And so "Freaks and Geeks" came to an end on NBC, not with a bang but a major bummer. "Chokin' and Tokin'," one of the series' best episodes, was also the last one to air before NBC suits canceled the show, replacing it with another installment of "Dateline." Judd Apatow was in rare form that day, posting the following rant on the now-defunct FreaksandGeeks.com:
This has been a terrible day. It is always painful dealing with a network (HBO excluded. They are great). They have no interest in quality. They have no patience. They have no job security. This is a recipe for disaster. So now they will bring 'Dateline' back to the air. News magazine shows are truly evil. They pretend to be news, but they are 100 percent tabloid garbage. They prey on people's pain and turn it into cash for their mega-corp masters.Sorry. I like rants, and Judd has a gift for them. The remaining five episodes (plus the long-shelved "Kim Kelly Is My Friend") would air out of order over the next six months, some on NBC, some on Fox Family, and eventually all 18 episodes would be put back in order for one of the greatest TV on DVD box sets ever made -- a distinction earned by both the episodes themselves and the bonus content. (And as great as the regular version is, I weep over my decision to cheap out and not order the deluxe yearbook version; if I don't regret that choice as much as my dad regretted never putting a pool in our backyard, it's close.)
How much money did NBC make exploiting the Columbine children? Did we need to see all of those images, day after day for months? Must they interview every kid who has ever murdered their parents or classmates? They say it is news. It isn't news, it's greed. What do we learn from those reports? These shows are glorified versions of the old movie 'Faces of Death.' They will talk about anything if they think people will watch it. It desensitizes everyone who watches it. It makes us feel like the world is a scarier place than it actually is . . .
The film 'Network' has come true. I am just glad that we were able to sneak something decent on, that was from our hearts, before they killed us. Think about this-they haven't aired six episodes. That costs them millions of dollars. How much do they resent our show to take that hit? What are the real politics of this decision? Maybe at the highest level of NBC or GE there is someone we do not even know, and he doesn't relate to the geeks. He relates to the bullies. I would guess our show doesn't touch his heart; it reminds him of his deepest pain-his flaws. Either that or he sees a number and doesn't care what it is- if it's not making my stockholders money today, get it off. God forbid they showed anything they were proud of.
Oh, I'm sorry, they do - it's called 'Daddio.'
And, as I said above, "Chokin' and Tokin'" was one of the best hours Apatow and company ever put together. It's a Drugs Are Bad, MMMkay? episode that feels honest, not hysterical. It's a spotlight on Lindsay and Bill that turns out to really be a spotlight on Millie and Alan. It has some of the series' funniest moments (Sam and Nick taking advantage of Bill's situation, Lindsay being terrified of her babysitting charge) and some of its most poignant (Sam and Neal's joking about ghosts turning serious, Millie acknowledging the truth of her friendship with Lindsay). It represents everything that was good and decent and brilliant about this show, and it's particularly galling that the ax fell right after it aired. (The problem, of course, is that there were no bad episodes.)
Feig and Apatow have both suggested that some NBC executive must have watched the episode with his family and been so put off by the drug content that he ordered the cancellation. While I generally have a low opinion of that NBC regime, I feel I have to give them more credit than that, if only because "Chokin' and Tokin'" comes down so hard against the use of even a low-level drug like pot that only a complete moron could view the episode as in any way pro-drug. (Then again, to steal Judd's joke, these were the people who greenlit "Daddio"...)
And so, nearly 800 words later (in fairness, 300 words are Judd's), we get to the actual recap.
Deep in the heart of freak country, there's a marijuana drought, and Nick's not dealing well with it at all. Daniel still has enough self-control that, when Nick demands to know what they're going to do with no pot, Daniel calmly suggests, "Not be stoned?" (Daniel's so disturbed at seeing Nick turn into a pot fiend that he tries to throw out his own emergency stash, but while he and Ken are arguing over the bag, Mr. Rosso interrupts and decides to make the two of them his new Just Say No project.)
Five days into a marijuana-free lifestyle, Nick is clear-eyed and alert enough to briefly seem appealing to Lindsay again -- or, at least, enough that she wants to encourage her friend to stay clean -- and she invites him to cut class with her and show off his old basketball moves. (In one of the best DVD extras of all, put the Apatow/Starr/Daley commentary on as they watch an outtake of Jason Segel -- who had boasted that he would hit every shot -- going 1 for 12 from the field, with a layup his only basket. The commenters have a lot of fun with this.) But this clean and sober Nick lasts only as long as it takes for the new marijuana crop to come in, and when pot dealer Mark shows up with some killer hydroponic stuff, Nick's off to blaze up, and invites Lindsay to join him. Sensing her reluctance, he says that marijuana is natural; she replies that so is dog crap, "and we don't smoke that."
Nick finally packs her bags for a guilt trip, and Lindsay finds herself high and bored out of her mind in Nick's basement as he eats chips and listens to "Fat Bottomed Girls." (He's all psyched to imitate a specific drum roll, but he's so high that he misses it.) Lindsay complains that this isn't fun, that Nick is so much cooler when he's not high, and that it's sad that all Nick's done for the last five days is wait for this moment. Feeling wounded again by the girl of his dreams, Nick compares Lindsay to her father, says he's not addicted, and to prove it hands her his entire stash to do with as she pleases.
Lindsay is nothing if not easily manipulated, and in a funny little montage scored to Blood, Sweat & Tear's "Hi-De-Ho," struggles to roll her own with the donated pot. Where her first time smoking didn't have much affect at all, this one sparks a very bad reaction -- made worse when an oblivious Harold reminds her that she committed to babysitting little Ronnie Johnson down the street.
Suffering a major paranoid freak-out, Linday turns to the only person who can help her: Millie, who at first guesses that Lindsay's big problem is a lost textbook before realizing the truth.
"You're high!" she tells Lindsay, shocked. "You're on the pot!" (She then explains that she can recognize stoned behavior because she once went to a Seals & Croft concert.) Millie's beyond disappointed with Lindsay -- though not as much as Lindsay is with herself -- and agrees to tag along to make sure Ronnie survives the babysitting experience. Ronnie's parents, no doubt eager to get out of the house for the evening, don't even notice how bleary-eyed and frightened Lindsay looks as they rattle off the standard instructions. (As the parent of a young'un, I've been there.)
The entire episode is a great comic showcase for Linda Cardellini , who more often than not through the series has to play straight woman to the freaks, as she gets to play even more against type than in "Looks and Books." The absolute highlight is a sequence, scored to "Little Green Bag," where Lindsay -- who's a nerd even when she's stoned -- takes out an encyclopedia for guidance on how long her bad high might last. Just as she's getting somewhere with the text, Ronnie barges in to play Tag with her. Lindsay panics and says she's not playing, and when Ronnie gets upset and calls her a cheater, she yells, "No, I'm not cheating! Just give me some space, man!" Millie, as usual, saves the day, explaining gravely that she is the one who is it, and that she'll put Ronnie to bed, then take care of Lindsay.

In the aftermath a few hours later, Lindsay's finally coming down from her high (but still has the munchies, as she binges on sugar cereal) and says that she wants to be best friends with Millie again like in the old days. Millie's naive in many ways, but she's not dumb and knows how this story is going to end. She feels sorry for Lindsay, she says, "Because tomorrow, when you're not loaded anymore, you're not going to believe in God, and you're not going to want to be my friend anymore."
It's a superb all-around episode for Sarah Hagan and Millie, but the stuff about God is the best part. With a lesser actress, Millie could come off as really harsh and judgmental -- Millie is, in fact, judging Lindsay for her lack of faith -- but Hagan finds the kindness inside that dialogue. Yes, Millie's disappointed that Lindsay doesn't believe in God the way she used to, that Lindsay doesn't want to hang out with her that much anymore, and that Lindsay got high on the day she was supposed to be babysitting, but it's a resigned, loving kind of disappointment, not condemnation. She wishes she still had the old Lindsay around, but she'll still be her friend when requested/needed, not because she's a doormat, but because she's a good person and that's what good people do. (It's also an appropriate subject since we know Lindsay went from geek to freak after her grandmother's death turned her into an atheist.) It's a really nuanced, generous view of true believers, the kind that some other TV writers (oh, I don't know, Sorkin) could really stand to learn from.

In fact, the worst reaction to a foreign substance that anyone has in the episode is Bill's dangerous peanut allergy, which nearly kills him after Alan slips some nuts in Bill's sandwich as a prank, believing Bill to be full of baloney about the allergy.

There's tension every now and then among the geeks about which one is the geekiest, but this subplot is probably the roughest their internal squabbling ever gets, and of course Bill is the target. Unlike Neal, who thinks he's much smarter and more worldly than he actually is, or the desperate-for-approval Sam, Bill is perfectly secure in the knowledge of who he is and his place in the world. In that way, he's a kindred spirit to Millie, though I think he's more aware of what the rest of the world thinks of him than she is; he just doesn't care. Neither of them have much in the way of guile or pretension -- what you see is what you get -- and in turn they're the most generous, sincere and non-judgmental characters on the show. They might embarrass you from time to time if they're your friend -- assuming you care, as most teenagers do, about other people's perceptions -- but they'll be truer and nicer than any other.
(And yet, when I mentioned this parallel to my wife and she said, "They should have gotten together," I immediately declared it a terrible match. Somehow, I can't see Millie and Bill watching "Welcome Back, Kotter" together.)
I've talked a lot in previous recaps about Martin Starr the comic genius, but he's just as good at the serious moments, the little bits where Bill's honesty can be completely devastating, like his delivery of the line in "The Garage Door" about how his dad called him three months ago. We'll see a lot more of that in the next episode, "Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers" (also -- perhaps not coincidentally -- another Millie showcase), and we see it here in the moment when he realizes there's peanut in his sandwich. Alan laughs and gloats and sarcastically asks if they should call an ambulance; Bill, very quietly, says, "Yeah," and the next thing we see is him on a gurney as paramedics, Miss Foote and Kowchevski rush him to the ambulance.
Sam and Neal immediately take up a hospital vigil and feel guilty about how they'd been treating their friend. Their conversations are always walking the knife edge between comedy and tragedy. When Bill's mom, Gloria Haverchuck shows up, Neal asks if Bill's still alive, Sam worries that he's going to die, and when Mrs. Haverchuck is gone the two have an argument over semantics. (Neal insists his question was optimistic: "'Alive' is good. 'Die' is bad. Trust me on this. My dad's a dentist.") They try to cheer themselves up by imagining a dead Bill as Casper the friendly ghost, visible only to them, still hanging out and being goofy, but when Sam sees Mrs. Haverchuck crying in Jean's arms, the mood's ruined, as Sam notes, "It would just be dead and gone forever."

It's a sweet, character-redeeming moment, and yet I felt then and still feel now like Alan's closeted geekiness was a bit of a writers' fantasy: "You see, that bully who was always demeaning me really wished he could be just like me!" I let it go, though, because it leads to two great moments later in the episode. First, Bill wakes up, and after getting the requisite hugs and tears from his mom and friends, Alan comes in for another apology, and Bill says he heard everything Alan said the first time and invites him to go to the convention with them. Alan immediately reverts to type -- "I don't want to hang with you losers!" he says in mock indignation -- but Bill notes that George Takei will be there, and if Alan wants to come, he just has to meet them at Sam's house at 10 a.m. on Saturday. (Bill is so forgiving that he invites the kid who almost killed him to be his friend!)

Again, I don't completely buy Alan's deep dark secret, but at the same time I appreciate the injection of some harsh reality at the end. Even if Alan really does torment the geeks because he's jealous of them, it's now been going on so long -- with Alan acquiring an entire bully posse along the way -- that he'd be in no man's land if he tried to switch teams. Still, it would have been interesting, had the show continued (sigh...) to see how Alan treated the geeks going forward. (He pops up briefly in the next episode and seems excited about the prospect of Bill getting in trouble for something, but doesn't do anything directly egregious towards Bill or the others.)
God, what a good episode. I want to go back and watch it again, except I have other work to do, and five more recaps to write. And given that the next episode is also heavy on Bill and Millie, I can expand on my fanboyishness there.
Some other thoughts on "Chokin' and Tokin'":
Claudia Christian (herself something of a geek icon for her time on "Babylon 5") makes the first of two appearances as Bill's hot ex-stripper mom. In her biggest scene here, she confesses to Jean that she blames herself for Bill's allergies, since she drank and did drugs, and Jean makes her feel better by admitting that she dropped Sam's head on a brick patio when he was four months old. (Side note: Jean talks about how they know much more about pre-natal nutrition now than they did when they were pregnant, and of course today moms are even more health-conscious than ever, and yet the kind of nut allergy that was rare in 1980 is becoming increasingly common. My daughter's been in a bunch of different pre-schools and other group activites, and in every one we have to check all her snacks for peanut products -- or even to see if they were made in a factory that also has peanuts -- to avoid endangering one of her friends. It's crazy.)
- Alexander Gould, who played little Ronnie Johnson, would go on to be the voice of the title character on "Finding Nemo" and now stars, appropriately enough, as Mary-Louise Parker's son Shane on "Weeds."
- There's a funny scene where Maureen and Vicki show up at the hospital to comfort Sam and Neal, but the affection doesn't last very long. Neal's already back on the outs with Vicki the next time she appears, in "Smooching and Mooching," and there's a deleted scene here where the guys ask the girls to go with them to Goofy Golf. Their spirits soar when the girls agree, then sink when the girls quickly expand the double-date into a group outing featuring Cindy, Todd and all the other jocks and cheerleaders. Bill arguably gets more real lovin' out of the whole thing, as a worshipful Miss Foote shows up to sit at his bedside after he comes out of the coma.
- Sam Weir, champion of all things funny (and only funny things): last week, he explained he wouldn't see "Ordinary People" because it wasn't a comedy, and when Harold asks him here to name his favorite "Charlie's Angels" character, he picks Bosley. (Though, between the Bosley love and Sam's appreciation for Joe Piscopo's Paulie Herman character, I'm starting to wonder if his sense of humor is a bit too forgiving.)
- "I'm With the Band" established that the freaks bought their pot from their band's bass player Shaun, but here Nick's buying from Mark, the frizzy-haired blonde kid who was so excited to be eliminated in dodgeball back in the pilot.
- Speaking of Seals & Croft, am I the only one incapable of hearing the group's name and immediately flashing to this "Simpsons" scene?
What did everybody else think?
I believed the Alan secret, Alan. Those writers were too sharp to indulge in something untruthful, and I cried over Alan's stupid, unnecessary isolation.
I cried for Alan, but also for every time I refused to be true to myself back when I was a dumb kid. Indeed, one of the best things about Freaks and Geeks was how effectively it could provide a mirror to any adult viewer's own adolesence. Did it work that way for younger viewers, too?
And, let me guess, Undeclared was canceled by some evil Fox executive who must have picked his major at orientation.
I loved Freaks & Geeks, but that rant was a little ridiculous. The show was a ratings loser. The only reason it lasted as long as it did was because the execs were clearly fans and appreciated its quality. But television IS a business and they were lucky NBC let the show go on as long as it did.
While agree that Apatow's rant is over the top (nothing new for him), the show was treated so poorly by NBC (lack of promotion, changing nights, taking it off the air for periods of time, etc.) that it is disingenuous to pretend that the execs at NBC loved it and kept it around out of respect.
I have to take rare exception to Alan's opinion on this episode. While you are spot on about Millie, how the writers treat her and Sarah Hagan's miraculous performance, I always find this episode a little to obvious and over the top. Lindsay's is much too high for how much she smokes (you see her throw the majority of the joint out the window when Harold comes in the room) and the peanut stuff is a little too afternoon special for me (although the Sam and Neal's ghost conversation and Bill and Sam's moms' conversation won't be found in any afternoon special). I also seem to remember there being an anti-drug TV thing going around at the time this aired, so it felt like the show was trying to fit in.
I have a fault with your penultimate bullet point.
In high school and college, there's not really dealer-loyalty. If one guy consistently has good pot and decent prices and relatively safe to buy from, you'll more than likely buy from him a lot. But there's hardly a steadfast rule about buying from one dealer; especially if there is a drought just like the show depicted.
Minor point and I realize this comment is fairly ridiculous but just wanted to say something.
Re: Judd's rant and NBC, I've said before that there was almost no way Freaks & Geeks was going to be a mainstream hit even with the perfect treatment. But NBC certainly didn't help matters with the worst treatment imaginable, including the Saturday timeslot, shelving "Kim Kelly Is My Friend," bad and/or minimal promotion, etc.
Lindsay's is much too high for how much she smokes (you see her throw the majority of the joint out the window when Harold comes in the room)
A couple of points. First, Lindsay had already smoked earlier in the afternoon with Nick, and we don't know know how many joints she smoked on her own. (She had a pretty big bag of weed, even after she wasted some trying to roll that initial joint.) Second, I think some of her reaction is psychosomatic, Lindsay the good girl panicking at the thought of babysitting while high.
I have a fault with your penultimate bullet point.
In high school and college, there's not really dealer-loyalty.
Absolutely. I wasn't so much picking nits as keeping track of minutiae. (Plus, Shaun hadn't appeared on the show in quite a while, while Mark was a figure in the background for most of the season; I imagine it became easier to use him as a dealer.)
I think some of her reaction is psychosomatic, Lindsay the good girl panicking at the thought of babysitting while high.
I think you're right and the writers would agree -- Lindsay is not as high as she thinks she is, but she's never smoked pot and her experience is shaped by what she *thinks* it's like to be high. Notice how much worse Lindsay gets after she reads the encyclopedia and learns about the symptoms of being stoned! (The encyclopedia was such a great touch.) It's kind of like the non-alcoholic beer in "Beers and Weirs."
I love this episode too, Alan. Call me a sucker but I totally bought the bully's confession. Unlike the jocks, who just torment the geeks when it's convenient, Alan goes out of his way to make their lives miserable. That becomes more understandable when we realize Alan is taking revenge because the geeks used to exclude him.
Paraphrasing what may be my entire line in the series: "You know why this is so good? It was made by food scientists."
I agree, Alan, of course Bill and Millie wouldn't be good together. Bill's a geek and Millie's a nerd.
As has been discussed (I think on this blog site), being a geek doesn't necessarily mean that you are great in school (the hallmark of being a nerd). It just means that you take interest in things (like Star Wars, Kotter, ventriloquism) that are outside the norm of what most people in your same age group and social strata enjoy.
Alan: I'm sooo sad you don't own the yearbook edition! I was just looking through it last week and it's a lot of fun.
I also love this episode. I love when Millie is talking to Mark at the end of the opening teaser and says, "YOU know what!"
Alan: thank you for finally giving me the answer to how I've seen that Ronnie kid all grown up on Weeds!
Alan: was Leslie Mann married to Apatow when she did F & G?
Aidan: I love that line, too! Also, like the one that goes (?) "pillows stuffed with his hair...so fluffy." I think this is when Millie and Lindsay are talking about...man, my brain just left me...I can't remember which "groovy" celebrity they were mooning over! Anyone remember?
I also believed in the Alan secret. I love that Bill actually overheard him, but was still cool. That's Bill.
I've started using "Haverchuck" as a verb to describe myself in certain cwazy situations lately!
I'm going to miss this show all over again....
Alan: I'm sooo sad you don't own the yearbook edition! I was just looking through it last week and it's a lot of fun.
The worst part is, a good friend has it, and he (wisely) won't loan it out to anyone, so if I want to see it I have to go to his house and study the pictures there. Hmmm...
[checks eBay]
...someone's selling their yearbook edition right now. Bidding's at $110 with 19 hours to go. Any guesses on what it'll wind up at?
was Leslie Mann married to Apatow when she did F & G?
They were definitely together at the time, as they met years earlier on "The Cable Guy." Don't know the exact wedding date off-hand.
$110 is already pretty high. Without knowing how many bidders and bids, I'll go with $165. Went with the first 3 numbers that popped into my head....
Alan, I can see why your friend has such strict rules. I'd never loan mine out....
Jennifer J.: "I can't remember which "groovy" celebrity [Lindsay and Millie] were mooning over! Anyone remember?"
Mac Davis.
I love this episode--Millie's shining moment in the series is probably "Arise, Doggy, arise!"--but have to agree with Alan that fictional Alan's turnaround doesn't quite smack true. Yet I do buy Daniel's conversion to geek culture, so who knows?
just think how excited a grown-up sam would have been to see bill murray playing bosley!
Yet I do buy Daniel's conversion to geek culture, so who knows?
We'll talk more about that when we get to the finale, but the difference is that Daniel had been established in several previous episodes (notably "Looks and Books" and "Noshing and Moshing") as someone interested in trying on new personas because he was deeply unhappy with his current one.
Glad to see, though, that I'm not the only one just a little too cynical to believe Alan's really a geek. (Or maybe I'm just too bitter to grant that much depth to someone who reminds me of bullies I once knew, I dunno.)
just think how excited a grown-up sam would have been to see bill murray playing bosley!
Heh. Didn't even make that connection at all. And yet I'm not sure how psyched middle-aged Sam would be. I just got done watching "Smooching and Mooching," and there's a scene where the geeks debate where "The Jerk" belongs in the comedy pantheon, and Sam goes off at length about how uneven both "Caddyshack" and "Stripes" are. Sounds like he was already outgrowing his Murray hero worship.
Well, in real time, Sam would be about 41 today. I would imagine he'd use the Stripes extended cut that came out a couple years ago as a coaster.
At least I do...
Anyone know where one could pick up this series for cheap?
"cheap" in this case is relative. As people discussed one or two episode posts ago, the set is pretty expensive because they had to pay for all the music rights, rather than release a bastardized set. Half.com, for instance, is selling it for $47 and up (which is one-third off the retail price). You can poke around, but you're probably not going to find drastically lower than that.
Good stuff--thanks very much sir.
Okay, as a very-picked-on-by-bullies geek, I think I can explain the Alan transformation.
There are essentially two kinds of bullies.
1) The really big guys or emotionally insane who use their size to pick on people a lot smaller and physically vulnerable then they are. Someone like the really big kid in the beginning of the series who picks Sam up against his will for a cheap laugh or the girl that Rashida Jones plays. These are bullies who don't necessarilly even know their targets except that they are there and are capable of being bullied. I had plenty of these people in my adolescent life: run of the mill assholes who just liked to shove a kid into a locker because they were smaller then them.
2) The really personal bully who finds a reason to specifically target a person or a group of people. This reason is usually out of feeling burned by the bullied at some point in time, usually over something incredibly petty. I had a few of these people in my life. The most prominent was Jason, who was my best friend in grade school. But I started to make other friends and he became jealous and then for the next 5 years messed with my constantly.
The Alan/Bill relationship hit pretty close to home for me.
a fair point, but one never really outgrows bill murray.
I have to preface my comments by stating that I was a massive stoner for several years, and quit because pot had an extremely negative effect on my life. However, I'm still irritated by the over-the-top anti-pot stance of thisn show. I do appreciate the exploration of Nick's having problems due to pot, to the point where he can't have two things he really loves --basketball and Lindsay -- because of it. So sad where he acknowledges he won't have a relationship with her because of pot, but doesn't for a moment consider giving it up. Also interesting that the one time he stands up to Lindsay, it's over pot--and she responds to it.
Despite that aspect of the show, I find Lindsay's response to getting high ridiculous (although she actually looks kind of high), and as hysterically funny as the burn-out Frank is, it's all just too preachy and judgmental for me.
"It's a sweet, character-redeeming moment, and yet I felt then and still feel now like Alan's closeted geekiness was a bit of a writers' fantasy:"
I think this was somewhat set up in "The Diary", where Alan was jumping and showing off just cause he got picked before the geeks.
He may not be totally geek-material, but he still isn't popular by any other standard either. The blonde captain who choose him do so hesitantly aswell, and seems like he view Alan and the geeks as part of the same group.
I can't resist posting this...as someone with a severe peanut allergy, that moment when Bill realizes he just ate a peanut ("It's crunchy...like peanut crunchy") captures the terrible and terrifying feeling I know so well.
Since I'm 32, I grew up in the days before the peanut allergy explosion, and even though kids did offer bites of their PB&J sandwiches as a joke (which I never found funny), I was never slipped one, but if I had went to bigger schools, I could definitely see how that could happen.
Going through the show, a LOT of the stories ring so true, but I couldn't help feeling a slight swelling in the back of my throat and panicky, sweaty palms as I watched Bill's face in that scene. Awesome acting and writing!!!
Another one of my favorite F&G episodes. I actually bought Alan's confession, because already from the pilot onward, you can see that Alan's bullying isn't just some silly/immature thing he does for the heck of it. He's genuinely disgusted with the geeks, and the geeks (like most kids and teenagers being teased in such a manner) are too unaware and self-absorbed to really understand why. Plus, Alan is never shown as being one of the jocks or popular kids. He's really (as you point out in a later recap) a geek/outcast himself, just of a different shade than Sam, Neal and Bill.
I like the Lindsay/Millie subplot, because it gives an appropriately anti-drug message while still being perfectly honest about the effects of marijuana. As you point out, you never see Lindsay acting too hysterical, there's no DUI car crash, etc. It's just a straight-up demonstration of why marijuana isn't exactly the golden key to the door of success. I also like how Millie is fleshed out even further and shown to not be a female version of Ned Flanders, but a very kind and sincere person who genuinely cares about Lindsay but isn't without her more lighthearted side (which will be showcased even further in the next episode).
On a sidenote, I too am glad Millie and Bill were never paired. Even though they may be the two nicest main characters on the show, they'd ultimately make a terrible match, because they have so little in common (again, this isn't your average teen or twenty-something comedy - the writers of F&G know that, in real life, simply being "nice" doesn't necessarily make two people romantically compatible).
I agree with Jonas. Alan is a great character because, when all is said and done, he's really just a step above the geeks in terms of "coolness." He's certainly not popular by any stretch of the imagination. And, from the pilot onward, you can see that he's genuinely angry and disgusted with the geeks and probably isn't just bullying them for the heck of it (unlike those faceless jocks who randomly pushed Sam around in Discos And Dragons).
It basically reminds me of how, when I was in grade school, the kids who actively bullied me were usually outcasts themselves in some way. For example, in Junior High, the kid who bullied me most physically suffered from Dwarfism and was made fun of a lot for it.
If anything, Alan is further down the ladder than the geeks. Bullies (serial bullies that is) are the most unpopular people of note in high school.
And I love Judd's fuming over Daddio. Where's that show now?
Anachronism alert: The album Lindsay is making a joint on is "Ghost in the Machine" by the Police, which wouldn't come out for another seven months.
There are a few of these types of things scattered throughout the show.
Another reason why I bought Alan's closet geekdom is because it implied that Alan's bullying of the geeks was because they did something to hurt him in the past. A lesser show would've gotten all after school specially with Alan's bullying and told is it was because he "came from a troubled home and family, and he was simply picking on the geeks as a way to cover up his insecurity about it." Freaks And Geeks, however, bravely points out that sometimes, when you're being bullied, it IS indeed because of something you did to hurt the bully. Probably something really petty, but something nonetheless.
Alan wasn't really a serial bully, I don't think. We only really see him pick on the geeks during the show, which brings me to one of the few inconsistencies I've noticed when watching the entire series in sequential order: In the pilot, it's suggested that Sam is the only geek Alan really has a problem with (he even tells one of the other geeks to stay out of his affairs with Sam). Yet, afterwards, it's implied that he has a problem with all three of the geeks. And then this episode explains why. It's definitely not the worst continuity error I've ever seen on a show. But it's a little jarring nonetheless.
Rewatching Freak and Geeks and love the recaps! Is it just me or does it seem like Lindsay and Nick are supposed to still be going out in this episode? At the beginning they had plans to go to Denny's for lunch. Then they're hanging out all the time when Nick is sober (and there's no tension between them as in the last few episodes). Then Lindsay even agrees to try smoking pot for the first time with him. Could this be an episode chronology thing?
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