Because I had jury duty yesterday -- and because, frankly, I didn't really like this episode -- I'm eschewing a "Rescue Me" review this week, but feel free to talk about your own thoughts on it.
Aw c'mon Alan...not even a few bullet points?? LOL I have some!
I love how cocky Damien Lou, I look forward to the day that he is in the firehouse for good too.
Sheila is really trying to keep the crazy in check.
Yea! No Janet this week!
Loved this exchange: "OMG did you see his eye? Did he get that in the war?" "Yeah" "Which one, Korea?" "No, Trojan."
I though the conversation between Tommy and the cancer kid was really sweet, and that kid sure got some fun that day, huh?
Not my favorite episode, but I did laugh a few times, so not a total waste...LOL
so, with Damien set to join the house, and Tommy already having promised to Sheila that he will watch over him, what's the over on how long Damien makes it before he's killed off...sometime during this season or he gets to live until next??
Sure, it had a couple of bullet-pointable moments, but on the whole, nothing happened. Which might have been okay, except there's a whole lot of last week's developments that we pretty much have to forget to accept this one-off.
The whole episode was about 98% filler but I still enjoyed it. It's nice to get a break from Tommy's angst and woes once in a while and see fun stuff like everyone at the fight or all the guys in Garrity's hospital room.
Loved that there was more goofiness from the moments in Sean's room... to the kid taking the truck on a joyride with Lou hanging off the door.
Plus for once... I didn't have to see Tommy with his butt hanging out. Now had Franco got up out of bed and showed his bare butt things could have gotten interesting.
Loved how all the guys thinks Franco's new girl is playing for the home team.
And I do not like the Damien kid. At all. I am hoping my great dislike for him means he is set up for a tragic early death from the show.
I am glad to see others are baffled by Candy... and why she is back trying so hard to con Lou into marrying her. I just do not see thing ending well for him.
I thought this was somewhat of a mediocre episode. I agree with Sonia, Damien seems to very cocky, almost to an extreme. I am wondering if there isn't a bit of foreshadowing with the cockiness (SC's comment about Damien). I watched Leary on the View this week (not a show I typically watch)and he said something major is going to happen by the end of this season for the set up for the last two seasons-6&7. He obviously did not go into detail but it appeared as though it may be something tragic. I could be reading into something wrong. The last ten minutes of the show had me laughing. Talk about some comedic relief and break from Tommy's drama. The fight with Garrity in the hospital was amusing. I still love this show. Even good shows have mediocre episodes. Or have I just come to expect to that in regards to television?
Candy didn't drink in the last episode, and only lou had a glass of the wine she had out.
Pregnant! That's my guess. There is something very weird about the storyline and as we all know by now, whenever things appear "happy" in rescue me universe...something bad is around the corner.
If Candy is pregnant, she'd better sleep with Ken fast or she'll never be able to trick him into thinking it's his. Okay, maybe she'll trick him, but not the guys!
Loved how all the guys thinks Franco's new girl is playing for the home team.
Colleen's jealousy over her was amusing, but it was even funnier when Black Shawn was freaking out about discovering yet another of Colleen's "nasty" secrets.
Aw c'mon Alan...not even a few bullet points?? LOL I have some!
I love how cocky Damien Lou, I look forward to the day that he is in the firehouse for good too.
Sheila is really trying to keep the crazy in check.
Yea! No Janet this week!
Loved this exchange: "OMG did you see his eye? Did he get that in the war?" "Yeah" "Which one, Korea?" "No, Trojan."
I though the conversation between Tommy and the cancer kid was really sweet, and that kid sure got some fun that day, huh?
Not my favorite episode, but I did laugh a few times, so not a total waste...LOL
so, with Damien set to join the house, and Tommy already having promised to Sheila that he will watch over him, what's the over on how long Damien makes it before he's killed off...sometime during this season or he gets to live until next??
Sure, it had a couple of bullet-pointable moments, but on the whole, nothing happened. Which might have been okay, except there's a whole lot of last week's developments that we pretty much have to forget to accept this one-off.
Two theories. 1) Ken and Candy will marry; Candy will off Ken inheriting is retirement, etc. 2) Carla is really a guy.
In our house, the prediction is Candy has AIDS and is looking to marry Lieu for the stability, benefits, etc. and why she's been no-no on the sex...
Verification word: nonodd -- what Dolly Parton answers when asked "Are you a C?"
Candy does seem to be setting Lou up for something, I don't think its money. Perhaps she had Lou's kid while in prison?
The whole episode was about 98% filler but I still enjoyed it. It's nice to get a break from Tommy's angst and woes once in a while and see fun stuff like everyone at the fight or all the guys in Garrity's hospital room.
Dang I really liked this episode.
Loved that there was more goofiness from the moments in Sean's room... to the kid taking the truck on a joyride with Lou hanging off the door.
Plus for once... I didn't have to see Tommy with his butt hanging out. Now had Franco got up out of bed and showed his bare butt things could have gotten interesting.
Loved how all the guys thinks Franco's new girl is playing for the home team.
And I do not like the Damien kid. At all. I am hoping my great dislike for him means he is set up for a tragic early death from the show.
I am glad to see others are baffled by Candy... and why she is back trying so hard to con Lou into marrying her. I just do not see thing ending well for him.
I thought this was somewhat of a mediocre episode. I agree with Sonia, Damien seems to very cocky, almost to an extreme. I am wondering if there isn't a bit of foreshadowing with the cockiness (SC's comment about Damien). I watched Leary on the View this week (not a show I typically watch)and he said something major is going to happen by the end of this season for the set up for the last two seasons-6&7. He obviously did not go into detail but it appeared as though it may be something tragic. I could be reading into something wrong. The last ten minutes of the show had me laughing. Talk about some comedic relief and break from Tommy's drama. The fight with Garrity in the hospital was amusing.
I still love this show. Even good shows have mediocre episodes. Or have I just come to expect to that in regards to television?
Candy didn't drink in the last episode, and only lou had a glass of the wine she had out.
Pregnant! That's my guess. There is something very weird about the storyline and as we all know by now, whenever things appear "happy" in rescue me universe...something bad is around the corner.
If Candy is pregnant, she'd better sleep with Ken fast or she'll never be able to trick him into thinking it's his. Okay, maybe she'll trick him, but not the guys!
Loved how all the guys thinks Franco's new girl is playing for the home team.
Colleen's jealousy over her was amusing, but it was even funnier when Black Shawn was freaking out about discovering yet another of Colleen's "nasty" secrets.
This episode was a mediocre 45 minutes, followed by 15 great minutes of television.
If Rescue Me could actually maintain at least some level of consistency, it could be one of the greatest shows on television.
i loved this episode and I thought it was such a real moment between timmy and leary. He helped him feel and he helped him forget for a moment
@SC - I thought the same thing: Damien's toast, particularly as this show never does anything by half measures . Don't buy any green bananas, kid.
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