"The Garage Door" is a stand-out episode in many ways. It's the first episode of the series where the geek storyline has significantly more dramatic weight than the freak plot. It manages to find time to focus on all three freak couples (or, in the case of Nick and Lindsay, ex-couple). Most importantly, though, it's the first spotlight for either Samm Levine as Neal or Seth Rogen as Ken.
It's interesting how the two actors and characters parallel each other. Levine and Rogen were both teenage stand-up comics (though Rogen looks much older, he's actually a month younger than Levine) with minimal to no acting experience before this show. Until this point, Neal and Ken were used almost excusively to make sarcastic comments about the other characters. And despite each actor's comedy backgrounds, their showcase episodes (this one, "Noshing and Moshing" for Neal, "The Little Things" for Ken) lean more towards the dramatic. (The Neal stuff is particularly tragic, but even Ken's romance is played more as sweet, especially here.) In fact, the man who gets most of the really funny lines is our token Serious Actor, James Franco.

After telling Bill what he saw (and, in a very funny scene, demonstrating, in the middle of the cafeteria, what kind of hug it was), Bill insists that Sam has to alert Neal, that the geeks have a "code" against keeping secrets from each other. (Bill's proof: he told them about the time he pooped in science class when he meant to fart.) Sam resists, but while the three of them are enjoying Neal's new Atari -- which Dr. Schweiber bought ahead of schedule out of guilt -- Bill spills the beans. Neal naturally refuses to believe that his awesome dad could be a cheater, and accuses the other two of being jealous. (In a particularly low but honest moment, he invokes Bill's long-absent father.)
Dr. Schweiber conveniently walks in at that moment and can tell there's trouble in Adultery City, so he schedules a terrified Sam for an early morning dental check-up the next day. Neal, not so blinded by father-worship that he can't see something funny in his dad's reaction to Sam's reaction to him, rifles through his father's Corvette (complete with "I FLOSSEM" vanity plate) and turns up a second garage door opener that doesn't work on their door.
In a scene that works whether or not you know the "Is it safe?" bit from "Marathon Man," Dr. Schweiber interrogates Sam while wielding various dental instruments, but eventually decides he's the one who should be confessing. He insists that he's not having an affair, and in the very next breath admits that he didn't date much when he was young (no doubt he was a geek like his son) and has been with the same woman since college. "It gets so hard, Sam," he whines. "I feel there's something missing in my life, and I think I deserved a chance to find out what that something is. Don't you?" He promises Sam that the affair will be over soon, and Sam in turn pretends that he hasn't told Neal. (In a grim comic grace note, Sam really does have a cavity, but we cut away before the drilling begins.)
Neal tells the other geeks about the garage door opener, and after school they hop on their bikes in hopes of finding Dr. Schweiber's "love nest." Sam and Bill are gung-ho at first to help, but after day turns into night, both start angling to head home. Neal feels betrayed ("If it was your dad, you wouldn't be in such a hurry to go home") and keeps riding solo, eventually opening a garage door -- with his dad's 'Vette inside -- long after dark. He hurls the opener at the car and rides off, furious and broken-hearted.

Ken: "Nice threads!"
Amy (perfectly aping Rogen's deep, old man tones): "Nice voice!"
Ken: "Hey, Sgt. Pepper, where's the rest of the lonely hearts band?"
Amy: "Looks like you ate them!"

Lindsay, still enduring a steady crap barrage from Ken, is reluctant to help him out until she realizes that he really, really likes Amy. She bluntly tells Amy that Ken has a crush on her, and Amy admits she thinks he's totally cute, especially the mutton-chops she mocked earlier. ("Don't you want to reach out and touch them?" she asks a disgusted Lindsay.)

Apatow has said that it was the second Ken/Amy episode, "The Little Things," that convinced him that Rogen had real comic leading man potential, but you can see glimmers of it throughout this episode. The puppy dog expression at the band room door is brilliant, as are all of Ken's stunned reactions at discovering himself capable of sincere emotions. ("I feel odd," he tells Lindsay, in one of several brilliant Rogen line-readings.) He may not have been ready for "Knocked Up" yet, but he was clearly on his way.
In the background of this wacky little courtship are progress reports for both Daniel/Kim and Lindsay/Nick. In the former pairing, Daniel has a brainstorm about how to avoid the constant arguing with Kim: he'll just let her yell and nag (in this case, about the fact that he once made out with some other girl at Laser Dome) without responding, which will confuse her and defuse any fight after a few minutes. He compares it to the tortoise and the hare, but it's more like Ali's Rope-A-Dope strategy with Foreman; Kim verbally punches herself out every time. Franco has himself a grand old time with this concept, getting big laughs out of a lot of lines and reactions that I can't imagine being that funny on the page.
(My favorite scene in this subplot: in study hall, Kim accuses Daniel of being full of crap, and he asks her, seeming very serious, "What if I'm not?" Kim has no idea how to respond to this, and asks, "Are you?" "I don't think so," he says, again baffling her. Really, you need to see how Franco and Busy Philipps play it; I'm not remotely capturing it.)
Because Ken's so happy and Daniel and Kim are enjoying a rare stretch of peace, we have to find at least one freak feeling miserable, so it's time to revisit Nick's feelings for Lindsay. Shockingly, he's still into her, while she's still trying to figure out a polite way to say she's not interested -- and in a funny bit of synchronicity, Daniel and Kim each give Nick and Lindsay the exact same advice: treat the other one coldly until they come around to what you want. The silent treatment doesn't work well for either of them, and at Laser Dome Lindsay says she doesn't want to lead Nick on if he still likes her. Nick, as we've seen him do before (and as we'll see him do again) tries to disguise his hurt by attacking the other person, in this case accusing Lindsay of being conceited. But when he sees Daniel/Kim and Ken/Amy spending the better part of "Freebird" with their lips locked, he turns to Lindsay and admits, "I'd be lying if I didn't say this was painful."
What a superb episode from start to finish. This and "Chokin' and Tokin'" were the last two episodes to air before NBC canceled the show (three more aired on NBC that summer, the rest the following fall on Fox Family Channel, but not all in order), and they proved that Apatow, Feig and company were just hitting their stride when the axe fell.
Some other thoughts on "The Garage Door":
- Nick's not the only one being transparent in his continued feelings towards Lindsay. In an early scene at the Weir dinner table that's otherwise about setting up Jean's inferiority complex towards the Schweiber's, Neal tries to impress Lindsay with a display of his sensitive side, noting that he cried while watching "Ordinary People," and that he intends to see it again (hint, hint!). Neal has apparently blocked out that time he professed his love to her and she started openly weeping (or else he's choosing to focus entirely on the platonic peck on the cheek she gave him minutes later), but his approach is totally wrong for a girl who knows he digs her.
- A few guest star notes: Before she played Amy, Jessica Campbell was Chris Klein's lesbian kid sister in "Election" and I figured she was on the verge of big things (or, at least, some kind of indie film career), but her two appearances here were essentially the last we saw of her. Meanwhile, Tava Smiley (aka Dr. Schweiber's mistress) has segued from acting to steady work as an infotainment personality.
- Check that about Franco getting most of the really big laughs: I neglected Segel's rendition of the "If you don't eat your meat, how can you have any pudding?" line from "The Wall." (Franco still trumps him for overall laughter, including the bit where Daniel brings up Nick's spoken word rendition of "Lady" and telling Nick, "Jesus, man, we didn't want to be friends with you after hearing about that!")
What did everybody else think?
And just think I was getting ready to turn off the computer for today, but decided to check your site again at the last minute!
Whenever I even think of this episode, the Neal's dad's affair part just wrecks me. It's so horrible when Neal tells Bill, "You don't even have a Dad!" and Bill says, "I do, too. I talked to him 3 months ago." That hits me in the gut! Poor Bill!
Alan: I totally know what you mean about that bit between Daniel and Kim in study hall. I think you just have to see them play it to know the brilliance. Oh, and Daniel's the master of the half-smile.
Of course, the exchanges between Amy and Ken are awesome. She's the yin to his yang. I love when they do finally kiss that you can see her stroking those mutton chops she told Lindsay were so touchable.
I love Ken's lovesick look, so moony and adorable. I love how Daniel is both ribbing him but also thrilled (as you mentioned with the 3rd grade comment.) I love how James Franco delivers the "Tuba Girl" lines, every time.
I really like the acting by Sam McMurray in this episode. Very strong, esp. in the scene at the mall. I also loved his facial expression after Bill and Sam run away from him and it's all weighing on his shoulders as he calls his wife "Madame." Brutal scene.
The Flaherty tee shirt/boxers/black socks/shoes get up and the timing of that with the kids' convo is truly hilarious. I love that JF tries to get in on the joke, but eventually just barks at Sam to do his homework.
I do love Ken's "I feel odd" line, but also love when he asks, "I'm sarcastic?" The brilliance of Seth Rogen shining....
Sam's Atari (A-what-i?) reaction is a heartbreaker.
When Neal opens that garage door...oh, that kills me!
Also, just wanted to mention that final shot at the Laser Dome was nicely composed.
The Wall reference was one of the few anachronisms I ever caught on this show. They talk about getting stoned and going to see the movie, except the movie didn't come out until 1982.
Edward, could it be that the gang was talking about going to see the laser show of The Wall, and not the movie?
I'm going to have to give a hear, hear to this being the best episode of the series.
The main difference between "Freaks and Geeks" and "Undeclared" is that the former has an amount of heart that the latter never did.
Best line, maybe even "Freaks and Geeks instance" of the entire series:
"Shut up, Bill, you don't even have a Dad."
"No, I do have a Dad, I just saw him six months ago."
You laugh at first. It's a funny bit of conversation. Then you think about it get angry at Neil for saying something so heartless. Then cry because of Bill's devastating response, accented by his falling cadence.
I'm most touched by Jason Segel as Nick. After the "I'd be lying if I didn't say this was painful" line, he has an expression on his face that says both "Yeah I still love you" and "Don't worry--I know there's nothing you can do about it." It's really brilliant acting, as he demonstrates throughout the show.
Made me laugh out loud
Well. I just finished the episode. Very good one.
I'm surprised at all the comments about how sad it was when Bill says he had a dad and saw him three months ago. I just think it's funny still.
Neal was just mad because his own dad was possibly cheating.
No one mentioned the best part when sam's dad goes 'did someone call my name?' and they laugh at him for awhile and he goes 'finish your homework!'
but jeez you guys notice a ton of little things (jennifer j....)
it's a fun show, too bad only one season. i donno about undeclared, i didnt care for it while it was on air but then again i was only like 14 and didnt care for family guy when it was first on air (and still good btw, seasons 1-3 ftw)
arrested development got a whole 2.5 seasons and it is still one of my top favorites. i donno if freaks and geeks can be considered that based on the 12 episodes i've seen but it is definitely more of cult status than arrested just cuz it was so short-lived and obscure and not exactly a sitcom.
This one was close to becoming a 'very special episode' though with the whole cheating thing but fortunately it didn't. Seriously, i don't know what the point of such episodes are. Fresh prince is an amazing show but i recall that they had one. And then after they showed some bloopers i think so like, what the hell haha. I like seinfeld's approach, no hugging and no learning. :P
Okay back to the topic. Why does everyone enjoy that there is so much rogen going on in this episode. Just cuz he's a star now, it didn't mean as much back when this show was on the air because rogen was really unknown. Of course he is a crazy star now with his movies. I think it's more fun watching today than it may have been back then because we can recognize kind of the weirdness of watching a younger franco and rogen as well as the hype of the cult status that freaks and geeks has achieved since its 1 season wonder debut. Damn i feel like i could be a critic.
That very special episode of Fresh Prince involving Will's dad is heartbreaking, but still its good TV.
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