And here is where it becomes obvious that Apatow, Feig and company could see the cancellation writing on the wall, as they go ahead and do an episode where Sam gets to date Cindy Sanders.
This was actually something the writers had in the back of their heads from the start, but for a hypothetical second season, where one of the story arcs would be Sam falling in with the popular crowd and distancing himself from Bill and Neal. When they realized that there would be no second season, the arc got moved up and squeezed into two episodes while there was still time to do it, with this first one the giddy rush (sort of) and "The Little Things" the cold reality.
Back in the post for "Girlfriends and Boyfriends," a few commenters complained that Sam getting to date Cindy seemed like something that came from the network (it wasn't), and that they couldn't buy Cindy jeopardizing her social standing by going out with a geek. I'm okay with it, for a few reasons. First, Sam had been established as less blatantly geeky than Neal or Bill, and someone who the popular kids didn't automatically mock. (Alan did, but he was just as much of an outcast in his own way.) Todd liked him, for instance. Second (and somewhat tied to the first), Cindy hadn't been depicted in the past as someone who felt uncomfortable being seen with Sam, whether it was dancing him at Homecoming (remember, he asked her to dance in full view of several of her friends) getting a bite to eat with him at the fast food joint, etc. It probably would have worked a little better if the storyline had been allowed to progress at its intended pace, but it doesn't feel completely out of left field, either.
Anyway, on to recapping..
So Cindy and Todd have the break-up that Sam's been rooting for, and after once again using Sam as her shoulder to cry on, Cindy decides to give the poor kid a shot. As she explains to ex-lab partner Bill -- her go-between to get Sam to ask her out, since it's not cool for her to do it directly -- "It's like I never date nice guys. I should try it. I think I deserve to." (That line, by the way, is the other reason I totally buy this development. Cindy's not interested in Sam himself; it's the idea of Sam that seems appealing to her while she's on the rebound.)
The moment he's been dreaming about forever (or, at least, since the pilot) has finally arrived, and now Sam's so scared of it that he accuses Bill of lying to him as a cruel joke. Bill insists he's not, and Sam psyches himself up for a very long walk down the hall (bridging the large social gap between the geeks and the popular kids). In the usual halting, puppy dog affect he takes on whenever he's around Cindy, he asks, per her instructions to Bill, "I was wondering... do you want to come to Mona's party with me?" To his great relief and astonishment, she says, "I'd love to." Having achieved his goal, Sam doesn't know what to do next, so Cindy -- clearly enjoying her role as the dominant partner -- leans in and kisses him on the mouth.
Sam continues to panic about not being up to Cindy's high standards. He asks Lindsay for kissing advice; she's pleasantly surprised at the news that Cindy wants to date him, and assures him he'll know what to do when the moment arrives. "She's the lucky one," Lindsay says. "Be a gentleman and don't be weird, and don't smother her." (Even Sam's smart enough to realize that Lindsay's listing all the things Nick didn't do; as Lindsay admits, "Nick was so into me he made me want to move to a different country.")
Sam's fear only grows the next day at lunch, when the other geeks explain that Mona's party is a make-out party. As I've said before, geeks + romantic advice = gold, and here we get Bill ranting about the grossness of French kissing ("Hello? Germs, spit, mucus, old bits of food? I mean, why do you have to use your tongue, anyway?... What are you supposed to do, lick the inside of her mouth? Lick her teeth?"), Gordon explaining that he's saving his virginity "for the future Mrs. Crisp" (Gordon has a real gift for putting a positive spin on anything), and Harris passing on a chance to go the party because he has a date with Judith and "Every night's a make-out party with us."
(In a deleted scene that foreshadows the direction this story will go in with "The Little Things," Sam asks Cindy if Bill and Neal can come to the party; her lip curls like she's just been asked to eat something out of the trash, but she reluctantly says yes.)

At Mona's party (after Neal removes his dickie so he and Bill won't both be wearing turtlenecks), Cindy welcomes them wearing a bright pink angora sweater (it's a fashion choice I haven't been able to take seriously since I saw "Ed Wood") and again takes charge in the relationship, saying nice things to Sam that are designed to make him return the compliment. Neal and Bill, meanwhile, enter the party basement and all of Neal's bravado vanishes, as he compares their situation to the opening scene in "Animal House" where Pinto and Flounder keep getting sent to the room with the Indian and the blind guy. (Bill: "Blind guys are cool. They have supersonic hearing.")
As Neal predicted, there's a Spin the Bottle game, and to Sam's dismay, the bottle keeps landing on Cindy, no matter who's spinning. One couple kisses a third time, and they have to go into the laundry room for Seven Minutes in Heaven (foreshadowing!). When Cindy takes a nervous Sam off for a walk, Neal and Bill take their places in the circle, and to the tune of Warren Zevon's brilliant "Poor Poor Pitiful Me," all of Neal's fingertip control disappears, as his bottle keeps landing on Bill, even after he forces Bill to change spots in the circle. Bill, meanwhile, keeps spinning the bottle at Neal's beloved Vicki Appleby, who responds with exactly the level of disdain Bill had feared. (First she makes him kiss her hand, then peck her cheek.) To Vicki's disgust, Bill's fear and the crowd's amusement, Vicki's bottle lands on Bill and they have to go for Seven Minutes in Heaven. Vicki barks at a miserable Bill that they should "just get this over with."
Cindy and Sam, meanwhile, are upstairs. Sam remains at Defcon 1, but he's trying his best, first suggesting they pick a bedroom to "talk or something," then putting on the radio in search of some good make-out music, and finally asking Cindy for permission to kiss her; she smiles and says, "Of course." (It's a move that also worked for Ken in "The Garage Door." Maybe Daniel shouldn't trash talk it so much.) They finally have a real kiss, and then Cindy once again establishes that she wears the pants in this relationship by shoving Sam down onto the bed and turning off the light. The last thing we see is an expression of pure terror on Sam's face. Poor Sam's built the idea of dating Cindy up so high that he can't enjoy it even at this early stage. (Also, Cindy's kinda scary like this.)
Things aren't going much better at first for poor Bill, who's trying to suffer through his time with Vicki by making pointless commentary about fabric softener, only to have Vicki continually bark warnings at him. Finally, he loses it and tells her, "You're a jerk! I was just trying to make small talk! I couldn't be less happy to be in here with you! So quit acting like I want to kiss you!" Vicki, like Alan before her, is revealed to be a bully (of a different stripe) who hasn't completely lost her humanity, and she can tell how badly she's hurt Bill. She apologizes, and when he asks her what it's like to be pretty, she laughs and says she's always looked like this, so she doesn't know. Bill suggests that people treat her nicer because she's pretty, "'Cause they're never nice to me."

While Sam is finally getting together with the object of his heart's desire (whether he's enjoying it or not), Lindsay has to deal with Nick -- who very clearly still desires her -- taking up semi-permanent residence on the Weir couch.

Thus begins his odyssey in moocher-dom. First he crashes on Daniel's floor, but he gets a crick in his neck and, besides, Mrs. Desario bans him after Nick neglects to flush the toilet. (Maybe Nick got confused on the whole "If it's yellow, keep it mellow..." theory of conservation.) Ken's dad is too uptight to allow guests ("He doesn't even let my grandma stay over"), Kim's haunted house is clearly out of the question, and Lindsay tries to cut off any suggestion of him staying with her family. (Ken: "Nice try, though, Nick. What you should have done was, you should have pretended to cry.")
But if there's one thing all the freaks have learned by now, it's that the Weirs, together and individually, are such nice people that you can manipulate them to get what you want, especially in an emergency, and so Nick shows up at dinnertime and praises Jean's cooking until she invites him to join them. After faking (or maybe not) a major food orgasm over Jean's pot roast, Nick gets back to wheedling his way into the Weir's hearth and home by asking if Harold's store sells sleeping bags, since, you know, he's homeless right now. Lindsay tries to interrupt the pity party by noting that Nick moved out, and when Nick explains that his dad sold his drums because he felt they were interfering with his schoolwork, Harold begins to look at his daughter's goofy ex-boyfriend in a new light. "How are you doing at school?" he asks. "Terrible," Nick admits. To Lindsay's shock and dismay, Harold invites Nick to sleep on their couch.
After another scene, ala "The Garage Door," where Daniel and Kim respectively tell Nick and Lindsay how to either get back together or stay apart (Kim: "If he tries to give you a foot massage, run"), we return to the Weir house for Quiet Homework Hour, which Nick proceeds to disrupt by blasting "Tom Sawyer" at full volume on Lindsay's stereo. Harold complains that Nick ought to be doing his homework, and in a way that manages to be both strict and yet fair (I hope I'm half this good when my daughter becomes a teenager), cuts through all of Nick's excuses and says he should be working harder. (It's maybe the most persuasive "In my day..." speech I've ever heard.) He calls Nick smart -- clearly the first such compliment he's gotten from an authority figure in years, if ever -- and, as an aside, says that the drummer from Rush is terrible. Nick, as you'd expect, rises to the defense of Mr. Neal Peart, but Harold counters that he has some real drumming Nick can listen to.

Nick is still an unofficial member of the family by the next dinnertime, and he raves about his first-ever drum lesson. Lindsay asks the obvious question of where Nick got the money to pay for it and is flabbergasted to hear that tight-fisted Harold loaned it to him, and is giving Nick a part-time job at A1 to help pay for the lessons. While Nick's helping Jean in the kitchen, Lindsay finally confronts her dad about why he's being so patient and generous with Nick, especially compared to her. "That's because I expect more from you," he tells her. "Nick's father's a hard man. My father was the same way." Lindsay jokes that she has some idea, and Harold freezes her with the simple way he says, "Lindsay, trust me: you don't." (Boy, Joe Flaherty was good at the dramatic stuff. Someone want to take another stab at explaining why he doesn't work more on either side of the business?)
Later that evening, Mr. Andopolis shows up and declares, without give, that it's time for Nick to come home. Nick immediately caves (he later tries to justify it by saying, "I mean, he came looking for me. I didn't think that was going to happen."), and while he's packing up his meager possessions, Harold tries to reason with Andopolis. He tells a story of how he used to get on his own taskmaster father's nerves by bringing dogs home and says, "Teenagers will try all sorts of things. Sometimes, you've just gotta let 'em be kids." Andopolis looks at Harold like he's the most naive man he's ever met and asks how old Harold's son is; told that Sam is 14, he replies, coldly, "You call me when he turns 16."
(What makes the scene work, I think, is that we have some knowledge that each man doesn't. We know that Nick's a lazy pothead who has justified at least some of his dad's scorn, just as we know that Nick genuinely responded to Harold's slightly gentler approach. At the same time, you could argue that Nick acts the way he does to rebel against his hardass dad, or that he would start slacking off and taking advantage of Harold within another week or two. The point is, it's not completely black and white, even as Harold sees Mr. Andopolis as a mirror image of his own brutal pop and Mr. Andopolis sees Harold as a sap. Because the series ended two episodes later, we never found out whether Nick stuck to the part-time job and drum lessons or just took his father's arrival as another excuse to lie in the basement and get high all day.)
After Nick leaves, Lindsay (who finally felt sympathy for Nick once he was leaving, and once she got a closer look at his dad) thanks Harold for helping out. Harold in turn apologizes for making her feel like he doesn't treat her fairly. She wishes he could talk to her the way he talks to Nick, and he tells her there's an obvious difference: "You're my daughter. Every second you're out of this house, every second that I can't see you or know what you're doing, it's absolute torture for me." She says she can't stay in the house all the time, and after he acknowledges that, he jokes, "Why not?" and they have a nice father-daughter hug.
It's a really sweet storyline all around, as much a Harold spotlight as it is a Nick subplot.
Some other thoughts on "Smooching and Mooching":
- This episode was written by Steve Bannos, better known to you all as Mr. Kowchevski. I always find it interesting that when actors write for the series they act on, they almost never write a lot for themselves (Michael Imperioli's "Sopranos," for instanced, tended to be much heavier on Paulie than Christopher), and there's no Kowchevski at all here.
- Blink and you'll miss Samaire Armstrong (later to play Anna on "The O.C." and now the Paris Hilton clone on "Dirty Sexy Money") borrowing a cafeteria chair from the freaks in the first of her two appearances as one of McKinley High's handful of Deadheads. And, yes, her appearance is entirely to set up the events of the finale.
- Great Moments in DVD Commentary: there's a very long (three-plus minutes) alternate version of the scene where Nick disrupts Quiet Homework Hour at the Weir house. Because he has nothing to say, Judd invites Martin Starr to help fill the time however he sees fit, and Martin begins quizzing Judd about the gory details of childbirth. It's really gross, really funny, and I'd like to think it helped inspire the climactic scene in "Knocked Up." (Also, one of the trio -- I think it's John Daley -- starts joking that no one could possibly be listening to this, so go and prove him wrong, okay?)
- More Great Moments in DVD Commentary: Samm Levine tells a story about how Natasha Melnick, who played Cindy, called him up after she shot her first kissing scene with John Daley to ask whether Daley was supposed to be using his tongue for their stage kisses. Daley (who, to be fair, was just entering puberty back in the day) denies having done this, but Melnick sheepishly confirms her side of the story.
- In the discussion of "Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers," I suggested that the writers made Mark the frizzy-haired kid into Nick's new pot connection because Sean (the bass player in Creation) wasn't available to be on the show anymore. Whoops; he's at the makeout party, having himself a fine time mocking Neal's bad luck at Spin the Bottle.
- Speaking of which, I always wonder how old some of the recurring characters are supposed to be. Harris is clearly established as a year or two older than the main geeks (though he seems to only hang out with them). Vicki would seem to be older than Cindy and the other freshmen, by dint of being head cheerleader, but she has classes with them all and clearly knows what's what with Bill. Mark is in the geeks' freshman gym class in the pilot but is written as a contemporary of the freaks (all juniors) in later episodes. I guess the writers figured, correctly, that no one would notice or care about that stuff except the real anal-retentives like yours truly.
- And speaking of anal-retentiveness, great throwaway moment where the geeks debate the positions in the Comedy Pantheon for the likes of "The Jerk," "Caddyshack" and "Stripes." Sam challenges any of them to describe what happens in the second, much weaker half of "Stripes," and Neal rattles off a detailed plot synopsis. Based on what I know of Samm Levine, I'm guessing they didn't even have to script that part.
- More on Samm Levine: Bill and Sam's make-out sessions leave Neal as the only regular character to never get any on the show; in one of the commentaries, Feig admits it was karmic payback for the many, many, many young women Levine hit on (unsuccessfully) while they were in production. (Samm is, thankfully, a good sport about it.)
What did everybody else think?
If I remember right, the Stripes recap includes a passing swipe at the two putzy Czech border guards, one of whom was Joe Flaherty.
Kevin Tighe = scary dad
According to IMDB, Stripes came out in June of 1981, so they wouldn't have been able to see it yet. I hate to bring up a time issue on such a great episode, but it's there. I like to think it's just a joke on Joe Flaherty being one of the border guards. He's pitch-perfect in this episode.
Great analysis of the multi-layered interaction between Harold and Mr. Andopolis, Alan. Neither one is wrong about Nick, really, but I can't see Sam turning to pot and bad drumming at age 16!
Interesting that Apatow and Company moved up Cindy dating Sam when they thought cancellation was on the horizon. This was the episode that convinced me Cindy had known about Sam's crush on her. She was so quick to latch on to Sam as her "nice guy" alternative that I thought she must have been pretty sure Sam liked her. But now knowing that the storyline was moved up, I wonder if that was the writers' intention.
I hate the Vicki/Bill plot. It always struck me as the one really false note in this series' run, and probably makes this my least favorite episode.
in fairness to mr. andopolis, at least he never pushed nick out of an eighth-story window. zing!
this may well be my favorite episode, just because of the nick/weirs interaction. and while bill's makeout scene may be unrealistic, it doesn't really bother me in the context of the show. and it did set up one of my favorite bits of neal and bill dialogue: apropos of nothing, bill says "did i ever tell you about the time i made out with vicki appleby?" neal angrily responds, "shut up, bill. you're such a liar." (my other favorite: after harold expounds on the joys of playing pit, bill says, "i like pit." neal angrily responds, "you don't even know what pit is." neal seems to get mad at bill a lot.)
This episode is responsible for the minor humiliation of "You'll Accomp'ny Me" showing up on my Most Played.
My favorite part of this episode, by far, is when Nick arrives at Casa Weir and says, "Smells like...meat!" in that doofy way of his. I also love the choice to interrupt quiet time with "Tom Sawyer." It's a very "Nick" song, and it's a good song to cut through the quiet.
Alan, I like your commentary on why Vicki kissing Bill is more believeable than Alan apologizing to Bill.
I seem to recall that on the commentary for this episode, certain members of the cast ragged on Linda Cardellini for the scene of Segel in his underpants, since they were dating at the time the commetaries were being recorded. Very cute stuff.
I seem to recall that on the commentary for this episode, certain members of the cast ragged on Linda Cardellini for the scene of Segel in his underpants, since they were dating at the time the commetaries were being recorded. Very cute stuff.
I listened to the other commentary, the one with Feig, the geek actors and Natasha Melnick, but I can imagine the ladies in the other one giving Linda a hard time about that.
(Tangentially-related story: At the first "How I Met Your Mother" press conference, Segel said that he looked forward to playing Marshall because he was at a point in his life where he felt ready to get married and settle down. I got the microphone and was prepared to ask, half joking, "Does Linda know you feel this way?" but the session ended before I got the chance. I mentioned this to somebody (Fienberg?) afterwards, and they told me, "Dude, they broke up. A while ago." Saved by the bell. Apparently, I don't pay nearly enough attention to celebrity relationship gossip.)
When Vicki tells Bill to leave her alone, we're horrified. When Bill tells Vicki to shut her fucking mouth, we raise our fist in solidarity. Then when Bill asks Vicki about what it's like to be pretty everyone cries together and we eagerly lose ourselves in ecstasy over Bill's lone triumphant moment. How can you not want to make out with that kid?
I wouldn't want to make out with Bill. I definitely get "lame wish-fulfillment" out of that scene.
Otherwise, this is another great ep. In my mind, it marks the point where the show moved from "total humiliation of John Daley" to "total humiliation of Jason Segal."
Jason Siegl's commitment to public humiliation is just absolutely superb.
Lisa also deserves a lot of credit for the awkwardness of having your ex-boyfriend essentially steal your family. I had on two separate occassions friends of mine essentially move in with me without really asking it first. These were other dudes and even with that it was just super uncomfortable after the 2nd night.
The Geeks Big Win storyline is perfectly acceptable. Sam hooking up with Cindy works if you watch the entire show. 1) Sam's a good looking kid. 2) He's a nice kid. 3) Cindy gets to completely dominate the relationship which is why she's attracted to him.
Bill hooking up with that girl also works for me. His honesty and goodness shines through. The writers of the show are smart enough to realize that even the most stuck-up young high school girls still have hearts. She felt bad for treating a really nice guy crappy her whole life and the fact he opened up to her made him attractive for that one, fleeting minute.
Alan, I wanted to chime in as another person whom you inspired to purchase this show on DVD. I had never seen a single episode, but read your blog religiously, and trust your judgement. Thank you. One question: You have made references in past blogs to scenes that were not on my DVDs AT ALL. Specifically, in "Looks and Books" when Lindsay gets yelled at by her parents, looks for her old clothes, and then yells at the freaks. Also, the three scenes in "Noshing and Moshing" that dealt with Daniel's crappy home situation. I am wondering how many different versions of the show are on DVD. I bought the Complete Series at BestBuy. Are there multiple versions of the collection, or is mine defective? Anyone else have problems? Thanks again!
Julie, it sounds like your version is defective. There are only two DVD versions: the "basic" one (which I have, and which is the only one available in stores), and the super-mondo-deluxe yearbook version (which was for sale very briefly on the now-defunct FreaksandGeeks.com site). All the scenes you reference are part of the regular episodes.
Worse, Cardellini broke up with Segel because she thought he was getting fat.
Speaking of Apatow and a lot of money, Steve Bannos had a bigger cameo in Superbad (playing a math teacher, no less!) than Martin Starr's blink-and-you'll-miss-it non-speaking part.
Back to F&G: don't the geeks complain elsewhere that they don't get to see R-rated movies? Yet they know a lot about Animal House and Stripes and Caddyshack. Or perhaps that's just the difference between Neal and Sam.
Maybe it was different in 1980, but in 1985, the tall cheerleaders weren't willing to kiss the nice 5'1" boys with a crush on them when there were jocks to be had, and I went to a "gifted" school where there wasn't anywhere near the difference between the geeks and the jocks/cheerleaders as at F&G High. Given the contempt with which Cindy's peers regularly treated Sam in the first part of the season, it's hard to imagine that the Sam-Cindy relationship was just accepted without Cindy being seriously teased, and I don't see anything in Cindy's makeup that indicates she would withstand that peer pressure: as the next episode shows, she certainly doesn't have anything resembling feelings for Sam that makes her want to sacrifice one iota.
(Whatever happened to Melnick anyway?)
"Given the contempt with which Cindy's peers regularly treated Sam in the first part of the season, it's hard to imagine that the Sam-Cindy relationship was just accepted without Cindy being seriously teased."
But it's not Cindy's friends who picked on Sam, really. Sam's major tormentors were Karen, Alan, and some faceless older jocks who probably don't even know his name -- he's reasonably friendly with Todd, Maureen, and even Vicki (who visited him in the hospital when Bill was sick). He's not part of Cindy's circle, by any means, but I'm willing to believe that Cindy's friends would give her a pass on dating Sam on the rebound. Or maybe they are teasing her and we just don't get to see it ...
Ted asks: (Whatever happened to Melnick anyway?)
Answer: Not much. She got slaughtered in Hillside Strangler, and appeared in a few episodes of Boston Legal. She has, however, fulfilled her promise in other ways and grown into a very attractive young woman.
Re: Vicky and Bill's making out - While I find it very hard to believe that any head cheerleader in the real world would ever kiss the geekiest geek, I still loved this scene. It's one of my most favorite moments of the show! And sometimes, sheer enjoyment triumphs over believability.
Cindy is my favorite. She strikes me as incredibly believable. She's all wrong for Sam and is by no means a great person. She is insecure, manipulative, and self-conscious.
What teenager isn't?
You can tell her character has the makings of a good, compassionate person. I imagine her being a great adult.
Mark is in the geeks' freshman gym class in the pilot but is written as a contemporary of the freaks (all juniors) in later episodes.
That's not unrealistic. We had to take so many PE credits within so many years, and the classes were not segregated by grades. Health class, on the other hand (also taught be the PE staff), was to be taken in specific grades (freshman and junior years).
Given all the anachronisms that have been pointed out by everyone, especially regarding movies that weren't out by 1980, why did Feig and company choose that particular year to set these tales in? Most of the plots would have worked as well in '82 or '83, except the disco stuff
why did Feig and company choose that particular year to set these tales in?
Because Feig was basing so much of it on his own adolescence in Michigan. In fact, his wonder years took place a few years earlier (he would have been graduating high school when the series began), which I guess was a slight compromise to keep it from being "That Other '70s Show."
Jason Segel is fantastic, as usual. His fearlessness at looking like an idiot results in some of the funniest moments ever seen on television. But his ability to deliver heart-wrenching moments of pathos is extraordinary. Check out the expression on his face when Joe Flaherty calls Nick smart. But the real killer is his performance in the argument with Kevin Tighe. By the way,that scene really suggests to me that Nick's father smacks him around. I wonder if the writers thought about this but decided it would be too harsh.
I also was surprised when Nick mentions his mother's cooking in this episode. I had it in my head that his mother was dead, since she's never been seen or previously discussed. Also, an absent mother would explain 1) his father's complete dominance and 2) Nick's obsessiveness with women.
That Vicki and Bill scene made me like Joanna Garcia enough to watch "Reba."
"Do I smell meat?"
To this day, we still use the Nick line in our household: "let me guess...meat?" Cracks me up.
I saw most of the cast at a DVD signing (back in the day) and was stunned by how beautiful the girls were; they really grew up after the filming of that show.
So was Segel in bikini briefs some major foreshadowing to his full frontal nudity in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", or what?
I'm surprised nobody mentioned the believability of the whole make-out party in this episode. After seeing how grossly exaggerated the teenage house parties in a lot of other television shows and movies are (*cough* Scary Movie *cough*), it was nice to see a more realistic teen party that, while perhaps somewhat inappropriate (it does, after all, revolve around making out with people you aren't romantically involved with), is also kind of cute and innocent.
Also, despite how badly their relationship turns out, Sam and Cindy actually ARE kind of cute together at the end of this episode. I don't think there's only one single reason why Cindy's dating him. Rather, I think there's a multitude of reasons (Sam's been a good friend to her throughout the series, he's on good terms with at least a few of her friends such as Todd, and he is a "nice guy" - the perfect rebound after Todd's apparently poor treatment of Cindy, etc.). Meanwhile, the Bill/Vicky moment is basically Freaks And Geeks avoiding a common pitfall of many other high school shows (portraying the popular kids as being these one-dimensional, heartless jerks with no emotions or feelings) and showing us that, yes, even the most superficial popular girl isn't without her heart (for another example of this, see Cher's evolution during the movie Clueless).
Watching this episode in relation to the rest of the series, Cindy's interest in Sam is, believe it or not, not all that different from her interest in Todd. She was also interested not so much in Todd himself as the idea of Todd. After all, he was good looking and popular. So, naturally, Cindy had a crush on him. And, when having lunch with Sam in Boyfriends And Girlfriends, she makes it pretty clear that she's mentally established her own illusion of what being with Todd will be like. And then, after her relationship with Todd doesn't work out, Cindy develops a semi-crush on Sam, because he's a nice person. So, really, most of it boils to down to Cindy not yet being mature enough to know the difference between a crush and genuine interest. Sam is in the same boat, but he finally gets a clue once he witnesses what being with Cindy is really like as opposed to what he thought it would be like. Whereas, with Cindy, we don't really know if she learned this important distinction.
I bought Vicki kissing Bill, not so much because of its realism, but because its context: It wasn't so much that Vicki was developing a romantic interest in Bill as it was that she was finally seeing him as more than just a tall, lanky geek. And the kiss represented her joy and relief at finally moving away from her "popular cheerleader" image, taking her first step into a larger world (thank you, Obi Wan, for that!). Notice, too, that nothing romantic actually comes out of that kiss during the last couple episodes except for Bill boasting about it to a jealous Neal. I don't think it was meant to imply romanticism so much as it was meant to imply the "head cheerleader" triumphantly beginning to break free of her high school stereotype.
I never would have watched this series if not for this Rewind, and there are a million reasons I'm glad I did so, but the top one might be that moment between Harold and Lindsay over their paternal histories. The part when Harold says "Lindsay, trust me...YOU DON'T" might be the best Chill Scene in TV history. Because the show has set up these characters so clearly and the acting and writing are so good, the subtext of how Harold was abused by his father, how he turned into a man resolving to never treat his kids that brutally, how Lindsay is so smart that she gets this and how it informs everything that happens the rest of the way with Nick and Mr. Andropolous (right down to the notion that Nick's dad might be just a stern dad who doesn't have Flaherty's likable disposition, or he might hit Nick when his son inevitably does childish things). You can't win an Emmy for a single scene, but seeing this, I kind of wish that award had existed in 2000.
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