My viewing of
"My Name Is Earl" and
"Scrubs" last night was too intermittent to allow for much analysis -- save that, like Turk, I'm all about the brinner -- but enough that I'm not going to go back and rewatch either episode in service of a longer post. So fire away with your own thoughts on each.
Well, it wasn't the worst Scrubs episode, but it did certainly highlight why it's time for the show to pack it in. JD's trip to
Amigoville lasted way beyond the point where it was funny and Perry's rants are really beginning to become more annoying than entertaining. At least Kelos called him out on that.
For some reason, Kelso calling Turk "T Dawg" really cracked me up.
Also, I sincerely hope they were joking when they talked about JD and Elliot getting back together (the unsubtitled portion at the end). That would really kill a final season for me.
For me, Scrubs has gone to this weird place where the main characters are really starting to annoy me. I can't think of the last time JD was funny. Elliot was a bitch all last season. Dr. Cox only had one decent line last night (the one about Jordan). As for this latest episode, I only found charm in Kelso and Janitor. (Did anybody else notice knife-wrench?)
theresa, I don't think they were joking, I think they were foreshadowing.
I wondered what Turk and Carla were saying. And I agree that Dr Kelso is the best thing on the show now, but I've thought that for a while.
Earl was harder to stay interested in. It still has its moments. Joy, Darnell and Randy were fun to watch, but the whole dream sequence/sixties sitcom is so boring. Alyssa Milano is one of those actresses who loses appeal when she moves or speaks. And the poor actress who plays Catalina. They never have known what to do with that character.
My Name is Earl was decent enough. Well the Randy storyline anyway. Why are they doing this extended 60's sitcom run? It's not funny at all and is just a huge time waster.
I did like Scrubs a lot. I thought it was great that they went for having their good deed for the burn victim turn out to be a big mistake. But I swear to gods, if they get Elliott and JD back together, I'm through. It just won't make any sense.
The translation was something like this:
Turk: Those two are going to be back together in about 5 weeks.*
Carla: A lot of people aren't going to be happy about that.
*5 weeks coincidently marks the season finale.
Speaking of Scrubs, TV Guide is reporting there's new info about Sarah Chalke returning to HIMYM.
Still watching both, out of loyalty and optimism, and because it's easier to set the technology to record a two-hour block plus a little extra (do any of these shows start or end on time?) than to press all those buttons on the remote to record from 8:29 to 9:32.
I actually thought Earl was MUCH improved over last week and I laughed a few times at it.
Scrubs could have been terrible, but there was a subtle return of knife-WRENCH (for kids) which makes it an A+ for me.
And with my limited Spanish I got most of what Turk said (although little of Carla's response just because she's so fast) so I'm glad I was mostly right. Well, glad for my Spanish skills, very UNglad for the show - them getting together is RETARDED.
"The Hickeys" is not funny. It's not giving very much of an "Earl" twist to the fifties sitcom life. It comes off as watered down and dull. How long is this going to go on? Anyone know? I already want it over with.
Also, yeah, Alyssa Milano is just not that impressive. Bring back Christine Taylor or Marlee Matlin, please.
Is that song real? If so where can I find it?? Does anyone know?
Sorry ignore that post before. Wrong thread.
@bobman: That's funny, because with my limited Spanish I understood Carla, but not Turk. :-) Carla might have been faster, but it was a simpler vocabulary.
Did they actually say five weeks? Because they were originally planning on doing 16 this season, which would mean 9 weeks to the planned series finale. I'm pretty sure all the Scrubs episodes were taped before the strike, and NBC told them not to make anymore this year.
So how much of an episode of "Earl" can be a spoof of bad corny sitcoms before "Earl" itself becomes one? Will Earl wake up before the season finale?
That's funny, because with my limited Spanish I understood Carla, but not Turk. :-) Carla might have been faster, but it was a simpler vocabulary.
I, too, found Carla easier to understand, mostly because I think Turk's accent was pretty bad. (No offense, Donald!)
Did they actually say five weeks?
Yeah, I had to listen to that part twice because it was kind of garbled, but he did indeed say five weeks.
Before the season (when he was still thinking this was it for "Scrubs") Bill Lawrence said he'd come back around to the JD-Elliot relationship before the season ended, but he also said that he didn't want to end the series on that. Unfortunately the strike effed that up.
If there's reason to be glad the show is (probably) moving to ABC, it'd be so the series doesn't end on their recoupling.
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