I've been meaning to write about the
"My Boys" season finale for a couple of days now, but other things keep getting in the way. In the interests of giving the small group of that show's fans who hang around here a chance to discuss the episode -- and this brief season as a whole, which was a welcome return to form after last year -- I'm just going to ask what you all thought of it. If I have time later, I'll pop into the comments.
This was a nice, sweet ep, not lol funny but one of those ones where you sit there with a smile on your face. Saw the ending coming a mile away, though. Still, I'm happy I happened onto this show just in time for this season. I really like these people.
We've got all the episodes sitting on the TiVo and my bride and I will work our way through them over the next couple of weeks (because there's nothing on). My Boys really found it's voice last year and I'm looking forward to watching this season soon.
Loved their send up the "Sex & The City" girls a season or two ago. A SCREAM!!!!
This show has improved leaps and bounds over the last 3 seasons. All of the characters are at least 2-dimensional now.
However my biggest knock has to be the Jack Bristow character- the guy is just flat out creepy. I have a feeling it's more the way the actor plays him than how it's written, as it always seems like he's 5 seconds away from jumping PJ and throwing her in him trunk. I get that he's supposed to be the mentor guy (even though Jamie Tarses, one of the EPs, is all anti-mentor) and it would be nice to get a bit more of a macro view of the Chicago sports reporter scene, however there's something about this character that is just off
Am I the only one that feels this way?
I quite liked it much as I liked this season too. The PJ/Bobby romance didn't overwhelm the show much for me and the only quibble was that Stephanie's character didn't really get much to do this season. They gave her the cliffhanger this year with Kenny and it wasn't that shocking since we knew these two had hooked up before, but I wasn't upset with the repairing. I laughed hard at Mike's awful attempts at striking out a Cubs batter though.
@jcpbmg: I agree with you about the Jack Bristow character being creepy. I find the scenes with him and PJ to be off-putting.
My question is if anyone else thinks Brendan's realization about needing to date normal girls and not fear commitment will have him revisit his feelings for PJ?
If that's the case, I'm all for it as I really like the interaction between him and PJ.
ACK! My DVR didn't record this. I have a season pass and My Boy is always a pleasant surprise (because I always forget it's on and then BAM! it's sitting in my Playlist). I'll have to see if it replays. Overall, I've really enjoyed the season and found myself looking forward to the next episode.
The actor playing Jack Bristow is Jay Tarses, Jamie Tarses' father.
I love this show. I was worried all season that they weren't going to re-visit Stephanie and Kenny, so I was relieved when he said "I'll see you later" and then tried to dig himself out of it. I would have been happy with that, didn't need the kissing amongst the pink luggage.
@ninaruth- thanks, that explains a lot (and not just about the way he plays Jack Bristow but also about the nbc downfall in the late 90s)
It seemed like the actors themselves were having fun too, especially when Mike is trying to settle the bet at the end, which made me want to smile more. Stephanie and Kenny are definitely an "opposites attract" pairing, but yet their personalities mesh well.
I really liked the story of P.J. needing to find her love of baseball as a fan again in order to write the perfect column. I know when you're in a profession like that it's easy to get jaded and forget why you loved it so much in the first place.
Overall, just a sweet episode. And Mike gettings served at the end was icing on the cake. "Can I stop now?" "Have you struck anyone out yet?" Hee.
Perfect ending to a delightful "rebound" season. I've thoroughly enjoyed My Boys this year, and I sincerely hope it comes back.
My question is if anyone else thinks Brendan's realization about needing to date normal girls and not fear commitment will have him revisit his feelings for PJ?Ohh, great catch! That would certainly provide some good tension and intrigue within the group. I like it!
I thought it was a nice low-key ending to an overall enjoyable season. I really like what they did with the PJ/Bobby relationship, treating it as mostly secondary to the friendship stories, and sparing us any contrived drama.
With that in mind, I sincerely hope they will not introduce a love triangle with Brendan. I like he and PJ better as friends, and I choose to see the one instance (two seasons ago) where they kissed as a minor blip in their friendship, and not indicative of anything more to come.
I laughed the hardest at the other things Mike has claimed he can do (Be mayor, Land a jet plane, and find Bin Laden)
So when will any renewal decision be made, and what are its chances?
I kept thinking Mike was going to screw up big time by ruining Owen's chances at a big league career - conk him in the head, actually strike him out while the team brass was watching, cause an injury by making him swing for the fences all the time. Glad they didn't go that route, since the actor played him as such a decent, eager kid that it would have made for a downer of a finish.
I actually thought Brendan might take PJ's advice and go after Stephanie instead. (Although I think she falls into the crazy girl category.) Maybe it still might go that way and we'll have a triangle of Mike, Brendo and Stephanie.
Maybe he should get some advice from Barney Stinson on how to recognize Crazy Eyes....
Much better than last season, where they probably dragged on the romance bit - will they or not? - too much. This season, with all that settled, we could just sit back and enjoy them all hanging out, which really is the best thing about the show. I liked that we got to see PJ at her job again in this ep, and while I do like the pairing of Stephanie and Kenny (and a nice resolution to last season's one night stand) , that scene looked really awkward, like the actors didn't want to kiss each other, heh.
Too short of a season though, and I hope they'd get another season for sure!
your twitter account is suspended, i followed a link my brother got from you, looked like some video from russia. now i have spyware. what's up? (i hate spyware. i've never had a virus, but i had spyware once)
Thanks for putting me onto the show... Have caught up on seasons 2 and 3. Awaiting the arrival of season 1 from Amazon at the moment.
Thought the finale worked a treat. Wish there was an extra ep or so to come.
I was up till 4am but finally got the vius/spyware/malware off my laptop.
alas, I woke up at 10
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