Back in the days when The Star-Ledger had multiple TV critics and tons of space, Matt Seitz and I made it a point to review every new show at least once. Matt's gone, and the paper is smaller, so I sometimes have to let things go. But in the case of ABC's heinous new sitcom
"In the Motherhood," I at least wanted to post some kind of warning to the blog, because it is really, really atrocious. Not so-bad-it's-good. Just bad. Plain bad. Why am I watching this?-level bad. Imagine ABC's thematically-similar "Notes from the Underbelly" -- which struggled to reach levels of mediocrity -- and strip away anything that was remotely appealing about it, to the point where this one even has Rachael Harris in a recurring role and can't give her anything funny to do.
Other than the admirable physique of the incredibly-shrinking Horatio Sanz (that's him on the right, next to Megan Mullally, who plays a character that's like Karen from "Will & Grace" if she had no good dialogue to redeem her awful behavior), there's no reason to tune in, even for a moment. It's bad, people. Move on. Nothing to see here.
Don't sugar-coat it, Alan. Tell us how you really feel. ;^}
Stinks. Stinks. Stinks. Stinks.
Alan was too nice.
You have no idea how upset I am about them introducing this and knocking out Ugly Betty until sometime in May. I know Christina Applegate is a draw, but finish the Ugly Betty season at least. Even if Motherhood was a good show, I would still hate it for what it did to my Betty!
Casting Megan Mullally is essentially like naming your show DO NOT WATCH. So your warning is redundant.
Is it Kath & Kim bad?
Who has lost more weight over the past year or so -- Horatio Sanz or Seth Rogen?
The real question is- Sanz may have lost weight, but has he gained any talent?
Wasn't this show based on a web series created by Leah Remini, the most unpleasant personality in modern sitcoms?
...besides Reba McIntire, of course.
Not that I was planning to watch it, because it even looks like crap in the ads. But thanks for the warning anyway.
You have no idea how upset I am about them introducing this and knocking out Ugly Betty until sometime in May. I know Christina Applegate is a draw, but finish the Ugly Betty season at least. Even if Motherhood was a good show, I would still hate it for what it did to my Betty!
Heh. That's pretty much how I feel about Ghost Whisperer. I have no idea if it's good or bad, but it replaced Joan of Arcadia. So it's automatically hate-worthy.
At least this is a rare example of truth in advertising, because the ads were more than enough warning for me to stay far away
Hopefully Cheryl can get her job back with Larry David.
I'm already waiting for the new Ads that will air over the weekend "ABC's newest hit comedy"
If it's on against Idol's stupid one hour results show (it should be a lottery style 30 second show IMO), the show won't make it long enough to make a promo ad
What does it say about me that now I *want* to tune in?
Gotta say it somewhere: Ausiello reports that FNL is officially renewed for two seasons with the joint DirectTV/NBC deal!
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts: RENEWED!
Didn't plan on watching. Previews looked bad and that actress from Curb Your Enthusiasm bugs the heck out of me.
What's the word on The Unusuals, though, Alan. It looks like the first show on right after Lost worth my time. Plus, it doesn't look to mentally heavy, just a lighter character show, which is what I need after Lost.
There's only 5 shows worth watching on TV right now:
Lost, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, 24 and House.
The Office went downhill post Writer's Strike. Everything else is dribble... and Madmen and Dexter aren't back on air yet. And Battlestar is done, sadly.
Well, bummer.
I was actually thinking of watching the show. The point in the preview where Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl whats-her-name yells at the kids to stop yelling or they'll wake the baby made me laugh for a good five minutes, only because I do that to my own kids once a day without thinking about what I am doing. Hopefully not that shrilly, though.
Ok, I'm gonna tivo it, but I am pretty sure that Alan has ruined it for me. I'm not mad, though.
Thanks for warning the unwary Alan, although the promos were enough for me. If those clips are the best they could come up with . . .
And Fi on them for replacing Ugly Betty, if only temporarily. But that gets rid of my conflict with whether to watch Betty or Bones (or both at same time--not recommended!).
I was going to DVR based on Tom Shales' review - he really liked it. But, I find my opinions much closer aligned to yours, Alan; so I'm glad to skip it.
I can't even watch to look at Cheryl Hines?
I was going to DVR based on Tom Shales' review - he really liked it.
That's the clincher for me.
Poor Cheryl Hines...
I can't even watch to look at Cheryl Hines?
If that's your primary reason for watching, I'm not going to stop you. Just don't go in expecting actual comedy.
Thanks for the heads up, Alan! I trust 'ya. I was going to give it a try because I like the actors involved, but now I won't waste my 30 minutes.
Seriously, I cannot comprehend the Shales review. I read it, and it's like...reading a rave of "Plan 9 From Outer Space" based on its realism. I'm utterly gobsmacked, EVEN THOUGH I almost always think Tom Shales is wrong about television.
Anonymous at 1:58 pm. Re your 5 shows list, apparently you don't watch Breaking Bad. It's my current fave
I liked the web series. Chelsea Handler & Leah Remini were funny in it, to me. But the ads for ABC's version looked much much much less funny.
My favorite part of this post? No "In the Motherhood" label. That's right, it will never be mentioned here again!
To be honest, I don't think there's too much Alan could have written that would have made me want to watch it more. I'm dying to find out if it really is that terrible.
"Tom Shales gave this show a good review. And I'M...THE ONE...IN PRISON!"- Sideshow Bob
Alan, I watched it. You were right. I will never doubt again.
I was curious to see how bad it really was, but my DVR didn't record it as scheduled (go Comcast!). I guess my tv knew better than me for once!
Careful, Skipska. Next step is Cylons.
I wish I'd seen your warning before I watched it [shudder].
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