Just as it never rains when I bring an umbrella just in case and it always rains whenever I forget (particularly on days after I get my car washed), I have this weird tendency to do "This show is awesome!" columns on days when the series in question winds up airing a dud episode, and to write "This show sucks!" columns on days when the series in question has a rare bounceback episode. The moral of the story kids: if you don't have a screener in hand, you may want to wait to write.
Now, last night's "Heroes" wasn't perfect, but it was still easily the best hour of this disappointing sophomore season. Stories finally moved forward, there were some exciting moments, and the Black Oil Twins were nowhere to be seen.
The Hiro/Kensei storyline retroactively got some major heft, as it turned out we weren't just watching a fun romp on feudal Japan, but rather the birth of a supervillain. As motivations go, "Hiro stole my girlfriend!" isn't that much deeper than "Superboy made me bald!" (which, for reals, was Luthor's motivation at one point in the '50s and '60s), but we know by now that "Heroes" isn't a deep show, and I think David Anders and the much-maligned (including by me) writers have done a nice job of illustrating why Hiro's betrayal would cut Kensei so deeply. The revelation that Kensei and Adam Monroe are one and the same wasn't a huge stunner -- people on this blog were guessing that as far back as the discovery of Kensei's healing power, which might have the potential to make him immortal (and definitely to survie falling off a building with Mr. Nakamura), and it's not like the writers have given us many other suspects -- but the pieces all fit together nicely, and make what's happened before seem like far less a waste of time. (Sort of like Hurley's use of the magic Dharma bus in the "Lost" finale.)
Like everyone else, I'm still annoyed that the story arc again involves a desolated New York, but this episode extended the tragedy's scope beyond that, to one where 93% (and counting) of the world's population has been killed by the Legacy Virus (or whatever they're calling it on the show). This time, Peter really will get to save the world, and not just half of Manhattan. I also thought the scenes in the decontamination camp were well done, particularly guest star Mark Harelik's delivery of the line about it being a tough week as Peter gawked at all the bodies. I'm glad Ma Petrelli's force of personality -- or, as has been hinted, psychic talents -- has started Peter on the road away from retrograde amnesia, and that his Irish lassie got stranded in the future. Not that I necessarily expect the "Heroes" writers to grasp the potential of time travel stories -- otherwise Hiro wouldn't have returned from Japan at the exact moment that the present-day stories are taking place -- but there could be a cool development where Peter is faced with a choice between saving the world, and therefore erasing the future where his girlfriend is trapped, or letting people die so he can enjoy some Irish Spring.
The Nightmare Man's invasion of Company HQ was pretty well-executed. Even though his use of his powers was again nothing I haven't read dozens of times in comics featuring guys like Mastermind, the personal connections for both Parkman and Niki made their traps more interesting than what he did to Parkman and Nathan the last time. Also nice to see another Company man help Parkman realize his powers are a lot more versatile than just reading minds. I'd really like Bob's apparent face turn to be genuine, both because I'm tired of Mohinder always being a sap and trusting the wrong people, and because it would make things a lot more interesting for the rest of this arc if HRG turned out to be at cross purposes with the other good guys.
What did everybody else think? Am I just feeling more generous, or did they actually fix a few things last night?
I think you're being too generous. Yeah, it seems like the Hiro on Japan storyline finally got to the point, but it shouldn't have taken 7 episodes to get there. I was was still yelling at the screen in boredom throughout most of it.
And maybe it's just me, but I honestly don't understand the virus storyline at all. I know it's related to what Mohinder's sister had as a kid, but I'm not really following how everything ties together.
Yeah, if Linderman hadn't done all that stuff last year, Hiro wouldn't have gone back in time to help create the guy who inspired Linderman to do all that stuff. Yay, time travel! (Speaking of which, anybody watching Journeyman? It's turning out to be my favorite show of the night. So-so pilot, really clever show.) Anyway, glad I'm not the only one who thought of Lex Luthor. Every few years they revamp his rationale for hating Supes, but "You blew chemicals on my hair" is still my favorite.
Next week: More Kristen Bell! And presumably less Green preaching. "Wow, even the Heroes eclipse was green. I didn't want to save the planet before, but now, definitely."
i actually, and sincerely gasped when nikki injected herself. a solid hour of television made infinitely better by the crappy 7 hours that preceded it. if they can build on last night's momentum, i'll be 100% back.
also, why so down on NY being threatened again? isn't LA in danger on every season of "24"?
I agree, it was definitely an improvement -- and I think it's kind of cool that Hiro now has an immortal arch-nemesis. Plus, David Anders gets to be evil again! I didn't realize how much I missed Sark.
I'm not quite clear on the virus storyline either, though. How is it transmitted? Does Nikki have the strain that eventually kills 93% of the population, or is that strain yet to come?
The thing that stinks is, I didn't really realize how little I had been paying attention this season until this episode tried tying some things together. I've now read in two places that people had already guessed Adam would be Kensei... but I seriously don't even remember Adam being brought up before last night. I think it's a testament to either my terrible ADD, or the show just having too many things going on to follow them all. And ironically I've been more or less an apologist for the show this season.
So I thought this ep was good, but as others have hinted at one good episode doesn't make up for a season of sub-par plot meandering, but it's a good step.
(Speaking of which, anybody watching Journeyman? It's turning out to be my favorite show of the night. So-so pilot, really clever show.)
Yea, I'm really enjoying Journeyman as well. It's a shame that the show gets hardly any coverage from TV blogs. Alan seems to have stopped reporting on it (has he stopped watching the show?). There have been plenty of interesting developments in the last couple of episodes to report on. But it seems the show gets very little focus from critics. (Matt Roush in particular seems to dislike it, but his comments makes me wonder whether he really "gets" the show. It's less about sci-fi and more about family drama).
It's a shame it will probably be cancelled. But unlike other low-rated shows that got saved, this one doesn't even have the critics backing, which baffles me.
Oh well, hopefully they've written it out so it can be concluded in 13 episodes.
I've now read in two places that people had already guessed Adam would be Kensei... but I seriously don't even remember Adam being brought up before last night. I think it's a testament to either my terrible ADD, or the show just having too many things going on to follow them all. And ironically I've been more or less an apologist for the show this season.
Bobman, there are sort of two different guesses that have converged. First, people started guessing that Kensei was the guy in the hoodie who went off the roof with Mr. Nakamura. Then, when last week's episode introduced the concept of this mysterious Adam Monroe, people started wondering if he was the guy in the hoodie -- and, in turn, Kensei.
I saw a suggestion on another site that the Japan story should have been all in one episode, rather than spaced out, with Hiro returning right into the mix instead of time going on in old japan as it went on in the future.
They have to figure out that "controlling space time" means Hiro can be somewhere else as long as he feels, and then come back to the exact same spot he left if he so chooses.
whatevs. I'll miss Yaeko.
also, why so down on NY being threatened again? isn't LA in danger on every season of "24"?
Because, until this upcoming season, Jack has lived and worked in LA, so it was a necessary contrivance. One of the gimmicks of "Heroes" is that the characters are from all over the globe, and yet we're once again bringing everybody to the Big Apple.
Another vote here for "Journeyman". Yes, I wish Alan would talk about this show as well.
After "Chuck", it's my 2nd favorite new series. I think "Pushing Daisies is fine, but as an adult male, I find the whole fairy tale aspect a little hard to sit through every week.
Back to "Journeyman", yes, confusing pilot and it's still rather unexplained how & why Dan Vasser (Kevin McKidd) travels through time, but I am just really enjoying it.
And as much as I loved "Quantum Leap" (I own all the seasons on DVD), this show while not as much fun as "Leap", is more adult, more complex in temrs of the reltationships from Dan's past (Moon Bloodgood) and present (Gretchen Egolf), not to mention the intriguing and combative relationship he has with his brother (Reed Diamond, sorely missed on NBC since his "Homicide" days).
The other reason I have really gotten into this series is the performance by Kevin McKidd. He's an incredibly likeable and endearing hero. And unlike Scott Bakula's Sam Beckett, Bakula was likeable and endearing and really had NO faults whatsoever - which was fine but un realistic.
McKidd's Dan Vasser clearly still has feelings for his old girlfriend, but loves his wife & family and is torn. Plus, he clearly has a major gambling problem. I like that he's a good guy and you can root for him, but he's not infallable.
I am really enjoying this show a lot. Ironically, of the 4 new NBC Dramas, the only one I am note remotely enjoying is "Bionic Woman". Life, Chuck and Journeyman are all keepers for me, if they don't get canceled.
As for "Heroes", this week was better, but the bar has been lowered so much it's hard to even tell if any of us actually enjoyed this week, or maybe we were all just relieved to not see the wonderless twins. I know I am not alone in rooting for Sylar to suck the brains out of the male half of the twins, at least, and maybe see the female half turn sexy, badgirl - and maybe turn her and Sylar into "Heroes" 'Bonnie & Clyde'?
It's almost impossible to take this show seriously. So much is borrowed from superior comic/pulp material (much of which is borrowed from even more original, mythical material). Nothing wrong with that.
But when Hiro and Kensei basically rehash the Luke/Vader duel from Jedi at the point when Vader baits Luke by threatening his sister(and without even remotely interesting choreography), I couldn't help but laugh. Not in a good way, either.
Anyway, I continue to watch this show, mostly on DVR fast-forward, as an exercise in how difficult it is to craft compelling, original television for an entire season without treading water or writing yourself into a corner. Everyone can't be The Wire.
The writers' strike can only help a show like Heroes. Shorten the season. Focus the action. Do something less meandering.
I guess I picked the right episode to start watching again. One thing I liked and it's tied to HRG and his ambiguity is the quasi-evilness of the Company. They are definately ends justifies the means as represented by HRG, Toby, Angela, Sulu.
Creating the Shanti virus only to let it spiral out of control, helping the specials gain full potential of their power only to realize that they will have to kill them for it later. All the good they try to do turns into a mess they need to clean up.
Re: Journeyman love this show and I pimp it every time Alan puts up a Heroes thread.
Guys, I'm gonna do a "Journeyman" post later today (I hope), so please try to keep this a "Heroes"-only zone.
Wassup Sep?
Are we ready to admit that Heroes has un-jumped the shark?
And Journeyman was pretty good last night too. Can you imagine if that woman had been caught in that closet? Talk about your WatchaTalkingAboutWillis moment!
If she had been caught in the closet, they could finally try & explain to Dan's brother what's been going on so he can stop investigating Dan and actually help him.
Because "Heroes" finally scored an episode that was a C- instead of a D, this in no way says this show hasn't jumped the shark.
Plus, I am not convinced Season 1 was so good that it never even had a shark to worry about - it's always been mediocre, but more harmless fun.
"Chuck", a show I am enjoying immensly (in particular Adam Baldwin as Casey is flat out fantastic) is a show that sets out to be a comedy, and yet last night it showed more pathos than "Heroes".
I thought the reveal that Kensei was Adam Monroe was very cool - I hadn't put much thought into it before, so it came as a surprise to me.
I also didn't have that much of a problem that Peter was back in a destroyed NYC. Last week, I did. But this week, hearing that the virus has affected the whole world (as opposed to last season's "bomb"), it makes sense. Peter lives in New York, and that's where his family is. It makes sense to me that if his body was going to unwillingly travel through space and time, it would end up in New York City.
I was worried they'd drag out the West-sees-HRG thing for several more episodes, so that was a relief. Alan, I'm also with you in wondering if maybe Bob isn't a bad guy and HRG isn't such a good guy. (His killing of his old colleague last week certainly put things in a grey area.) Right now it seems that HRG is mainly focused on trying to prevent the sequence of paintings that leads to his death. I don't know what that has to do with taking down the Company.
Realization: I like Niki better when she's interacting with the other heroes than when she's on her own with Micah or D.L. She gets more to do and becomes more of a real person rather than either a weeping mother/bitch alter ego.
And no Wonder Twins! Yay!
Susan, good point about why Peter would go back to NYC. Plus, Matt/Mohinder/Niki and the Company are all there (right?), so just as LA is the epicenter on 24, NYC seems to be the epicenter for most of the Heroes.
It would definitely make things more interesting if Bob turned out to be a genuine good guy, or at least on the lighter shade of gray (as Bennett turned out to be last year). Playing Bob against Bennett would make for some excellent drama, not to mention putting two of the best actors on the show together.
This episode was easily the best of the season, but isn't Kring basically ripping off the "Highlander" franchise.
We knew that Kensei/Adam had Claire-like powers, but we didn't know that he doesn't age.
Hell, during the lame sword battle, doesn't he even instruct Hiro to cut his head off and kill him?
When you're ripping off "Highlander" you're in trouble.
I wasn't totally surpised at Kensai being Adam(since plenty of talkback places have been speculating on that for weeks) but as I watched it unfold last night,I got a bit of a X-Men flashback. Kensai/Adam seems very similar to Mr. Sinister,the immortal mutant who loved to mess with the Summers family(mainly due to their powers being the only ones that could actually hurt him).
I also saw Papa Parkman as a Wormtail type of fellow and when Toby explained how charismatic Adam was and that he and his former comrades in arms had to lock him up for what they thought was good but now he's back,Adam has a touch of Voldemort in him as well.
Unlike most folks,I'm willing to be patient with the pace of the numerous storylines here(The Wonder Twin's has improved with the addition of Sylar,IMO)but I was getting worried about where the Hiro in Feudal Japan was going. Happy to see it end the way it did(poor guy can never catch a break when it comes to love)and if Claire would just ditch that jerk of a flyboy she's hooked up with,that would be great. Why is it that fellas who can fly on this show are such creeps?
Much improved episode. The irony is, as I watched the show, I remember thinking "this is playing like one of the lesser episodes of season one." Amazing that can now be seen as a moral victory.
Still, not hard to see why this was the best episode of the year. It was a lot of Heroes in one place working towards a common goal (stopping Parkman's daddy) that had a super-power stand-off, a cliff-hanger with Nikki (another shot in the dark prediction: Bob knowingly engineered the new strain of the virus, Mohinder's still a rube, guy he ends up shooting is Needle Nose Ned/Commissioner Jary). West is finally serving a purpose beyond smoldering for Claire's benefit. Hiro is back to his present day exuberance (ever briefly). Plus, no Nikki and Paulo 2.0!
And I actually agree w/ Susan's take on "New Your again???" If it's the whole world that's like this, it does make sense for both Peter and the show to reveal this through a return to their home base. Would Peter randomly popping up in Tokyo or Paris have sold the moment better? Possibly but it would have been totally arbitrary.
But most importantly, we finally have a real villain this season. Jeeze, who'd a thunk it would be Kensei (gloat, gloat, gloat). I like how the show did a nice job of patching up holes in my theory, specifically the attack on Ma Peterelli. Still not sure how the character hasn't aged in 400 years but I'm sure the show has already anticipated this. Gives me some hope for the next few episodes, although to be honest I have no idea how they're going to wrap this all up by the end of episode 11 (if that's really their intention).
Mohindar is too dumb to live. Seriously.
I guessed that Kensai was Adam at the beinging of the episode, but was glad to finally see the reveal.
I was bothered by the fact that Nikki, Parkman, and Nathan were in a scene together without seeming to acknowledge their past connections. Especially Nikki and Nathan. Didn't she sleep with him/save his life?
Totally agree with yuo about the Nikki/Petrelli scene.
Yes, they did sleep together and yet they acted like strangers - just like Parkman and Nathan - acted like strangers even though they battled Sylar together.
Bad writing, again.
Pretty good episode, not great. Once Kensei healed himself, you knew he was destined for bigger things than those fairy tales. I'm excited to see what other powers he has acquired since Feudal Japan. Does he have the same ability to absorb powers as Peter?
My problem is that they billed next episode as the one to answer all the questions. Why pack all these answers into one episode? I could have used a few answers this week or last week or the week before. I hope they don't go from no action to everything jammed into one episode.
I eagerly await Mohinder killing HRG and I hope they don't alter that prophecy.
Maybe Kensei froze to death somewhere and then thawed out and came back to life unaged?
Re: Kensei's apparent immortality, that's another lift from the comics. Wolverine's healing factor significantly retards the aging process ages very slowly, which explains how he's been alive since the 19th century and only appears to be in his 30s or 40s.
Yes, but we're lead to believe his cell regeneration is the same power as Claire's and the show has already established that she's aged at a normal rate. Maybe the slowed aging only kicks in when it's needed most (ie: your thirties)
"I was bothered by the fact that Nikki, Parkman, and Nathan were in a scene together without seeming to acknowledge their past connections. Especially Nikki and Nathan. Didn't she sleep with him/save his life?"
You must have blinked, because they gave each other a very significant look. Then they both sort of shrugged it off, like, "We've got work to do now." Let's not be so eager to bash the show that we can't appreciate those rare moments of subtlety.
Was I the only one that thought it was a wicked cool idea to strand Caitlin in the future? Not just because when she is on screen, yu can actually feel the show sucking with all five senses, but because it creates a great moral question for Peter. If he stops the virus and changes the future, won't that keep him from being able to save his bonny Irish lass? If that future is prevented, he can't save her.
I didn't get a good look at all the paintings, but I beleieve one was Peter looking through a window with a "biohazard" sticker on it, which was exactly what we saw in his future trek. Of course, that begs the question of where that painting goes in the series (2 through 7 of the 8). Is this painting seven, and HRG gets killed after that, since it takes place 6 months in the future, or is it painting two, since for Peter it happened chronologically?
And for God's sake, will someone please tell me Ma Patrelli's power? Shades of the Haitian, with a touch of Eden from Season 1 thrown in, but there were times in season 1 where she could have used that mind control/power of suggestion to her preferred ends, but didn't.
And apparently Pa Parkman's personal hell is brisket and potatoes forever? That seemed less than credible (on a show with people flying and exploding, they make a kitchen the least credible part of the episode...). They need to define the metaphor better.
The verdict is still out on Company Bob for me. He seems to have a touch of Ben Linus from Lost in him, with cryptic answers to simple questions, and a never ending stream of ulterior motives, but they have gone out of their way to make him so thuroughly beningn (casting Toblowsky, naming him "Bob") that it is clear he is going to be a darker shade of grey.
And Captain Emo was beyond creepy with the whole waffle thing. She has told him many times that she can't see him if her parents know she has a boyfriend. So what does he do? Drops by with Eggos. And her response? Let's share earbuds and have popsicles! (Special kudos to HRG's detective skills: "Who are you talking to, Claire?" "I was talking to myself, Dad." "But you are holding two popsicles..." No wonder he was a top agent!)
Also, with Claire/Kenzei's immortality, I would explain it that as long as the cells of the body are generating and growing, you age, until you reach the tipping point at which your body begins degenerating. Right now, Claire's natural body processes are improving her, but in ten years or so, things will start wanting to droop, sag and break down. That iks when the powers take over and make her perpetually 28.
I saw the Kensei immortality thing as being more of a rip on Vandal Savage and Ra's al Ghul than Wolverine. Yes, I know it's splitting (nerdy) hairs.
well, seems everyone beat me in responding to alan's "24"/home base idea so i'll chime in to agree with jim on the look nathan gave nikki; subtle, but definite.
then again, my theory that hiro has irrevocably changed the timeline stands.
also, small nitpick: i loved that nathan sliced thru bob's double-speak, "all in good time" posturing with demands for immediate answers... only to be put-off by more double-speak. come on!
still, solid B effort last night; i was fairly riveted. and am anxious to see how sylar/twins play into this.
Best episode of the season. Stuff happened. So much stuff that I kept thinking the episode was going to end, but it kept going!
Everything they've been belaboring finally moved past their respective humps, like West finally seeing HRG. West is pretty annoying.
Jim, that's a good point about them respecting some time travel.
Yeah, I too am wondering if Bob is a bad guy or not. Season 1 has kinda blurred together for me - I don't know where the division between the Company and Linderman lies.
I also like Pete's dilemma, which I hadn't though of until you guys pointed it out. You know, unless he figures out how to time travel back to the future and save her from wherever she ends up after being deported.
Haha, Legacy Virus - who's going to play the role of Colossus?
What's going to make me angry is season three... when someone decides to trust Mohinder with something again. He's a terrible character who does whatever the writers need him to do to cheaply move the story forward.
Also a little surprised how quickly Parkman was able to control his powers to the point of trapping his father in a nightmare. Since Parkman found his way out and Parkman's dad has been honing this 'gift' for many years, it seems unreasonable that he would be so easily trapped on Parkman's first try.
Other than that, I thought last night's Heroes was great. I have lowered expectations now, but I'm at least interested in next week for once. Too bad we're going to run out of episodes in short time.
"And apparently Pa Parkman's personal hell is brisket and potatoes forever?"
Or maybe the life he had as an ordinary family man? Being stuck in the moment when he freed himself would be hell for a power-hungry creep like that.
Maybe the slow aging only kicks in when the power does. Claire didn't "manifest" until she was what, 15? Maybe Kensei didn't actually have the power much prior to his discovery of it - I'm assuming the eclipse that greeted Hiro in the season premiere was the catalyst for Kensei's powers. He should still look a little older 400 years later, though.
I wasn't thrilled with the ep (I enjoyed last week's better) but I did like that we finally seem to be going somewhere with all the storylines.
I think that's exactly right, Jim -- Papa Parkman's idea of prison is to be trapped back in his ordinary family life. It's not much of a punishment for most people but it makes sense for him.
Although, to be fair, that was a pretty ugly apartment.
Haha, Legacy Virus - who's going to play the role of Colossus?
Sadly, there won't be no Joss Whedon to resurrect anything this time.
The episode was fine for W.W.B. (Watching While Browsing)
The Nightmare Man's invasion of Company HQ was pretty well-executed. Even though his use of his powers was again nothing I haven't read dozens of times in comics featuring guys like Mastermind
Alan, have you had a chance to read Sars' (& co.'s) interview with Scott Nybakken, an editor at DC Comics? He doesn't watch "Heroes" himself, but comments on how jarring it is to see comics tropes showing up in a different medium. It's pretty interesting: http://tinyurl.com/2gh4v3
I still thought this episode was pretty boring, and I thought the whole future quarantine part was a poor man's version of "Children of Men." BUT... move aside Kristen Bell, cuz I'm now pinning my complete hopes for this show on David Anders. You can't get a better big bad than Sark, and he brightened more than one otherwise ho-hum season of Alias back in the day. I'm ready to pay more attention again, if just to see how his villain evolves!
Maybe Kensei froze to death somewhere and then thawed out and came back to life unaged?
Holy crap, he's the new Avatar!
I'm glad that West found out about Claire's dad being his ominous horn-rimmed glasses guy. I was wondering how long they were going to drag that out. This episode really moved a lot of stories ahead.
Put me down with the "Oh no, not New York AGAIN!" crowd. So 93% of the world's population has been wiped out, but luckily that remaining 7% (whatever fraction of that amount are in New Tork) are military trained people and beaurocrats that handle dead body disposal, housing/detainment for US citizens and deportation for everyone else. It's very convenient.
I can't really explain why I've been eagerly awaiting each week's episode of Comics/Sci-Fi 101, but last night was the most riveting episode of the series. (I say last night because that's when I watched it, even if it aired Monday.)
I do have a question, though. When and why did they make the decision to change the word "powers" to the 4400-ish "abilities"? What focus group decided that was a better idea?
Did they ever use the word "powers"? They've always said "special abilities," haven't they? No matter how awkward it is.
I understand that you can't always have all the people with powers/abilities using them to their fullest potential all the time otherwise there would be no story [a la Superman, etc...], but it frustrates me SOOOO much when Hiro never uses his ability to stop time "correctly." He uses it to admire the pretty girl under the cherry blossoms, but he doesn't use it when he's infiltrating an enemy camp. wtf?! Or when the gunpowder is about to explode, he doesn't stop time, grab Kensei, and teleport out. Etc, etc, ad nauseum...
"I'm glad Ma Petrelli's force of personality -- or, as has been hinted, psychic talents -- has started Peter on the road away from retrograde amnesia"
I always figured that Mrs. Petrelli's power was something of a psychic nature. But I'm thinking it has something to do with dreaming. Remember in the very beginning of the series, Peter dreamed that he could fly - maybe he absorbed his mother's power which helped lead him to unlocking his potential - as she did here.
The only other source would have been from Richard Roundtree's character. With Nathan, those three are the only powers he was in contact with at the beginning.
Heroes is failing because of a lawsuit filed against NBC and tim Kring by two NYC artists. The lawsuit is now in a NYC Federal court and the effect it has had on Heroes has been chilling. Investigate this lawsuit and I think you'll find what I did: " that Tim Kring may have a lot more to worry about than low ratings... he may be facing prison time." do the homework and watch the dots connect on this one. tim has a lot of surprises coming for the viewing audience, too bad none of these surprises will be seen on Heroes but in a court law instead.
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