Still a full day to go here, including whatever news happened, plus tonight's "Chuck" as the final review of this iteration of the blog. Then we move in the morning to HitFix. But before I go, I wanted to look back over the last 4 and a half years at the blog, as well as looking ahead a bit to the new place...
As I've said before, I started out writing about TV online with the "NYPD Blue" website, and nearly a decade into my time at The Star-Ledger, I missed the immediacy of that interaction, as well as the ability to write about shows after they'd aired (when I could discuss all the juicy stuff) rather than before (when I'd have to be wary of spoiling anything). NJ.com was still experiencing a lot of growing pains at the time, and I wasn't sure I wanted to commit to the idea long-term, so on October 7, 2005, so I started the site here on Blogger as an experiment. I figured I'd try it out, see if I liked the process, and also see if anyone but the friends I'd e-mailed the link to might ever find me and care to keep reading.
If you go back and look at those early posts from 2005, the blog then bore little resemblance to what it became. No pictures, no spoiler protection after the jump (and therefore no "just as soon as"), nearly everything done in a grab-bag format where I talked about multiple shows at once, and very few comments - and all of those from my friends.
The outside world began to discover the place on a fluke: while looking over NBC's schedule for the January 2006 TCA press tour, I noticed Aaron Sorkin and Tommy Schlamme were listed as panelists for the "West Wing" farewell session, and I threw up a quick post noting this. It turned out to be an error - someone told me later that no one at NBC had even asked Sorkin or Schlamme about it at that point - but somehow, that story got picked up, the link spread around, and suddenly the blog had a small but growing - and smart - audience.
As you guys began to find me, I in turn began to find my way in blogging, and the site slowly but surely evolved into what you see today. People complained about being spoiled on the main page, and I figured out how to hide the bulk of each post on the jump. I noticed that posts dealing with one show at a time tended to get far more comments than the grab bags, and so I began doing more and more of those. And beyond that, I saw that the deeper I went into discussing episodes - moving past the simple "I liked this"/"I didn't like this" of the blog's early days into discussing not only why I liked things, but what I thought they meant - the deeper in turn your comments got, and I started trying to apply the depth and breadth of my "Sopranos" Rewind columns to lots of other shows. When I got bored with summer TV one year and suggested that instead we all watch and discuss "Freaks and Geeks" on DVD, a lot of you went along with me, paving the way for later summer DVD projects, including the early seasons of "The Wire" (with Season 3 coming up in June on HitFix).
Along the way there have been some great highs (the David Chase interview, Ben Silverman telling me I saved "Chuck") and some weird lows (the "Chuck"pocalypse, overwrought discussion of "SNL" in the fall of 2008 leading to the No Politics rule), but the good has vastly outweighed the bad. This blog rekindled my interest in a job I'd been doing for a very long time, and it taught me how to do it in a new way. And I thank all of you for helping me figure that out.
As I said last week, the goal is for as little to change as possible at HitFix, with shows moving in and out of the rotation based on my level of interest (and time). The blog URL, once again, is http://hitfix.com/whatsalanwatching, while the new RSS feed will be at http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/whats-alan-watching.rss. As before, I'll also be using my Twitter account to tweet links to new posts as they go up.
I know some of you in the last week have expressed concern about the design and functionality of HitFix versus this place. Just know that every issue you've raised is one that I'd already thought of, and in turn most of those were ones that Team HitFix was already aware of and working on when I asked about them. (And a few of them may be addressed/solved by the time I put my first real post up there tomorrow.) Because you guys are so valuable to the experience of both reading and writing What's Alan Watching?, I want the new site to be as user-friendly as this one was. I would just ask for your patience, and if you have a specific concern, feel free to e-mail me at sepinwall@hitfix.com.
End of one era today, start of what I hope will be an awesome new one tomorrow. Hope you can come along with me.
I'll be with you all the way Alan! Love your blog! Loving Treme too and happy to have your reviews as always...
Congrats again Alan!
I've already bookmarked the new site at hitfix
i'm happy for you Alan.
may there be many more posts! (with amusing spoiler alerts, of course)
Good luck!
How are you and Fienberg handling assignments at HitFix? Are you divvying up shows or will there be overlap ie Lost/Chuck etc because I enjoy reading both your thoughts on those shows.
Congrats, good luck, and thanks for all the fun Alan
Best blog logo ever.
I've been faithfully reading your Lost reviews for several years now. Your appreciation for the show, not only as a critic, but more importantly, as a fan is what made me turn first to your reviews before reading any others. It's also what keeps me coming back. Thanks, Alan, for writing from the heart! You've done a great job and I'm sure that will continue in your years at HitFix. Looking forward to your future reviews....
I look forward to reading you at HitFix, Alan! I've been a longtime reader (I've been here since before the Freaks & Geeks marathon because I remember being SO excited about pulling out my own DVDs to join along in the viewing). I don't comment too much on your blog since everyone else is so much smarter than me, but I'm a faithful reader!
Congrats Alan...I've been following you in the Ledger for about 10 years, and here for more than 3 years. I know this sounds a bit pathetic, but my wife and I sometimes fight for the laptop as soon as one of our favorite shows airs (eg-Chuck) just to see what Sepinwall thought. We will always be fans and we look forward to many more great shared tv experiences.
I just want to say that I've only stumbled across your blog this year, but it has quickly become one of my must read sites. Your insight on all the shows you watch is fantastic. I look forward to reading more over on Hitfix.
I started reading your blogs for the incredible "The Wire" reviews and subsequently have stayed to become a big fan of your work. Pretty sure all your followers will be following you to hitfix and we all look forward to...season 3 review of "The Wire" of course, but also everything else. Cheers.
How about David Simon posting comments on your Wire reviews? That's gotta be a high!
For me, a show is truly "watched" until I've seen it AND read what you wrote about it. I can't begin to list all the tv shows I've started watching and loved because you recommended them. I love that I can relax and enjoy Lost because you'll explain it all to me later.
Anyway. Hope you're happy at Hitfix and have many more years of blogging ahead!
Alan, is HitFix available through Google Reader like your blog has been? I can't seem to find it. That's one of the only ways I can look at things while at work!
Ally: You can add Alan's new blog to your Google Reader right here: http://www.google.com/ig/add?source=atgs&feedurl=http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/whats-alan-watching.rss
(And just for future-things, you can add any blog/website to Google Reader by adding the RSS-feed of that website to Google Reader, and it'll automatically do the rest for you.)
I've been around since the "NYPD Blue" days, so I am happy to make the move along with you.
I'd say the David Chase interview for the Sopranos finale is akin to hitting for the cycle. It was the only one he gave, right?
Ben Silverman on Chuck, on the surface sure. But as noted by Mr. Sepinwall himself, was probably half in jest. As well NBC had been treading water for so long that weak ratings was tolerated to some degree.
I got here from a television without pity recap of HIMYM, so by then already many commenters.
On the blog, basically the more in depth the review the better. So: Sopranos, The Wire, Freaks and Geeks, Lost were all great. Chuck is a good diversion, but I'd have gone with BSG.
Now that I'm going through The Shield for the first time, I really wish there was a complete Sepinwall annotation for all the seasons. It's a great show, but with the analysis even better.
But really, thanks Alan, for not ever really pimping your book on The OC. I'm sure there's some who would have tried to do that a lot more.
Congratulations and Best of luck at the new gig Alan! I've been reading the blog since the last 2 seasons of Sopranos.
At Hitfix, is there any way to read the comments in chronological order, instead of the most recent ones showing up on top? Also, having to click to read each set of 25 comments could be tough when it comes to these last few LOST episodes - I'm sure there'll be plenty of discussion. Hopefully Hitfix will keep improving it's format like you said.
You are one of my first stops on the web every day. Thank you for all that you do! Looking forward to your new site!
Hola Amigo - Hope this opportunity brings you a much broader exposure as well as closer connections to all your fans.
I believe that this form of review and communication will be the fulcrum of every TV show - having very loyal and invested fans over abstract numbers and ratings.
This week's logo theme: top-billed actors who disappeared from their own show for significant lengths of time.
McNulty: season 4
Mr. Eko: season 3 and beyond after being top-billed in season 2
Joan: about half of season 3
(I haven't watched much Chuck, but I think I'm almost certainly wrong about that one :) )
Interesting that your blog first started out as "only friends reading it," because the blog, and your articles, still feel like you're writing for a bunch of friends. It's one of the many reasons your work is so enjoyable and easy to read. I'll definitely be following you over to HitFix, and I look forward to continuing to read your articles in the Star-Ledger.
Awesome blog logo, and I look forward to seeing you at Hitfix! I already bookmarked it.
Mazel Tov on the new venture!
Congratulations Alan! That is exciting news. I'll also be on board. Looking forward to many more blogs and discussions.
I'd have gone with Friday Night Lights instead of Chuck.
Thomas -- Thanks so much for the tip. Clearly, I'm a Google Reader newbie :).
I may not always agree with your assessments (and sometimes I don't agree with what seems to be the consensus of a particular episode or series), but your blog has always enhanced the viewing of my favorite shows and for that I salute you (and the many readers/contributors of your blog). Looking forward to the future at HitFix.
Can't say I'm looking forward to trying to read past all those ads, but I'll put up with it for you, Alan. Congrats!
For you Alan, I'm very happy and completely understand making a move to advance your career.
For me however, this change will take some getting used to and as of right now, it sucks.
However, you've gained me as a loyal fan and I'll make the transistion but just wanted to say I wish you could still keep the blog the way it was.
Good luck!
I have been following your writing in the Ledger since the days when you shared the TV duties with Matt Zoller Seitz.
Your reviews have led me to several shows I otherwise would not have tried, the biggest (to me) of which was Scrubs so thank you for that. Good luck with the new digs and see you on the other side.
I've only been reading your blog for a little over a year. I work late on Mondays, and last year would always miss Chuck. About mid-season, I started Googling after it aired, looking for spoilers. That's when I came across your site, with the absolute best review imaginable. Since then, this place has been a regular place to visit.
Can't wait to see what you do over at HitFlix.com!
Got the new site bookmarked! Congrats on the move and good luck.
I found your blog during season 1 of Mad Men. I was an obsessive fan of the show who came across a link to this site from Bryan Batt's website, and the rest is history.
You have made my television watching a richer and more interesting experience, so please accept my thanks and congratulations as we all make the move with you to HitFix. It's going to be a smashing success.
See you there as I change my moniker from LA to LJA (nicknames must be a minimum of three characters).
I'm one of your many readers who've been with you since your college days reviewing and recapping NYPD Blue. Your voice, even in those days, was one of the most intelligent in television commentary and your many years in newsprint have sharpened it. Unlike many others, you're adept at engaging with your audience without pandering to them. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do at HitFix; they obviously recognize your value, as do we. Best of luck!
I can't remember how I started reading this blog or how I even found it, and it hasn't really been all that long (wished I found it sooner!), but I'm so glad I did and hung around.
See you all on the other side!
p.s. Does this mean "just as soon as I..." will still remain over on hitfix (since they do have a cut jump)? I really like them!
While following you to Hitfix is a no-brainer, it's gonna be awhile before I remember to not to start typing "sep" into my browser and let the auto-complete take me here when I want to find out what you think of Tuesday's LOST.
It will, of course, be an easy transition, but a little bit sad, because "What's Alan Watching" was the first place I discovered that was doing smart next-day TV recappage on a regular basis. (TWOP existed, of course, but they had a longer deadline period.)
Of course, I'm still going to have to come back here, because I'm currently re-watching both "Freaks and Geeks" AND "The Wire," and the first thing I do after watching an episode is read your recap.
Good luck, and see you in the next life!
It seems to me I stumbled upon your blog when looking for critiques of The Wire and definitely after the post-finale Chase interview. I was immediately struck by the depth of thought put into the posts and this quickly became one of my two or three most visited websites. On Sunday nights in particular, with either the current crop of shows or when Mad Men is on, the first thing I do when the show is over is pull out my laptop and read your review. Congratulations Alan, and I look forward to following you to HitFix.
Any way you and Feinberg can incorporate Todd VanDerWerff into your work at HitFix? His work at HitFix and for THND matches very well what you two do.
I first found this blog via the comment section on one of Heather Havrilesky's posts about The Wire in its final season. I can't remember what was being debated, but someone pointed out that David Simon had popped up in the comments over here to speak his mind, and I thought that sounded like a pretty cool blog. So I came over, read the comments, and soon realized what an amazing discovery I'd made. No other forum on the internet has the kind of smart analysis from both critic and commenters that is such a basic part of the What's Alan Watching? formula.
Your abilities, both as a writer and in analyzing what you watch, speak for themselves, but what always made this blog that much cooler was the level of interaction one could have with you. Twitter has made access seem the norm, but you were here first, and there's a lot to be said for being able to debate and joke directly with someone whose opinion you are actively seeking out.
I may not love the HitFix layout, but I trust you, and their dedication to making you happy, to get the necessary changes rolling. The destination may be different, but the words will be the same, even if in a smaller font. Good luck, and see you there tomorrow.
Word verification: "deptual" - a word that, if it were real, would defintely be an adjectiive for this place.
Alan leaving here really does smell like poop.
Good luck Alan in your new job. You're the best!!!!
I'll look forward to following you to HitFix.
You know, I gave both MadMed and Breaking Bad another chance based on your support, and I'm glad that I did.
You won't be too busy at welcome parties to post a review of Lost tomorrow, will you? :-)
I'm very glad for your career going in a direction you want it to.
I would like to believe I'll follow you to your new digs. But in reality once the blogspot blog ceases to exist I'll probably only read your stuff on rare occaisions.
Not that I don't like and respect your work though. Just being realistic. Having your blog here made it much more accessible for someone like me to get addicted to it.
As a critic I'd like to think you welcome honest feedback since it's what you do for a living.
Best of luck, Alan! Congrats on the new job!
I was hoping the site would do a quick fade to black....followed by credits, maybe a link to hitfix. Good luck Alan.
Good luck with the new gig.
So say we all.
There is so little intelligent discussion of anything on the internet that finding your comments has been a breath of fresh air. You are the Roger Ebert of television. (Not just for the similarity between your jobs, but because of the depth of insight in your reader's comments. Honest, deep critique breeds honest, deep responses.) Thanks for the last couple years here- I'll definitely be following you to HitFix.
I'm proud to say I've been reading your stuff since NYPD Blue. I found it randomly looking for an explanation of dialogue I couldn't understand, and you not only answered the question but made me think about television in a way I never had before...dissecting it as though it was a good novel, and enhancing the enjoyment. These days, I like reading your HIMYM reviews as much as The Wire -- it doesn't have to be brilliant television to write and read about it. The reviews just make it all more fun. Now, just like in the old days, I find myself getting irritated when your posts aren't quick enough for me. I guess that's a sign what you do is connecting with folks.
And I simply do not understand the folks who say they love your stuff but aren't willing to invest a couple of extra clicks (or whatever minimum effort it takes) to get to your new digs. I can remember waiting on your site to load on a computer that I practically had to pedal to power. The things we take for granted....
Anyway, good luck. I'll be there.
"Well then I'm happy and sad for you."
See you on the other side, Alan!
I've been following you every day starting with your Soprano reviews. In some cases RUSHING to reviews after shows have aired to see what insights you've gleaned and compare with what I thought I saw. Yours were always brilliant and fascinating. Mine? Not so much. I'm pleased to follow you to your new home.
I found your blog relatively recently when a friend of mine heard you were doing recaps of The Wire Season 1 two summers ago. I started following your writing every week, and have never looked back. I have since made What's Alan Watching mandatory daily reading. Thanks to you, I have discovered and become addicted to shows ranging from Sons of Anarchy to Party Down to Better Off Ted. I have also devoured your earlier writing, finally finding a forum to express my love for older shows like Freaks and Geeks and Sports Night. I still have my concerns about the functionality of your move to HitFix, but I will definitely be there to experience it.
I found this blog somewhere around 2 years ago, I believe in looking for some writing on the ending of the Sopranos. The quality of the reviews and the comments have kept me here on almost a daily basis since, and as a result of your writing I ended up checking out 30 Rock, Better Off Ted, Chuck, Freaks and Geeks, Lost, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation, Party Down, and most importantly The Wire. Needless to say I'll be keeping up with your writing over at the new digs. Glad to hear they're working on improving the comment system/ability to review older content since their design is pretty borked right now. I sure hope everyone else tags along, cause reading what everyone has to say has become a major part of my TV experience (nerdy, yes, but I realized the level of awesome this blog is at when people pieced together who Connie on Mad Men was based on a tiny bit of detail in the dialogue). Anyhow, best of luck with the move, probably best to get out of print before they offered you the ability to keep your existing job for half the pay if you also agree to cover gardening and highschool sports.
Alan, my bags have been packed for a week, and while I'm still not sure whether my reduced-fare NJ Transit card will get me any traction over on Hitfix I am ready to make the leap. See you on the flip side!
Congrats! I'll be following you along to HitFix faithfully! I hope you partake in some blogging mashups with your trusty podcast partner, Dan Fienberg.
I happened upon your blog some time ago. Reading your critical analysis is always enjoyable and thought provoking.
Those who contribute add a great deal too!
I think that you are one of the most intelligent and well-read critic's that I have had the pleasure of reading.
Your blog (besides discussing some of my favorite shows) is a needed respite in my day.
I congratulate you on the move!
Good luck to you, sir. I will read you anywhere, though I concur with those who have noted that it will take a while to stop just typing "sep" into my browser.
I look forward to more writing, more good things, and more of the Old Married Couple Podcast.
Congrats. Is this a physical move as well as a cyber move? Will you and Dan continue your podcasts?
Hi Alan -- I've also been reading since your NYPD Blue days and enjoyed seeing that site again. My favorite part is that you can't loan anyone tapes of episodes. I still miss NYPD Blue, but love your current blog too.
what will happen to the archives?
Found your blog looking for Mad Men discussion on Google and have been a regular ever since. You've pointed me towards great shows with virtually no audience here in the UK - notably Freaks & Geeks and The Shield - which I would never have seen otherwise.
Good luck in your new home! I hope the standard of discussion is maintained in the new place - you've managed to build up one of the most literate communites on the 'net, long may it continue!
Thanks for all the great blogs here. You are the best tv critic on the net. Looking forward to your stuff on the new site.
Alan, I may not comment often, but immediately pulling up your blog to read your review and the comments is part of the ritual of watching my favorite shows.
Yeah, Hitfix is kind of a mess. I've been trying to follow Dan and I put his blog on Google Reader, but that doesn't seem to gather all his writing in one place. I don't mind clicking through for writers I enjoy, but I'm not going to hunt in a lot of clutter.
Regardless, you've created such a quality space here for TV lovers that you've earned a LOT of trust from me. I will bookmark/subscribe/register over there and keep right on reading. I have to believe that if they brought you on, it's because they have some faith in your practices that have made this blog so great.* I hope you have a lot of influence on the culture over there.
* FANTASTIC moderating - I cannot say enough about the blog rules! I never read unmoderated comments anymore. Bullies and trolls are a depressing waste of time. In places like this blog, spending time online leaves me feeling enriched - and that's worth a hell of a lot to me.
I started reading your column and your blog in high school, and ever since then my day is just not complete until I read your opinions and thoughts on my favorite TV shows. Reading your work was a major push in decding to be a communications/journalism major in college so thank you for that, and for all the dedication you put into your writing.
Best of luck with the new job...see you at HitFix!
Alan, This blog is still a fairly new concept for me. It reminds me of what an on-line book club might be, (not that I've ever belonged to one to really know) only for TV. And it's exactly what I was looking for, even though I didn't know it!
I'm still trying to remember how I found you in the first place. I wish I could say I had been following your blog since NYPD Blue. It sure would have been fun. But I'm looking forward to more fun over at Hitflix.
Thanks for everything thus far.
@Thomas, thanks for the Google reader info. I'm another reader newbie.
As someone who read all (and I mean all) those NYPD Blue columns, even after you left, let me say, where you go, I will follow. Reading your posts on Lost, Madmen, basically everything has enhanced the shows immensely. Good luck and I'll be watching.
I found the blog a few years ago when my Star Ledger wasn't delivered one day and I wanted to read your column about a show. Found it on nj.com and until I found this site I remember feeling bad that you wrote such a great column and asked at the end of it "what did you guys think?" and there were never any comments. Then I found this site and realized that's where all the comments are. It's a shame you're moving on from the Ledger but I'll definitely by following you!
Just read your Twitter comment about leaving the building for good, after 14 years. Ouch! Even good change is awfully hard.
I'm repeating everyone else but, you have something *so* unique and great going on here. I'm really glad you've decided to go full out with it.
Thanks again,
I haven't ever commented before now, but I just wanted to say that I first looked at your blog after hearing you on The B.S. Report in October and have thoroughly enjoyed your recaps of Chuck, Friday Night Lights, and The Office among others. Look forward to reading you at HitFix.
I look forward to seeing how you take to your new home -- love this blog. Honestly, I have no idea why there isn't more interest in sustained, intelligent discussion of the best television has to offer. I would expect more of the people who recognize the potential of the medium would go for this sort of thing. Movie criticism has long since established itself as a legitimate form -- it would be great if more people followed your lead, Alan!
I just wanted to chime in and encourage everyone to follow Alan because I love various posters that provide their reflection for shows like Breaking Band and US of Tara.
For those who were concerned about the HitFix comments being in reverse order, that is no longer the case.
One last comment before you close the shop...
Like many here, I've been reading your stuff for years in the Star Ledger. I probably discovered the blog when looking online for some of your Sopranos summaries. Didn't take long for it to become a very regular stop almost every time I hit the web. I remember those early days when the postings were a sentence or two about a night's worth of shows. I remember back when your reviews of MadMen drew a few dozen comments, not the 300 or so that you usually got by season 3. The increased popularity if a good thing, as so much additional insight has come through comments on that show and many others.
Many of the shows that you regularly blogged are things that I probably would have watched anyway (the one exception might be Middleman, a wonderful little show that I never would have run across on my own), but this blog made sure that I didn't miss a joke in my favorite comedies, or an important piece of information in a drama. It helped me sort out characters in large casts, and remind me of connections to characters and plot points of seasons past. As some people have mentioned, the experience of watching some shows wasn't complete until after coming here to read the analysis and comments.
There may be a few bugs to work out, but I'm sure all this will continue into your new location. I'll be seeing you there.
The "comment as a guest" feature at Hitfix doesn't work for me. I will see if I want to bother signing up after a while but right now don't want to.
It's a wonderful blog..just had to add that in the wee hours, and the move to the new place is in play.
It's a pleasure to read the reviews and stories. So thanks and enjoy the new place.
Good luck on your new venture, Alan, and thanks for keeping this site up so folks can access the archive. I can't tell you how many times I've linked to this blog when posting comments on other blogs. And I can't tell you how many "thanks!" I've gotten from people for doing that. It's such a great resource for people just getting into shows like Mad Men,Lost and The Wire.
And for what's probably my final act on this incarnation of Ye Olde Alan Blog, I just gotta be me and wave the Deadwood flag once again: submitting my formal (and most humble) request that at some point in the not-too-distant future you host a Deadwood watch/re-watch (Seasons 1 and 2) as you've done for The Wire (which I've really enjoyed and made good use of, by the way). Don't think of it as more work. Think of it as a public service. And fun, of course.
See you on the other side.
Before the tumbleweeds start blowing through this blog / internettube, I just wanted to thank you Alan for creating such an awesome and insightful blog.
Without your discerning analysis of The Wire it would of taken me much longer to understand the show. And I doubt I would even have discovered the awesomeness that is The Wire, if it weren't for the constant references on your blog to that show.
Also a big thank you for creating a place on the Internet where people actually participate in a respectful and incisive debate.
I'll definitely be following you to your new home, but I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and wish you the best of luck. Or as they say in my neck of the woods: "heel veel succes".
My apologies for the spelling / grammar errors in my previous post. Stayed up late last night watching the season 4 finale of The Wire. A lack of sleep does not help in this case.
I grew up in northern New Jersey, and the Star-Ledger was one of two papers we had delivered to the house (and the only one I read daily--it had comics, and better coverage of the Mets and Giants). So it's been a nostalgia trip, three decades later, for me to read a regular columnist for the Star-Ledger. I'll miss that connection, Alan, but I look forward to following you to your new home. Best of luck to you.
While much praise has been directed towards Alan's incredible insight and dedication, I do want to pat the backs of others that read What's Alan Watching.
I don't comment much, but reading Alan's posts and then following the thought-provoking and civil dialogue is such a refresher compared to the head-pounding chauvinism displayed at 90% of other outlets. It's such a rarity.
Thanks, Alan, for fostering and mediating one of the best television forums out there, and we'll see you over at your new digs.
Since it's a time for nostalgia, I want to mention that I still recall the first time I read this blog: it was a discussion of the infamous rape episode of Rescue Me, which I found from a link on (I think) TV Tattle.
Arts staffers are a dying breed at even the big metro dailies, so I can't blame you for wanting to leave on your own terms. Good luck at Hitfix, where I will keep reading even though those damn Facebook plugins slow my pageload considerably. (And you might want to turn off comments here at some point, just so you don't get pharmaceutical spam forevermore.)
Word verification: imissid
I'm another reader from the wayback (NYPD Blue days). I am glad to see your continuing success as well as the pleasure you continue to give and (hopefully) get from what you do so well. Kudos.
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