So, bottom three were Katie, Tim and Paige. Katie sent back to safety quickly, Paige and Tim bottom two, Paige eliminated.
The part I did see, which was interesting, is that Simon didn't even bother trying to maintain the farce that is the Judges Save. Instead, he told Paige flat out that they weren't going to use it on her before the "sing for your life" portion, and we therefore got her goodbye speech and death montage before she finally struggled her way through "All Right Now," her voice completely shot.
I know Paige's exit goes against my "better to be awful than mediocre" elimination theory, but there are exceptions, and completely losing the ability to sing was one of them. At this point, I suspect even the Paige die-hards knew they were just prolonging her misery by keeping her there.
So we're stuck with Tim at least another week (if not longer), but the clear worst person from last night went home, and that's acceptable.
What did everybody else think?
Loved Siobhan's blunt honesty that she used the screech as a crutch to make it to the tour. Hey, it's a competition at the end of the day. Girl's playing the game. Seems like her and Crystal are the only two.
We all know the judges save is reserved for Crystal or Siobhan. So I hope Simon would just cut the Sing Off crap every single episode
Siobombies? seriously?
Watching Miley Cyrus' performance (okay, half of it before grabbing my PVR remote) left me with more respect for her as a singer than I had before. She sang a difficult song without lip-synching and did a credible job of it. A pleasant surprise.
Whoever watched this instead of Modern Family wouldn't know comedy if they saw it, got distracted by a flickering light bulb, fixed said bulb, only to see the comedy again & be distracted by a broken step on the stairs.
It would be interesting to know what the actual votes were.
There wasn't enough time to sing, tell her no, watch the video in the 3 minutes left. Simon just saved time and a fine.
I love Simon. He's the only one worth listening to. Maybe Kara. Sometimes.
I think that poor girl (that was let go) simply was wornout. Her voice was wornout. She was wornout.
This year is BORING. The show is imploding.
Danny F.: agreed. It's not exactly Survivor, but strategy does help on AI and at this point I don't think most of the contestants understand that. Crystal's "I'll listen to me" was a great bit of gamesmanship as well, especially given that the judges' comments this season are all but useless.
And even though she started out horrifically flat, Paige ultimately wasn't terrible on her sing-off. It definitely was time for her to go though.
I get so confused when America gets it right...
Alan, you saw enough. The group number was horrible. I fast forwarded through Miley, Demi, Jonas and everything else, til Simon's speech to Paige, which was harsh, but spot-on.
This year is BORING
Well, that's all that really needs to be said, isn't it? I really think the producers have to grow a pair, and drag these people out of their boring-arse comfort zones by the hair. It may still be painful to listen too, but it can't get any worse. To modify Alan's "better to be hated than mediocre" survival strategy, better to have a string of irresistable hot messes that... WeverTF is going on here.
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