In today's column,
I talk with Ted Danson about his supporting turn on HBO's
"Bored to Death," which debuts Sunday after "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (the topic of tomorrow's column). As I say in the column, I found the show very hit-or-miss (and am not sure how often I'm going to blog about it, especially since the pilot was easily the worst of the six I've seen), but Danson is hilarious. And I don't just say that because I idolized him as Sam Malone.
As with "Community" yesterday, I'm aware HBO has put the "Bored" pilot online, but we're going to follow the usual spoiler rules around here and avoid discussing the show in any detail (beyond liked/hated) until it airs Sunday night.
61? That can't be right. Even with that white mane, he looks young. Kind of a Steve Martin vibe.
And Lord, is Danson talented. He deserves every one of his Emmys, and probably a couple more.
Were you even just a little tempted to use this picture in the banner?
Not in the least, Eric. I leave that stuff for Roger Sterling.
I love Danson. His performances are usually excellent (Becker, not quite). I'm still blown away by his performance on S1 of Damages. I'm going to give this show a chance. It has the potential to be something very good.
I had a watch of the show via the official podcast, and I'm happy to heart that the pilot was the worst episode, as I actually dug it quite a bit (yeah, it is a bit too dry at points, but some of the best use of music for a long time). Kinda weird seeing the same locations from FotC used in this, but whatever, we're in a recession.
Hopefully it does decently.
the pilot is ondemand (hd). its a good show
Do I have to wait until Sunday to keep loathing Jason Schwartzman's tremendous lack of talent? Loathing is an ongoing process and I dread interrupting it.
I think the show has some promise. It feels a little like a John O'Connor short story, or a novel of some sort.
It's a little off-putting to see Danson older and with the white hair but I am digging it. And he should grab another Emmy nom (at least) for his awesome performance. This show is growing on me. The guest stars alone are worth watching for.
I could never watch Becker. Danson seemed to hate that role, or if it was the character, I just never liked it.
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