In today's column,
I check back in on "Party Down" -- which, if you've been reading
my blog reviews, you know has become one of my favorite things on TV right now. There are a few quotes from the recent interviews I did with Rob Thomas and John Enbom (viewers of the "Cupid" remake might want to pay close attention to the last one from Thomas). I had hoped to have one transcript or the other properly formatted to run tonight, but I'm not sure I'll have a chance to do that. So if you don't see one up tonight at the same time as my episode review, know that I'll put them both up (possibly as one ridiculously long combined post) with the finale next week.
I might be mistaken, but along with Netflix, I think they are showing "Party Down" on DirecTV's The 101 Network also.
We've decided to start watching based on your recommendation Alan - and because we love Jane Lynch (and Jennifer Coolidge!).
As we've seen in some of the eps (notably the one where he blows off the rich dude to hang with Constance), Kyle isn't entirely vapid.
That sucks about the "Cupid" remake. Why did they even bother to let him do it if they weren't going to support it?
I'm glad to see the show get some good press. I wouldn't expect many people to subscribe to Starz just for this show, but Netflix is making it really convenient to watch this show.
Oh, and it's nice to see Kristen Bell appear on a good tv show again. I've been having some Veronica Mars withdrawals lately.
Whaddya mean Q Ball? She was on "Heroes" for two years.
Oh, wait, you said "good tv show." Never mind. ;)
So when you namedrop Molly Parker, the first show that comes to mind is "Swingtown"? That's curious.
I've only managed to see one episode this season (the porn awards one), but I'll make a point of catching up on this show prior to next season.
I just want a moment to thank you, Alan, because without your mentioning the show a while back and your blogging, this show would have fallen off of my radar (or never been on it to begin with). It has probably been the viewing highlight of my spring, and I owe it all to you.
I'm so glad they're getting a second season, thought I would miss Constance (is there a chance Jane Lynch can still drop in next season, even with Glee, or would that be impossible?)I really like the camaradarie between Constance and Kyle, and it's a shame to lose that so quickly.
You mentioned Rudd originally being Henry, and I can totally see that. It is a Rudd kind of character!
So, will Thomas work on Party Down more next season with Enbom?
(is there a chance Jane Lynch can still drop in next season, even with Glee, or would that be impossible?)
From what I understand of the shooting schedules for the two shows, it's not a question of a conflict so much as whether Fox wants to let an actress from one of its shows to appear on someone else's series. It's an all-or-nothing thing.
Is tonight's episode already up on Netflix (or On Demand)? If so, please refrain from commenting on it until the review post goes up tonight or tomorrow morning.
So when you namedrop Molly Parker, the first show that comes to mind is "Swingtown"? That's curious.
It was more recent, and higher-rated, than "Deadwood." I think I mentioned "Deadwood" too in one draft, but cut it for space reasons.
I actually think this show is as stellar as it is because none of the writers have experience writing traditional comedy. They have fewer bad habits to have to learn to break.
I guess it depends on how you define "traditional comedy", but a lot of sitcoms--with some definite exceptions--over the last 5 years or more are hackneyed. So once they get the tradition comedy voice out of their heads and forge on, they've done great things.
I think the show goes up On Demand today, while it goes up on NetFlix tomorrow.
Seriously people, there's no reason not to watch.
It's up on Netflix Friday mornings.
Starz On-Demand puts it up very early on Fridays... the "Celebrate Rick Sargulesh" episode showed up just after midnight EST last week. :-)
Thanks, Alan, for sharing the great news about Party Down's renewal! Of course I'm sad about Jane Lynch not returning, but "Glee" is looking really, really good to me, especially after watching the longer preview over at Fox.
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