today's column, Shawn Ryan looks back on the run of
"The Shield" and the creative philosophy of the writers room. No spoilers for the finale (though we open with a discussion of the end of last week's episode); all that stuff will be posted on Tuesday night.
watch the final episode. For some reason I have a few friends who just don't trust me on the Shield and let this viewing pleasure drift past their lives, a shame.
That was weird, my compliment on the column was cut out. Nicely written Alan
Im glad The Shield is going out on a high note and getting a lot of recognition. The cast deserves a lot of credit and respect, but when I read in the LA Times Karnes/Pounder sayin you can no longer compare The Shield to The Sopranos and NYPD Blue it comes across as silly. The Shield might be better than NYPD Blue, its not fukkin with The Wire/The Sopranos.
This is like Chris Bosh talkin smack about LeBron and Kobe.
I'd put The Shield over The Sopranos easily, but I did begin watching Shield first.
Have not yet watched Wire.
Excellent piece, Alan. Thank you.
In regards to the above comparisons, I'd say I enjoy The Shield more than The Sopranos, although it is close.
Comparing it to The Wire, that's difficult. The Wire has more "realism", and has a more in depth treatment of social issues in America, but I have to say I enjoy watching The Shield more.
This isn't a contest though. If you look at shows like Sopranos, Shield, and Wire, everybody is going to have a different order of favorites, but we're talking about the absolute top tier of television drama here. 2nd or 3rd place ain't no insult.
For me, The Shield takes the top spot, but that's just my opinion.
I want to talk about how mediocre the finale for "Entourage" was.
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