Well... um... how about that Lane and Zach subplot, huh? ("Hit me! Hit me!") Clearly, that's what everyone's going to be talking about this morning, right? Right? Right. Sigh...
If it wasn't for last shot of the hour, I would think Rosenthal and company had just decided to hitch their wagons to Lorelai and Chris as a couple, all the Luke and Lorelai fans be damned. But that sure as hell looked like buyer's remorse on Lorelai's face, which more than likely means that this is the rock bottom of her relationship with the guy, the cold slap of reality she needed so she can spend the rest of the season getting out and finding a way back to Luke.
I think so, anyway. To be honest, I'm having a hard time getting worked up one way or the other, in part because Amy's last season completely desensitized me to any major out-of-character behavior, in part because, major plotting aside, I don't feel that engaged by the show anymore. It can be funny at times but not consistently enough, and the new writers haven't succeeded in fixing the emotional connections that Amy severed on her way out the door. So I'm ambivalent about almost everything that's happening.
What say the rest of you? Anyone feeling particularly homicidal this morning?
I think the fact that I missed it because I forgot it was on, and then when I remembered, wasn't the least bit disappointed pretty much says it all about how I feel about this show.
You said it when you commented that ASP (and there's some appropriate initials, huh?) had desensitized you to out of character behavior. I can't even get worked up about this appalling turn of events.
That ending REALLY annoyed me. Not because it was out of character, but because it's become too in character for Lorelai lately. Yes, we know she makes bad decisions. Sleeping with Chris last year was obviously one of them. But at least then she was acting out of hurt. Right now she's just acting like a selfish idiot. If she didn't want to marry Chris then she should have just said so. But this is now the 3rd time she'll have been married or engaged (Max, Luke, Chris) only to have it not work out. She's gone from loveably quirky (think early Ally McBeal) to an obvious head case (think late Ally McBeal.) At this point I find Lorelai so repellant as a character that I think both Luke and Chris deserve better.
On a semi-related note: I wanted Luke & Lorelai together as much as the next guy. But that storyline was so mishandled that the thought of watching them together again kind of makes my stomach turn. She and Chris have had great chemistry this season and it's been nice to see her happy for a change. It seems obvious the writers are going to have to make Chris into a big jerk or Lorelai completely miserable with him in order to bring her back to Luke. And at this point, neither of those storylines seems remotely organic.
If Luke and Lorelai was really the end game for this series then they should have either gotten them together and broken them up much earlier (think Friends) or delayed getting them together until the last season. The whole break-up, make-up thing in one season has pretty much killed the magic.
I completely agree, this season is not great.. The pop references are not there as much, and not even that funny..
I am a huge Luke and Lorelai fan, but Christopher has been so great lately, it will be interesting to see what she does to screw it up yet again!! Rory, needs to stop whining and get a game plan for the future and where is Paris Geller? She is not on screen enough to be annoyed by her. By the way is she with Doyle or what?
GG just continues to fall flat. No snappy banter, no quirky Stars Hollow-ness, flat flat flat Lorelei. Yawn.
And why have Lorelei marry Christopher? Aside from the whirlwind, rebound romance, of course Rory's going to be livid. It's just ridiculous.
And again, if it wasn't so very flat, maybe it would at least be interesting. There's no charm or wit or warmth.
'Makes me sad.
Just watched it, a day or two late.
Favorite moment: Zach being so excited that they weren't having conjoined twins. The episode went downhill from there.
Rory's interactions with her new friends are a little irritating. They talk too fast. It's like having two Parises around, only bubbly instead of grouchy.
As for the plot twist, what shocked me isn't that Lorelai did it -- she's always been bad at resisting Christopher's emotional manipulation -- but that she did it without Rory even knowing, let alone being there. Seemed like a "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" moment, except when she got home she realized it was real.
Lorelai's character seems to get more immature as she gets older.She's really starting to lose her charm. When I first started watching the GGs, I thought how cool it would have been to meet someone funny and quirky as her. Now she's turned into an unstable KOOK, well, not 100%, but she's out there...
Christopher is an accident on 95 waiting to happen.
I am feeling the same ambivalence about the series as Alan. The scene with Rory and her two dingy friends made me cringe. I don't miss Logan at all, the couple have no chemistry. And the whole situation with Lorelai and Christopher is so predictable - they show Luke as a really down to earth guy and Christopher as a rich nerd who tried hard but doesn't really click with Lorelai. Richard and Emily have also lost some of their comic pizazz.
Christopher was indeed alsways presented as THE ONE who cliked with Lorelai but couldn't live with her for other reasons, while Luke always couldn't fill the gap between Lorelai and Christopher, which has been a major theme since the beginning of the show.
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