... the CW's "Gossip Girl," which is apparently doing well enough among DVR and iTunes users -- particularly among the CW's young female target demo -- to get an early full season order. (Whether all 22 episodes will be made depends on whether there's a writers strike, which I'm really dreading.)
Technically, no cancellations yet, but I'd be surprised if Fox ever airs "Nashville" again, outsidee of an extremely low viewership night. Christmas Eve marathon, anyone?
I'm dreading the (increasingly inevitable) full season pickup of "Big Bang Theory." At least "The Class" had a generally likable cast and was trying to do something different.
And I think "Journeyman" could be yanked in a week for special new "Bionic Woman!"
You know, even though GG isn't the best show on TV (you may insert your comment here), I'm beginning to like it. It seems to have grown on me. I really appreciate the dedication to the roles of Serena and Blair the lead actresses posess. Even though the entire show is a caricature, those two seem to pull it off.
Is the writers' strike a question of when it's going to happen, rather than if it's going to happen? I'm really dreading this too.
How much should I be worrying about "Aliens In America"? Outside of "Pushing Daisies," which may not be that great past the admittedly stunning pilot, "Aliens" is easily my favorite show of the season and one that seems capable of turning out quality episodes for the long haul. But the ratings are so horrible, even by CW standards, that I'm wondering whether the network will try to nurture what many (critics at least) have regarded as a quality show or they'll put it down quickly. I hate falling for a show only to have my heart broken. What do you think?
Aliens in America is really too close to call. It loses about 400,000 from the rest of the Monday comedy bloc, but its week-to-week numbers are steady. I would guess it might get around an 18-episode pickup to see if it can rally critical support or if it will sink slowly as Everybody Hates Chris has done.
That's all strike-permitting, of course.
Big Bang's week-to-week erosions have been pretty substantial. That's a bad sign, though I'm guessing CBS will stick with it just to pick up one show, as it seems unlikely Cane will be that show and Moonlight is dependent on how it does up against the similarly-targeted Women's Murder Club this week.
re: the strike -- no one wants it but the strike authorization vote will definitely pass. It's an issue of by what margin. If it passes by 90% or more folks seem to think the AMPTP will loosen up and start to negotiate seriously. Who knows though. It's almost impossible to separate the saber rattling from the reality.
If this strike comes to pass in January instead of the summer, what will happen to all the shows that will be cut in the middle? When the strike ends, will they pick up where they left, or will this season be considered full and just move on?
It won't make much of a difference on most shows, but I'm really afraid of the repercussions over something like "Lost".
On the bright side, we'll suddenly have plenty of time in our hands to start recapping Buffy and The West Wing from the beginning. (LOL)
This may be a dumb question, but do iTunes, DVR, and online download viewings now count in the television ratings? Or is it still the Nielsen household concept? I think I'm now watching more than 1/2 of my roster via other forms of media.
I kinda like "Aliens in America," but last night I couldn't shake how much the main character and his voiceovers reminded me of a little mini-Dexter. Future serial killer, perhaps?
Aliens in America is quite funny, but is just wholly misplaced on what's historically been "Urban Comedy Night" on the CW and its predecessors. If the CW still had "Reba," that'd be a fit, but sandwiched between "Everybody Hates Chris" and "Girlfriends?" Not really a good move.
And while Big Bang has eroded week to week, it's still beating HIMYM. I wouldn't be surprised to see them try and swap the slots of those two, though allegedly, Moonves hates HIMYM.
According to the latest report I heard on the radio this morning, there's not a single new show in the Top Ten. Alan, do you know what that means for the prospects for other new shows besides Gossip Girl?
And yep, the strike will happen. Some writer friends of mine were talking this past weekend about what they will do for income once the strike hits. They didn't seem particularly enthused about it, either (more like resignation than "Yeah, strike!!!").
According to the latest report I heard on the radio this morning, there's not a single new show in the Top Ten. Alan, do you know what that means for the prospects for other new shows besides Gossip Girl?
I think it means the networks are going to have to be more patient -- especially considering the huge rise in DVR usage and the potential bumps that could appear in the ratings three weeks after a show airs, once the Live+7 numbers come out.
Regarding first cancellations, what do you think the chances that NEW AMSTERDAM will ever air? Will it be this season's STILL LIFE/REWIND/THE ORTEGAS?
Well, two new shows ("Pushing Daisies" and "Private Practice") are in the Top 20 for last week, so there's some hope. And also, as the "Gossip Girl" pickup demonstrates, it's a lot about narrowcasting. If a show can do really well in one target demo, advertisers who want to hit that demo will pay the money.
q8BVhp Thanks to author.
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