A few weeks ago,
I noted reports that Fox was leaning towards making this season of
"24" the last one, after which Kiefer Sutherland might star in a "24" feature film.
Well, Fox made the news official a couple of hours ago, and
Denise Martin talked to Kiefer and producer Howard Gordon about the last longest day of Jack Bauer's life.
I wish I could say I was super bummed, but it is time. All good things must come to an end.
Think that last post went a little too close to the 'no politics' rule so thought I'd take it down and only say,
24 feature film? A 24 hour film would be unprecedented.
It's time. It'll probably be my all-time favorite show forever (I know "The Wire" is better and whatever, but I just have an emotional connection to this one) and Jack Bauer is one of the greatest characters ever. But it had a great run.
5 years ago I was convinced Jack would die in the last episode, but now I'm convinced he won't. I just hope he finally gets a happy ending.
Season 6 was the only one I abandoned about 6 episodes in (it just didn't do it for me after the brilliance of season 5), but besides that I've faithfully watched every season of 24 and think it's one of the most consistently entertaining (and consistently exasperating) shows on TV. I'm not sorry to see it end, because i think 8 years is a big deal for any show. I'm surprised that I'm finding this season to be as entertaining (besides Katee Sackoff's lame plot) as many of the others, and that's a huge accomplishment. Kiefer should be proud, and I'd be game for the movie if it ever makes it to production!
Jack Bauer--I hope you retire in one piece, marry Renee (if she doesn't get blown up or kill herself), and enjoy your golden years. You've earned it!
R.I.P. Jack. I loved your first three seasons.
this may be a blessing in disguise for 24. i, for one, had given up on the show months ago but i may check out a few of these last episodes knowing that they will be the last.. i'm sure many will do the same.
If you look at the way each of the previous seasons have ended, the even numbered years tend to end better for Jack.
Season 1: A despondent Jack cradles his murdered wife's body and apologizes to her through his tears.
Season 2: Jack and daughter walk off into the sunset together.
Season 3: Jack breaks down from the tensions of the day and the heroin addiction he's been battling.
Season 4: Jack walks off into the sunrise, presumed dead but alive and free. Not too bad, really.
Season 5: Uh oh, Jack's been kidnapped by the Chinese and is being carted off for tortures unknown.
Season 6 (the one that comes closest to breaking the pattern): Lonely Jack stands alone contemplating the state of his life after losing Audrey Raines forever.
Season 7: Jack's dying.
If the overall pattern holds, Jack's due for a more generous conclusion this year. I for one wouldn't mind seeing him walk off into the afternoon with Renee and maybe making arrangements to fly to LA to be with his family.
I guess Fox found the unguarded sewer tunnel under the production facilities and took everyone out.
I'll always love seasons 1-3,5. I stopped watching after the first 4 of S6 and will, most likely never finish the series, but those 4 seasons were so good.
My 24 Odyssey appears to be similar to a lot of folks':
Season 1 was a fun filled rockin' good time leave-your-brain-at-the-door thrill ride, so I tuned in for...
Season 2, which was almost but not quite as good.
I quit Season 3 after the first or second episode (can't remember), and was really bummed about the direction of the show because I'd had such fun with the first 2 seasons.
Came back for season 5 which was outstanding entertainment (and acting), but...
Season 6 was a major letdown, which was really a bummer because the dude playing the President is fiiiinnnne, and so I quit after about the 2nd episode of that...
and haven't been back since.
I've only seen the first two seasons, but thought it was the most compelling addictive stuff I've ever seen on TV. I can't imagine how they can sustain that for season after season but I'm sure looking forward to seeing.
I love the gun play.
They needed a Season Nine so that Agent Tom Baker could come back and sweep the "longest gap between appearances" record away from Milo Pressman, dammit.
I'll miss the comfort of the fantasy that Jack Bauer was out there, somewhere, protecting us.
Well, the producers finally decided to stop being 'meta' by torturing the audience with more seasons of 24. Congrats.
I love the show, but it's time. I just wish it was ending on a better season.
I'll miss the President introducing his wife, "the lovely Joanie Stubbs"... they can't take that away from me.
I remember the first time I watched 24 was during a Labor Day marathon. My family said I had to watch this show, so I sat down expecting to watch an episode or two from Day 3. 9 hours later I was cursing them for getting me hooked on the show. I don't think I got off the couch all day.
It's a pity the past couple seasons have been unable to live up to the first five. 24 will always be one of my favorite shows, but it's obvious the writers had gone to the well one too many times and were coming up dry. It's time for it to end, even though I don't think I'll quite as much look forward to Mondays without 24.
No matter how bad it's gotten, I've never stopped watching. It's been good mindless fun for awhile, but I doubt I'll miss it. Honestly, Human Target is much more entertaining and less predictable at this point.
That said, I remember watching the first season of 24 when it originally aired. I never missed a moment of an episode, which was infinitely more difficult pre-TIVO. 24 broke plenty of ground, it was the first time I felt like I was watching a summer hollywood movie for an hour every week on TV. Anyone who hasn't watched Season 1 (but has liked subsequent seasons) should go back and rent the DVDs.
This once was a great show, and it's still watchable. I'm glad it's finally ending but I'll go see the movie on the first night.
Andrew - Instead of calling it 24, I'm betting they'll just change it to 2 and a half. Or maybe 2.4. ;)
I'm sure no one is reading this at this point but in re-reading the post up above that recaps all of the different endings to the show over the past 7 seasons---you really reminded me how much i loved the ending where Jack is just alone in his car breathing in the events of the day and just completely decompressing---i thought that was a beautiful, human moment in the life of this superman type character---and i thought it was a wonderful way to end a season---i'm honestly surprised it came at the end of season 3 too--i thought it was a little later actually---but thank you whomever posted that for reminding me how much i really enjoyed that one ending. That to me was the best ending of any of the endings they've ever done--and that'll be hard to top--because life goes on no matter if agent bauer is with CTU or out of commission for good----and for this kind of show and that kind of message---that kind of moment is hard to beat.
the only OMG ending for me would be Jack switching sides, which I can't imagine with this season's bads.
It would blow some minds and make me happy in the pants, though.
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