Need to re-watch last few BSG episodes so I post some long-overdue reviews on my blog.
Ahhh, Telelvision...
Oh! Thanks to all the commenters mentioning the Doctor Who Christmas Special I had completely forgotten and will proceed to immediate viewing!
TV has been in a coma for me for a while; many of the shows that others have been raving about didn't appeal to me. I haven't had much to watch for months, so the holiday season is more of the same. We've been watching our Netflix movies much more quickly instead of letting them languish on the table. I've also been reading more and checking out stuff on the internet.
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