Usual ground rules apply: ask/comment on anything, so long as you follow the commenting rules -- in particular, be really vague about spoilers for anything, including shows I don't usually write about -- and I'll try to answer as many as I can for the next 12 hours or so. You may want to skim the previous open threads (click on the tag below) to make sure I haven't already been asked something; I'm not going to answer repeaters.
Also, for those wondering, the photo and subject line are from "Police Academy 2," and came up when, during a discussion of the "Lost" episode "Jughead," I asked if anyone could help me remember what '80s movie or TV show featured an undercover cop posing as a tough guy named Jughead. Several commenters helped scratch that particular itch, and it's in response to moments like that that I try to do this Q&A posts every now and then.
UPDATE: Wrapping it up for this week. We'll try this again soon.
Any plans to do the video mailbags a la Miss Mo Ryan and her cubicle?
Not at present.
Are you still planning on doing reviews for the middle seasons of The Wire?
I moved on to re-watch Season 2, and it's not nearly as fun without your reviews to follow along with.
Hey, I just have one question, for BSG fans. As I asked before, why couldn't Starbucks recognize her own father?
were you a fan of the show farscape?
how come the shows farscape and battlestar only got 4 seasons on the scifi chan, whereas stargate, a much lesser show imo, got a much longer run, as well as a spinoff? production costs?
Are you still planning on doing reviews for the middle seasons of The Wire?
As I've said, I hope to do season two this summer, along with some or all of "Sports Night."
were you a fan of the show farscape?
Watched a handful of episodes, but never got into it.
From Jan:
I'm not sure how I feel about "Dollhouse" yet, but I have to say the "back in 60 seconds" or "back in 90 seconds" is a brilliant idea. Knowing that the commercial break is going to be so short (relatively speaking), I'm much more likely to sit through the commercials. When they're 3+ minutes long, I fast forward. Now if only the advertisers could catch on!
Hey, Alan, did you see the pilot for NBC's 'Kings'? If you did, is it any good?
alan, have you kindly addressed the reason behind LOST being a repeat this evening? what the h-e-double hockey sticks?
also - i've always wondered: what do you think of... "reporters" like the guy from entertainment weekly who's main occupation seems to be spoiling shows for everyone? do you have any respect for it? i mean, he's not a critic, he's a self-promoter; that seems to be his only function. and i realize he (and others of his ilk) have risen in the wake of the information explosion, but... anyone else cherish the time when tv shows and movies could surprise you?
frankly, i hate it as a viewer - but i was wondering how you viewed it as a critic since (i assume) most critics respect the art they cover enough to not want to spoil things (a group that very obviously includes you).
Alan, any word on the street regarding Jeff Goldblum and L&O:CI? Curious if he's going to play it straight or become yet another quirky cop with a dark secret.
Wondering if there are others with 10+ episodes of some classic show they are rediscovering and enjoying--seems to be a particular phenomenon of channel options plus DVR space. There's a "retro channel" here that has "Adam-12" everyday at 5 and I faithfully record it. Probably have 15 episodes to get through at any one time, but whenever I need a 22-minute dose of nostalgia, there it is. Others?
This has been driving me insane since the beginning of "24" this season, and I haven't heard anyone else mention it-
Why has no one mentioned Chris Whitley? In "Redemption," he was the one who found the secret computer files and was killed because of it. I get that maybe no one found his body because he was buried in cement, but there hasn't even been a mention of this. Everyone now is acting like it was Roger Taylor who this happened to. Samantha Roth even said something at one point about how she konws Roger didn't kill himself because nothing had happened that would trigger it- no mention of his friend acting sketchy or dying/going missing.
Are we supposed to forget that Chris Whitley existed and go with the Roger Taylor thing, or do you think that's going to come back at some point?
I think the first episodes of this '24' season were shot before '24: Redemption', so that may answer your question.
Alan, I'm seeing Ausielo linked everywhere today with his bit about a pending FNL pickup. Have you heard anything similar, or can in anyway coroborate that story? I want to be hopeful...
Sports Night: love Rydell+Casey, Jeremy+Natalie, Isaac. But Filliam H. Muffman is really 'off da hook', Michael Steele-style. Hope that's not interpreted as being political.
Question: If it was remade, the sports show would have to be for football season 100% football college and pro. Or basketball season 100% basketball. What show would cover marathons and cricket? (Ya, it's exactly like Bill Simmon's movie remake comments.)
I watched Castle last night. It seems to be ok, probably not blog worthy, I was just wondering if anybody else had seen it, too, and liked it.
Also, Alan, are you going to write anything about Better off Ted when it airs? Have you seen it yet?
I think you're right, but I don't know why they would have written Chris Whitley into Redemption at all, then.
Hey, Alan, did you see the pilot for NBC's 'Kings'? If you did, is it any good?
I've seen three "Kings" (as opposed to "Three Kings"), and am writing my review today. I like it, I think. Not sure how much of a future it'll have, but I'm interested in it.
also - i've always wondered: what do you think of... "reporters" like the guy from entertainment weekly who's main occupation seems to be spoiling shows for everyone?
Ausiello and I get along (other than the epic microphone battle we had one year at press tour), but we have opposite philosophies when it comes to spoilers. He's built a career on them, while I've worked so hard to avoid them and prevent other people from seeing them that I nearly got fired from The Star-Ledger when I refused to write an article spoiling the "Seinfeld" finale before it aired.
I recognize that there's an appetite for that stuff, and that Ausiello and Kristin do traffic that put mine to shame. But I like the idea of finding out what happens by actually seeing it in context on the show. And it's frustrating when their "scoops" migrate from their own sites (where people who want to know that stuff can find it) to other sites (where people who don't want to know can get ambushed).
Alan, any word on the street regarding Jeff Goldblum and L&O:CI? Curious if he's going to play it straight or become yet another quirky cop with a dark secret.
Haven't seen it, but I don't think you hire Goldblum to play things straight. At the same time, I think they want him to be a contrast to D'Onofrio, so I'm guessing his character will be quirky but less dark.
Hey Alan,
I know you sometimes hear about NYPD Blue related stuff and I'm wondering if Fox has any plans to release any more season sets on DVD in the future? If not, does anyone know where one can catch uncut episodes?
Also, I know this comes up time and again, but any chance we'll ever get a proper ending to Deadwood?
Alan, I'm seeing Ausielo linked everywhere today with his bit about a pending FNL pickup. Have you heard anything similar, or can in anyway coroborate that story? I want to be hopeful...
All I know is what Michael wrote. And this is another point I wanted to make in response to the previous question about him: Ausiello doesn't just do spoilers. He will sometimes break news that has nothing to do with plot, or get instant reaction from people like Brooke Smith after they get canned from "Grey's Anatomy," etc.
Any thoughts on the Big Love controversy that made the news this week?
I know you sometimes hear about NYPD Blue related stuff and I'm wondering if Fox has any plans to release any more season sets on DVD in the future?
I know nothing, and am assuming Fox has given up the ghost on the series after the first four sets sold poorly.
Also, I know this comes up time and again, but any chance we'll ever get a proper ending to Deadwood?
I watched Castle last night. It seems to be ok . . .
I just couldn't do it. I liked Fillion in Firefly, but from the ads, it seems like he was laying on the charm too thickly in that pleased, self congratulatory manner. Plus, Alan pointed out in his review/preview that the quirky investigator with the skeptical sidekick has been done and is still being done. Make mine Mulder/Scully.
Alan, have you thought about doing a podcast? Discussing your favorite shows and movies every week (or month)?
Jenn -
I think the final Jon Voight scene in Redemption had him being all ominous about keeping an eye on the President's son. I took that as meaning Voight had him killed between Redemption and Day 7. And since Chris Whitney was established as being pretty sketchy/unreliable, I assumed that the financee thought he was on drugs again or had just been scamming them, if she thought about him at all.
That's a lot of assumptions, but I've made bigger leaps of logic with 24 ; )
Great response to the difference between you and Ausiello. I follow both of you, and you are right you both do very different things and have different philosophies. I go to him for breaking news/interviews and some spoilers, but I come to you for criticism.
My question is a general question surrounding will-they-won't-they relationships built upon sexual tension. It seems whenever someone makes the claim having a couple on tv sleep together (insert couple here) the argument is immediately against and the reason? Moonlighting.
My question is do you think the moonlighting curse exists or is a self-fulfilling prophecy? I believe if the characters are strong and the tension between them isn't just sexual, a show can survive a coupling. It doesn't have to be death for the show. I just think shows have become much more sophisticated since the '80s, and should be able to move beyond them.
Alan, I've always been curious. Do you ever watch any documentary type shows on cable?
My question is do you think the moonlighting curse exists or is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
I think it's a complete and total fallacy. "Moonlighting" didn't fail because Dave and Maddie got together. "Moonlighting" failed because by the time they got together, everyone had lost interest in the show.
Too many shows have ruined themselves creatively by being afraid of putting their main couple together -- "Ed" is a prime example of this, where there was no reason for them to not be together except external producer angst -- when shows like "Cheers" and "The Office" have shown pretty concretely that there's often even more comic/romantic mileage to be had after the sexual tension gets resolved.
Two from me:
1. Are there many shows (past or current) that you've bought DVD boxsets for? Review copies don't count.
2. Do you have any opinion on 'The Unit'?
Keep up the great work!
Do you ever watch any documentary type shows on cable?
Not very often. I'm much more of a fiction guy.
2. Do you have any opinion on 'The Unit'?
Before anyone asks a similar question, I strongly advise you to first go to the search box at the top of the main blog page, punch in the name of the show in quotes, and see what comes up. (And you can also use the show title tags at the bottom of the appropriate posts to find even more.) I've written about "The Unit" from time to time, and you can find a number of posts on it pretty easily.
How do you think the writers have handled the Barney/Robin storyline this season? While NPH has been top notch, I might have preferred what you guessed way back at "Sandcastles" -- lots of sex between bros, that turns into a little more than that.
Any word on if we are fortunate enough to have another Simon/Burns collaboration coming up any time soon?
Since I just recently finished watching Rome with my girlfriend, I wanted to get your thoughts on the show. Most in depth comment of yours I could find said that you could "take it or leave it." It sometimes had problems creating consistent characters, but it might have been the funniest drama HBO ever produced, and that's coming from someone who found the anti-PC and gallows humor of the Sopranos and the Wire, respectively, hilarious.
Was Life a repeat last week? You didn't talk about it so I am guessing yes, but it was listed as a newbie. I'm a day late and a dollar short as usual.
Life was a repeat last week and is new tonight. Lost was new last week and is a repeat tonight -- which is good, since I need to watch the Idol results show live for once to see if the shocking twist is going to be as insanely stupid as I fear it will be.
What do you see the late night scene looking like 5 years from now? I would assume that Letterman will be stepping down around that time. Do you think Leno will still be on the air at 9 then? Will he have moved on to ABC?
Being a huge Ferguson fan, I hope he gets to take over Letterman's show and become a sensation.
Too many shows have ruined themselves creatively by being afraid of putting their main couple together
Will politely agree to disagree with you there. With the BSG finale starting on Friday, I've got to admit I'd personally have been impressed if Ron Moore has told the Ladama shippers to get stuffed and said something along the lines of "what is it about out culture that any intimacy or attraction inevitably must end up in S-E-X?"
And a question for our host: the BSG finale -- could they do anything that won't have someone running down the information superhighway screaming "MooreRon raped my childhood for the last time!"
Any possibility of your doing posts on the original Prisoner, since AMC is streaming them and have their miniseries coming out later this year?
With "Cupid" returning from the dead soon, if it is a hit this time areound, what do you think the chances are that other shows in the "Brilliant but Cancelled" file might make a return?
What are your thoughts on the fan drives that have been popping up for cancelled shows ever since CBS agreed to bring back Jericho? A friend of mine was one of the people who sent peanuts to keep the show on the air, and we were debating whther these drives are a good thing. He said that it was good because it allowed fans to actively participate and have their voices heard by the networks. I say it is a negative because now there are drives for EVERY show that gets cancelled (and I know you caught the wrath of the Moonlight fans a while back), and the singular success of the Jericho drive for a show that was, at best, a good idea poorly executed, will give hope to people who love bad TV and possibly give bad shows a longer life. Thoughts?
Alan, you said something in your Idol recap last night about headphones which made me think "wait, is he watching TV with headphones?"
But, on a more global scale, how exactly ARE you watching most shows as far as, you know, are you just sitting on a sofa like regular schlubs? Got a secret TV screening room beneath your house, a Seppin-cave? On a laptop?
Just out of curiosity, you know, how's it work?
Any chance of you doing reviews for the Shield like you are Wire? Going over every season with an eye toward the end? I've noticed something really interesting about Season 1 for example and think it would be great to see your takes on it all knowing how it ends.
Also any word on Season 7 hitting DVD?
Any possibility of your doing posts on the original Prisoner, since AMC is streaming them and have their miniseries coming out later this year?
To answer this and any other "will you go back and revisit show X" question: I'm pretty committed to "The Wire" (which I have two more seasons to do) and "Sports Night" (which I've been promising since the early days of the writers strike) before I can even consider another series. Those reviews take a lot of time to do, so we're looking at summer 2010, at the earliest -- assuming I'm even still employed as a TV critic by that point.
Have you been keeping up with The Beast? No matter how bad the show is, I can't stop watching because of The Swazye.
Just out of curiosity, you know, how's it work?
It varies. I get some stuff in advance on DVD, some of which I watch in the office, some of which I watch at home. I watch a lot of stuff live (or on a slight DVR delay), and other things I watch on the official streaming sites the next day.
The shows I really go in-depth on ("Mad Men," "BSG") I have my laptop at the ready and am typing throughout, both a kind of transcript of what's happening and what's being said (the better to pull out good quotes later) as well as a real-time log of my reaction to things. Shows I'm less invested in or that don't lend themselves to that level of analysis, I don't bother. (I watched last night's "Reaper," for instance, while riding the exercise bike.)
As for the headphones, we wear them because my daughter's a light sleeper, and if I play the TV (regardless of what room in the house I'm in) at a volume where I can properly hear everything, it's gonna wake her up and them I'm dealing with that instead of watching "30 Rock."
Just curious if you've previewed any of the new episodes for My Boys yet? If so, are they any good?
What are your thoughts on the fan drives that have been popping up for cancelled shows ever since CBS agreed to bring back Jericho?
I think Jericho pretty much ruined the idea, because any network that gets deluged with Show-Appropriate Product X can just dismiss the campaign by pointing out that Jericho returned to even lower numbers than before it was canceled the first time.
Doesn't mean other fans won't try, but the spectacular success of the Jericho campaign to get the show back on the air, and the ensuing failure of the show to do better in the ratings, has defanged the concept.
Alan - really enjoy reading your reviews and being able to see other peoples opinions and make comments on my own greatly increases my enjoyment of the shows I watch.
I am curious though- I know you probably censor some of what you write in the comments as not to alienate your audience but you're only human. Do you have a list (either in your head or an actual physical list) of some commentors that really get under your skin either because of tone or opinion or both? (I ask this knowing full well I may be one of those that do) I guess I ask this because with the amount of comments you get it's got to be real tempting sometime to just go off - how do you control yourself?
Ever heard of an old English show called The Sandbaggers? It's about the politics behind british secret agents. It's a really really good show, but I have yet to meet anyone who has even heard of it.
Bradbury, I've heard for The Sandbaggers, but only because Greg Rucka used it as inspiration for "Queen & Country," one of my favorite comic book series.
Since I just recently finished watching Rome with my girlfriend, I wanted to get your thoughts on the show.
If for no other reason than the gladiator arena in the penultimate episode of season one, it was a show worth watching. I frickin' loved it -- smart, funny, a solid historical translation for modern times with a worthy budget to match. The Egypt stuff was fab. Also, BOOBIES.
Yeah, Adam, Vorenus shouting "Thirteenth" always gives me goosebumps.
Alan, a bit of a personal question: You occasionally mention music, such as listening to the Killers or showing your appreciation for The Hold Steady's awesome "Constructive Summer." Do you stay current with bands, and if so, who are your faves?
I know you stopped reviewing Big Love early in the season and I've been following Todd's reviews at The House Next Door thanks to your suggestion. But I'm curious if you've been following it at all and have any thoughts as the show nears its season finale. Its been fantastic all season and has to be one of the best dramas on tv right now. Even if you don't have any thoughts on it, I just hope you're watching or will catch up sometime.
haha, that is how I heard of the Sandbaggers. didn't realize you were a big comic guy, too. it's a really great series if you get to check it out, and has a good deal intrigue regarding how it ended: the creator of the show, Ian Mackintosh died in a very suspect plane crash during the shows second season. The speculation is that he was a former secret agent and that he was assassinated.
What's your feeling on shows that embrace tropes versus ones that make it their mission to subvert and deconstruct?
I'll second Bradbury's Sandbaggers recommendation. I rented it from Netflix a couple summers ago because of the Q&C connection. Seriously good, intelligent, dark stuff. They do a lot with low '70s/'80s British production values and go places many network shows wouldn't go now.
Even beyond the bromance aspects, I don't believe I've ever witnessed a more violent scene on tv than that. The skull-spike?
Alan, I got the impression from another post that you were an Alias fan. How would you rank the seasons? Did the blatantly large amount of network meddling bother you, and did you hate the finale as much as everyone else?
With Jason Issacs landing another pilot/show does that sound the death knell for Brotherhood?
Do you stay current with bands, and if so, who are your faves?
Hold Steady and Killers are about as current as I get, and in both cases I was turned on to them by people who are much more plugged-in telling me that they'd remind me of older acts that I love, like Hold Steady as a 21st century E Street Band.
My music tastes generally lean towards guitar-driven power pop, with Fountains of Wayne probably at the top of my current iPod rotation. So the stuff I like is never all that in vogue (see also Matthew Sweet, Sloan, etc.). But I'm open to new stuff. Back when I was still religiously listening to The Basketball Jones podcast, I downloaded Phoenix's "Napoleon Says" (their theme song) just because it sounded like other stuff I'm into.
I know you stopped reviewing Big Love early in the season and I've been following Todd's reviews at The House Next Door thanks to your suggestion. But I'm curious if you've been following it at all
I reviewed the road trip episode a few weeks ago (again, you can very easily search for it), and I haven't written about the ensuing episodes because there's been way too much Juniper Creek in them.
Alan, I got the impression from another post that you were an Alias fan. How would you rank the seasons? Did the blatantly large amount of network meddling bother you, and did you hate the finale as much as everyone else?
I liked Alias to a point, but I don't know that I'd categorize myself as a fan. I liked certain aspects of it (the globe-trotting, the action, Jennifer Garner undercover), but never really cared much for Sydney herself and could tell pretty early on that the mythology was being made up on the fly. I gave up on it by the time the final season began, then came back again intermittently for the end. (You can find a couple of reviews here)
Just curious if you've previewed any of the new episodes for My Boys yet?
Not yet.
With Jason Issacs landing another pilot/show does that sound the death knell for Brotherhood?
I would think Showtime would have announced a renewal by now if it was happening, but I also don't know what the contract status of the actors is. If Showtime's options on them haven't expired yet, then they still have first position; in that case, they could renew "Brotherhood" and the other pilot would have to find a new actor.
This happens all the time with actors who are on shows on the bubble. They need to hedge their bets for the following season.
I mentioned this on my Twitter feed and it doesn't feel worthy of its own post, but if you haven't already seen Jon Hamm as Lex Luthor, you simply must. That guy is awesome.
I'm pretty excited (and, I'll admit, somewhat nervous) about the upcoming "V" reboot. Have you heard anything yet, or have any thoughts on the matter? Did you enjoy the original series? And are there any other programs on the horizon for next fall that seem like they might be worth watching?
Alan you should search out and give Gaslight Anthem a listen.
Alan you should search out and give Gaslight Anthem a listen.
Thanks, though I actually picked them up on a similar recommendation a few months back. I like them.
And I've mentioned Rhett Miller (with or without Old '97s) enough on this blog that he should almost certainly get a mention in any discussion of the vaguely-current music I listen to.
Alan, not to take the discussion away from television, but what would be your list of five must-read comic series (either currently running or in trade paperback)? You allude to comics enough that I get the sense you're still consuming them regularly.
Yorick, check two open threads ago (the one with the Midnight Run picture).
Any chance we'll see more movie reviews pop up in this space, at least for films that have a connection to TV, i.e. Star Trek, Terminator: Salvation, etc? I really enjoyed your thoughts on Watchmen and am very curious to hear your opinion on Trek, once it finally hits.
Alan, thanks for the Alias link. Is there a way to specifically search tags instead of using the regular search other than modifying the tag URL?
Not that I know of, sorry.
Any chance we'll see more movie reviews pop up in this space, at least for films that have a connection to TV, i.e. Star Trek, Terminator: Salvation, etc?
I review movies on those rare occasions when I go see movies in the theater. (The Watchmen review has an "at the movies" tag that will take you to the others.) But between my job, being a dad, and the cost and generally awful experience of seeing a movie at a theater, I don't do that very much anymore.
Ok, I thought of another "NCIS" question that's been bugging me (potential spoiler from the past if you care):
When Sasha Alexander's character got killed at the end of Season 2, it happened exactly as in Gibbs' dream from Season 1, and was done by the same villain he had imagined. Was that always a plan, or just a case of a previous storyline giving them an easy out once the actress was leaving?
I know that's old, but I've only recently caught up on USA and was wondering.
PS The Hold Steady has a cover of Bruce's "Atlantic City" that you can purchase on iTunes. I like what they've done with it...
What do you think is causing HBO's current slump in developing promising dramas? Is it bad luck or something more systematic like trying too hard to create a hit like the Sopranos?
What's your reaction to the news that The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men have been renewed for 2 and 3 more seasons, respectively?
Creepier character: The Office's Creed or Chuck's Jeff? For me, it's a toss-up.
Off-topic: What's the worst and/or shortest job you've ever had?
What's your reaction to the news that The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men have been renewed for 2 and 3 more seasons, respectively?
Makes sense to me. CBS' Monday comedies are reliable money makers, and Big Bang is one of the few shows on TV to actually be up in the ratings this year. (HIMYM is another, which is why this is the first year of that show's run where I'm not too nervous about renewal.)
Creepier character: The Office's Creed or Chuck's Jeff?
Creed. Easy. Jeff may be a stalker, but he's mostly harmless. I'm still trying to figure out what Creed did to the real Creed Bratton.
Off-topic: What's the worst and/or shortest job you've ever had?
I've only ever had the one job, unless you count summer jobs in high school. I've worked here since a week after graduating college.
Repeating what hpfric (and so many others have) asked: Why is Lost a rerun tonight? What happened to the promised uninterrupted 16-episode season?
My guess: Because "Idol" moves to 9 p.m. tonight, because ABC is hoping that "Lie to Me" does so badly at 8 that they'll be switched back next week, and because the math still works out for the season to end before the TV season officially ends.
You mentioned that there was a search box on the main page but I can't seem to find it. Would you mind pointing out where it is located?
Hi, long time lurker, first time commenter. I was wondering what was going on in February, is it no longer a sweeps month? All kinds of shows had reruns (30 Rock, HIMYM, CSI, The Office (when there was a Valentines ep aired last week)), when most years February is rerun free.
It's the white box at the top with the words "SEARCH BLOG" right next to it.
I was wondering what was going on in February, is it no longer a sweeps month?
Because the digital conversion was supposed to happen in February (and could have potentially messed up ratings as people who hadn't prepared lost their TV signals), they moved sweeps this year into March.
D'oh! I'm a blind man. I was looking all over the page and the sidebar for it and didn't notice it at the top.
It's going to be much easier to find your posts now that I'm catching up on Mad Men Season One.
hey alan i notice ur blog only dates back to 2005 (dont get defensive lol). i also noticed since 05 uve done a best of list, like ur ten fav shows, u think u could do a list for like 04 and 03, not a detailed analysis of each show or even any comment on the show just a list of ten shows for the 2 or 3 years before 05?
i really respect and agree with ur tastes, the shows u choose to blog about and how u do it, thx for the the insightful analysis, it would be cool to see lists for thoose years
Excuse me coming to this late, so I will get right down to it. What is the rationale for the mid-season show? Are they shows that are hard to market due to an outside-the-box plot (like Kings) or are they utter cliches the network knows are not good enough so it dump them in the spring (like Castle)? Or is there another reason altogether? Thanks.
hey alan i notice ur blog only dates back to 2005 (dont get defensive lol). i also noticed since 05 uve done a best of list, like ur ten fav shows, u think u could do a list for like 04 and 03, not a detailed analysis of each show or even any comment on the show just a list of ten shows for the 2 or 3 years before 05?
Since this is going out for Alan to read, I'd imagine non-internet abbreviations would be preferred
Hey Alan-
Have you seen the pilot for "Glee" yet? Also, what do you think abotu Fox's decision to show only one episode and then hold off with the rest until fall?
Alan! I didn't take you for a Sloan fan. Do you have a favorite album? I'm partial to Action Pact. Also, when do you think you'll get a sneak peak at Public Service(is it still called that?)
Alan! I didn't take you for a Sloan fan. Do you have a favorite album?
I'm half-Canadian, and their style's right in my wheelhouse. Favorite album's either Navy Blues or Between the Bridges, with the latter's "Losing California" my favorite Sloan track.
When is Idris Elba(Stringer Bell) coming to the Office?
HIMYM has that huge syndication deal, part of which is contingent on them getting at least 20 more episodes. It's possible that those 20 might be it, as the show assuredly isn't cheap to produce, but given that CBS Monday is the only comedy block on TV really working from a ratings perspective now, I don't see it in trouble this year.
When is Idris Elba(Stringer Bell) coming to the Office?
March 19.
Any word on a return date for "The Dresden Files"?
whats ur favourite seasons of the shield in order? plz?
Okay, at exactly the 100th comment (and an hour earlier than originally planned, but we're running out of steam here), I'm gonna call it a day.
We'll try this again in a few weeks. It's been fun.
from the guy who posted the 99th comment:
come on i work 8 hours a day love ur blog ask one question thats easy enough to answer, that u clearly saw and decide not to answer it?
come on dont be an asshole
from the guy who posted the 99th comment:
come on i work 8 hours a day love ur blog ask one question thats easy enough to answer, that u clearly saw and decide not to answer it?
come on dont be an asshole
Yeah. That should totally go over well.
I know you haven't really written about the L Word much (if at all) but it was a show that had devotees and lasted 6 seasons. As a straight male I admit I watched it because there were hot women in love with women and what straight male is going to look away from that. But that said it was actually a decent show at times. This last week's series finale was just horrible (in a horrible season). Terrible acting, story and overall ending. I know it was never a Wire or Shield caliber show (just to name 2 shows that had series ending episodes in the recent past) but the show really deserved better. Anyone see it and what do you think.
Delivering Maybes, great song. They put on an awesome show, have you ever seen them?
sorry to have missed the open thread. maybe you could promo it in advance next time (yeah, like you didn't get enough questions from the people who were *paying attention* yesterday (don't know what I was doing. maybe I fell into facebook again))
Thanks again for the stringent spoiler rules. They are appreciated. (and Kristin and Ausiello are not - and btw, Kristin hosted something last year that said Boston Legal was "coming to the end of its seven year run." I tried to comment over ae E! but couldn't. TV Lover my foot!)
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